Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2595 The White Wolf with Empty Gloves! (1 update)

After putting away the Wu Lingbi that Ye Chuyan had given him, Ling Feng went to Shentu's house to look for Shentu Xuance.

As the young master of the Shentu family, Shentu Xuance should have a more detailed understanding of Xiao Wushan.

When Ling Feng found Shentu Xuance, this guy was playing with a puppet in the yard. Unfortunately, his talent in puppetry was not very good. The Shentu family leader wanted to rely on him to promote the puppetry. Failed.

Fortunately, a saint-level powerhouse has a long lifespan. The eldest son Shentu Xuance is considered useless. At the worst, he will have another son.

"Hey, Brother Ling?"

When Shentu Xuance saw Ling Feng arriving, he immediately abandoned the puppet and came towards him with a smile. He said with joy, "Brother Ling, you are such a busy man, why do you have time to come to me today?"

Over the past month, Ling Feng has been busy practicing every day, but it has indeed been a while since he saw Shentu Xuance.

"It's nothing."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "I just want to ask you about Xiao Wushan's situation."

"What? Xiao Wushan!"

When Shentu Xuance heard this, he almost jumped up. He stared at Ling Feng and stared blankly for a long time, "Brother Ling, don't tell me that you got a piece of Wu Ling Bi?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

Ling Feng took out the Wu Lingbi, "Elder Chuyan gave it to me, so I came to ask about the situation. What kind of place is Xiao Wushan?"

"Depend on!"

Shentu Xuance was so envious that his eyes were a little red, "Oh my God, you have only been in Mingguang Palace for a few days and you can get the Wu Lingbi! I... I am the young master of the Shentu family, even I am not qualified!"

"You don't have any?"

Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, but then he thought about it. There were only ten places in the entire Mingguang Hall. Although Shentu Xuance was not weak, he was not enough to rank among the top ten true disciples.

No, not surprising.

"There's a ghost!"

Shentu Xuance said with a bitter face: "If you want to win this Wu Ling Bi, you have to rely on your strength. Hey, you and Zhang Haoran are almost tied, so it is a matter of course that you can get the Wu Ling Bi."

After a pause, Shentu Xuance continued: "Either it depends on financial resources. As long as it is a first-class family in the Bright Witch Clan and is willing to spend three billion high-grade Yuan Crystals, it can also win a piece of Wu Lingbi. Moreover, only Three places are available for sale on a first-come, first-served basis. My old man missed it and was bought by someone else! "

Shentu Xuance was dejected for a while. Xiao Wushan only opened once in a hundred years. If you miss this time, you will have to wait another hundred years!

"You don't have to be too depressed."

Ling Feng raised his hand and patted Shentu Xuance on the shoulder, "I heard that there are still twenty pieces scattered outside and cannot be obtained from Mingguang Palace, so why can't they be obtained from outside?"

"Come on."

Shentu Xuance rolled his eyes, "Buy it from Mingguang Palace for three billion high-grade Yuan Crystals. If you buy it at an auction outside, you will go for five billion!"

"Who told you to buy it?"

Ling Feng grinned, "It's so pointless to spend money!"

"You!" Shentu Xuance was speechless for a moment, staring at Ling Feng and giving him a deep look, "You are really a talent!"

"Fuck with me and you'll get meat to eat!"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled, looking at Shentu Xuance's expression as if he were mourning for his heir, it seemed that Xiao Wushan was indeed a place full of great opportunities.

"Tell me, what's so mysterious about Xiao Wushan?"

Shentu Xuance nodded and began to talk endlessly.

After Shentu Xuance's narration, Ling Feng finally learned that Xiao Wu Mountain turned out to be the site of the Ancient Witch God's Temple.

In other words, it is the former site of the sect where the Witch God Temple was.

Due to a natural disaster, the old site of Xiao Wushan was reduced to ruins. However, among these ruins, many secrets and treasures of the ancient Wu Clan are still buried, which have not yet been fully disclosed to the world.

"It's interesting, Ancient Witch Clan!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, looking forward to this trip to Xiao Wushan even more.

After thinking about it, Ling Feng decided to bring Tuoba Yan with him. If he could get the Wu Lingbi for Shentu Xuance, he would naturally have a way to get one back for Tuoba Yan.

The origin of Tuoba Yan's soul is also far beyond that of ordinary people. Although he is not suitable for practicing light witchcraft, other witchcraft cannot be said for sure.

Take her to Xiao Wu Mountain, and maybe you can find a suitable opportunity for her.

The next day, Ling Feng, Tuoba Yan and Shentu Xuance set off together and walked all the way outside Mingguang City. Ling Feng stopped under the city wall again.

"Brother Ling, why don't you leave?"

Shentu Xuance turned around and glanced at Ling Feng. He rushed to the vicinity of Xiaowu Mountain in a hurry and laid an ambush first. He might be able to snatch a few Wu Lingbi back.

"Waiting for someone."

Ling Feng shrugged. He promised Ye Chuyan to take care of Ye Keren, so naturally he would not break his promise.

"Who are you waiting for?"

Shentu Xuance frowned, and a face flashed in his mind that made his calves feel slightly weak.

Shentu Xuance prayed silently in his heart that he must not be that tigress.

"She is coming!"

Ling Feng's voice was still calm, but Shen Tu Xuance looked at him and almost collapsed on the ground.

"This this……"

The corner of Shentu Xuance's mouth twitched slightly, "Brother Ling, you didn't say she was with us, so I'd better run away first!"

At this moment, Ye Keren had already walked up to Ling Feng, glanced at Shentu Xuance, and glared, "What's wrong, Shentu Xuance, are you leaving?"


Shentu Xuance's expression was a little unnatural, and he immediately forced out a smile, "Sister Keren is here, and I can't even be happy in time!"


Ye Keren snorted softly, and at this time, another voice came, "Huh? Brother Shentu, why are you here?"

Only then did everyone realize that Ye Wuxin had also come with Ye Keren.

"Little Leaf?"

Shentu Xuance's eyelids twitched, "What are you doing here!"

"Tch, my old man bought a Wu Ling Bi, so of course I'm coming. It's you!"

Ye Wuxin narrowed his eyes and looked at Shentu Xuance, "How did I hear that your father didn't buy the Wu Lingbi? You still have the shame to follow me. Why, you are going to Xiao Wushan to eat shit!"

Saying that, Ye Wuxin took out the Wu Lingbi very arrogantly and waved it in front of Shentu Xuance, making it very loud.

Shentu Xuance felt like he had eaten a cockroach. If Ye Keren hadn't been there, he would have gone crazy on the spot and fought to the death with Ye Wuxin.

Gritting his teeth, Shentu Xuance said with a dark face: "I spent three billion to get a Wu Lingbi. What's there to be proud of? I'm a free man and I didn't even spend a penny! Isn't that right? Ling Brother?"

Ling Feng shrugged and didn't say much. Speaking of it, the conflict between Ye Wuxin and Shentu Xuance actually had little to do with him.

Although this Ye Wuxin is a bit arrogant and domineering, he is not a treacherous person. As long as he doesn't act recklessly and takes him with him, it doesn't matter.

"Tch, it's true!"

Ye Wuxin didn't believe it, and just kept mocking Shentu Xuance. The two of them couldn't help but mock each other when they met. Fortunately, Ye Keren was present, and each of them burst into laughter, and the world immediately became quiet.

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