Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2604 Rely on yourself! (1 update)

At the same time, in Beiliang City, inside Fengyun Inn.

After three days of continuous study and practice, Ling Feng finally mastered the "Qian Yang Nine Refining" method of the Nine Yang Grandmaster.

I have to say that this Grandmaster of Nine Suns is indeed a holy master of alchemy.

After these three days, it can be said that Ling Feng has benefited a lot, and his understanding of alchemy has also increased.

Suddenly, Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and he felt a little restless in his heart.

"Did something happen?"

Ling Feng frowned slightly, and his infinite vision quietly unfolded, giving him a panoramic view of the entire Beiliang City.

However, he did not notice the breath of Tuoba Yan.

It turned out that Ling Feng had secretly left a ray of spiritual thought on Tuoba Yan to prevent her from being in danger.

After all, Tuoba Yan followed him all the way to the Southern Witch Territory. It was naturally impossible for him to look at Tuoba Yan all the time, so in order to prevent some accidents, he naturally had to make preparations in advance.

"over there!"

There was a flash of light in Ling Feng's eyes, and he sensed the ray of spiritual thought he had left on Tuoba Yan. The next moment, the figure turned into a ball of dim light and disappeared directly into the room.

Suburbs of Beiliang City.

The white-haired old man was incredibly fast.

Within ten breaths, Tuoba Yan saw an old and slightly rickety figure standing in front of him.

And soon, the other nine black-clothed assassins behind him also arrived and surrounded Tuoba Yan.

Such a battle is definitely not something she can handle.

This time, Tuoba Yan is in danger!

"She's actually a little girl with yellow hair!"

The white-haired old man looked indifferent, his eyes fell on Tuoba Yan, and he was slightly surprised.

According to the information they received, Liang Xiao, the three-star protector, should have been killed by a young male disciple of Mingguang Hall.

But no matter what, if the Wu Lingbi is on her, she must get it back.

"Hand over the Wu Lingbi obediently, I will leave you with a whole body!"

The old man stretched out a palm, with a tone that could not be ignored in his voice.

Tuoba Yan gritted his silver teeth and sweated slightly on his forehead.

In the current situation, he was definitely no match, but there was no way to escape.

Unconsciously, Ling Feng's figure flashed in her mind.

It would be great if Ling Feng was here. With him here, even if the sky fell, there would be nothing to fear.

Because he can always defeat opponents who are impossible to defeat.

But the next moment, Tuoba Yan shook his head again.

All along, I will only stand behind Ling Feng. Under his protection, there is no way to grow or become stronger!

"This time, I have to rely on myself!"

Tuoba Yan clutched the Underworld Sword tightly in her hand. She no longer wanted to be a burden to Ling Feng. She also wanted to become a strong person who could fight alongside Ling Feng!


The Huangquan Fairy Sword seemed to have sensed Tuoba Yan's unyielding fighting spirit, and let out a crisp sword cry that penetrated the sky.

"Hmph, it seems that you are not ready to cooperate obediently."

The white-haired old man sneered, obviously not intending to take action.

Such a yellow-haired girl is not qualified to do it herself.

"Tailon, I leave it to you!"

Among the assassins in black who surrounded Tuoba Yan with nine lives, a tall man walked out. His cold eyes, like a poisonous snake, looked up and down on Tuoba Yan.

The next moment, Tai Lung took action!

He was like the king of assassination in the dark night. The moment his body moved, his speed exceeded the limit that the naked eye could distinguish.

In Tuoba Yan's eyes, Tai Long seemed to have completely disappeared.

Sen Leng's murderous intent locked onto Tuoba Yan.


A flash of sword light passed by, and Tuoba Yan's back was cut directly with a knife. Blood spattered out, but she didn't even react.

The opponent's speed was too fast, like a cat and a mouse, completely toying with her.


The remaining assassins in black laughed loudly.

Tai Lung is the little leader among them. He is the strongest and is known for his speed. He also likes to torture his prey to death.

This woman is afraid that she will be destroyed by Tai Lung.

What a pity for such a stunning beauty!

Tsk tsk tsk!

Three more knives, Tuoba Yan's arms and left shoulder were all scratched by Tailong's blade, and the bright red blood dyed her dress bright red.

Tick ​​tock!

Tick ​​tock!

Drops of blood slid down her fingertips.

The opponent's speed was so fast that she didn't even have the slightest time to react.

"No, I can't just be beaten passively!"

Tuoba Yan bit her silver teeth lightly, and the Huangquan spiritual power in her body suddenly burned, and a bright yellow flame seemed to ignite around her.

In an instant, tyrannical power spurted out from his body like a flow of magma, and a hot and powerful feeling swept through his body in an instant.

Her body also contains the powerful spiritual power of the Underworld Fruit. It took Ling Feng countless efforts and a lot of wealth to finally cultivate this Underworld Fruit. How could it be an ordinary product?

The power contained in it was enough to completely transform her.

The current Tuoba Yan actually contains endless potential, and has even surpassed most of the gods!


The sudden explosion of Tuoba Yan made the killers of Wanling Palace show a look of horror.

It was like a little kitten that could only be slaughtered by others, but suddenly transformed into a fierce tiger.

"Humph, it's just a dying struggle!"

Tai Long snorted. Although Tuoba Yan's aura was several times more powerful, a half-saint was only a half-saint after all!

"Is it?"

Tuoba Yan took a deep breath, "Then, you accept my sword!"

Under the increase in Huang Quan's spiritual power, Tuoba Yan's speed finally managed to keep up with Tai Long.

In an instant, the Qi machine locked Tailong, Tuoba Yan raised the Huangquan Fairy Sword high, and used the Xuantian Poyun Sword again.


The void trembled, and the light around Tuoba Yan almost turned into a beam of light, rising into the sky!

Tuoba Yan's momentum suddenly changed, completely different from before.

Tai Lung's eyes lit up and he murmured to himself: "It seems to be a very powerful secret technique! We can't kill this woman. If we capture her alive, maybe we can get this secret technique!"

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