Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2605 You were so powerful just now! (2 updates)

According to the rules of their Ten Thousand Spirits Hall, whoever captures a prisoner, then all the wealth on the prisoner's body belongs to the person who captured him.

In other words, if he could capture Tuoba Yan, except for the Wu Lingbi, everything else would belong to him.

Including the secret skills and techniques on Tuoba Yan!

If there is only one dead person left, then he may not have a chance to obtain the secret technique from Tuoba Yan.

Thinking of this, Tai Lung decided to capture this woman alive first.

As soon as his figure flashed, he had already stepped in front of Tuoba Yan and decided to capture her.

I have to say that he made this decision very stupidly.

If he releases his witchcraft from a distance to bombard Tuoba Yan, Tuoba Yan may be in danger.

But if you want to get past Tuoba Yan's Xuantian Poyun Sword and get close to Tuoba Yan, that is tantamount to self-destruction.

Is Xuantian Poyun Sword an ordinary swordsmanship?

The swordsmanship from the Immortal Realm should not be taken lightly.

A sword seemed to split the world and cut off rivers. Feeling unprecedented power, Tuoba Yan was slightly dazed.

"Is this my power?"

She had never realized that she had such terrifying power.


Tai Long sneered, a mere half-saint, even if he had some trump cards, could not defeat a saint-level powerhouse like himself!


Getting closer!

Tuoba Yan's Xuantian Poyun Sword has almost invaded Tai Long.

Tai Long crossed the long knife in his hand, originally thinking that he could slash Kaoba Yan's sword light with one strike. However, at this moment, he realized that the situation had exceeded his expectations.

Although this woman's swordsmanship seems very simple, it seems to have an invisible magic power.

It seems to contain some kind of great truth, and it seems like the supreme law of this world.

He was actually allowed to avoid it!

How could sword skills from the Immortal Realm be ordinary?

Xuantian sword power explodes!


There was a strong collision, a terrifying power shock erupted, and the long knife in Tailong's hand shattered instantly!

The violent sword power went against the trend, making half of his body numb.

"How is that possible... Poof!"

Tai Lung spurted out a mouthful of blood. He underestimated the enemy and did not expect that the weak woman in front of him, who looked almost frail, could actually burst out with such power!

"Tailon was defeated!"

Seeing Tai Lung vomiting blood and flying backwards, all the assassins in black around them had their eyelids twitching wildly.

Even the white-haired old man had an expression of disbelief.

A mere half-saint could actually defeat Tai Lung?

Could it be that she killed Liang Xiao, the three-star protector?


The old man shook his head. The power of Tuoba Yan's attack was indeed very strong, but it was not enough to shake a three-star guardian level master.

"Damn it, unforgivable! Unforgivable!"

Tai Long went completely crazy, and the muscles on his face became extremely ferocious.

"I'm going to tear you to pieces alive!"

Tai Lung roared and pounced forward again. Now, he has completely lost his mind. He wants to capture her alive. He just wants to brutally kill this woman who has disgraced him!

"Who are you going to tear into pieces?"

At this moment, a cold voice came, and in Tuoba Yan's eyes, there was a hint of splendor in the valley.

he came!

Tuoba Yan clenched her pink fist tightly. The battle just now had almost exhausted her, and she had lost the strength to fight again.

Fortunately, he is here.

As long as he is by your side, you will be safe even if the sky falls.


Tai Lung was like an angry bull, following the sound, but before he could see the person clearly, he saw a purple light bursting out from the void.


The next moment, Tai Lung's head exploded like a watermelon, and his tall body fell straight down.

A face-to-face encounter, Tai Lung, died!

Everyone was alert, looking around nervously at the other party's strength.

Only the white-haired old man snorted coldly and said with a faint smile: "The real master is finally here!"

He knew that with Tuoba Yan's strength, it was impossible to kill Liang Xiao, so there must be masters behind Tuoba Yan.


The white shadow flashed, and the next moment, Ling Feng appeared next to Tuoba Yan.

Ling Feng frowned again when he saw the knife wounds on Tuoba Yan's body that were almost bone-deep.

He took out a bottle of elixir from the Naling Ring and handed it to Tuoba Yan. Ling Feng said with a hint of blame: "In the future, don't run out alone, you know?"

Tuoba Yan took the elixir, bit his lip, and felt the concern in Ling Feng's words. He didn't say anything, but nodded stiffly.

This idiot, is he feeling sorry for himself?

"You were very powerful just now."

Ling Feng turned back and glanced at Tuoba Yan. He had actually arrived for a while. He didn't expect that Tuoba Yan, who had fully inspired Huangquan's spiritual power, would actually have such strength.

The Fruit of the Underworld is indeed a good thing!

Hearing Ling Feng praising herself, Tuoba Yan's pretty face blushed slightly, but she couldn't help but glared at Ling Feng, "What's the use? The opponent I tried my best to defeat was not killed by you instantly." "


Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, patting Tuoba Yan's shoulder gently, "Leave it to me next."

Seeing Ling Feng and the two chatting away as if no one was watching, the white-haired old man suddenly frowned, "Boy, don't be too arrogant?"

"Are you arrogant?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and reached out to grab Tuoba Yan. The next moment, he took Tuoba Yan with him and turned into a stream of light, disappearing in front of everyone's eyes.

What he used was the Jiuyou Instant Body Technique. In the blink of an eye, it was like evaporating out of thin air, making it impossible for anyone to detect the auras of Ling Feng and the other two.


The white-haired old man frowned, could the other party just run away like that?

However, they searched for a long time in a radius of hundreds of miles, but they could not find the other party's aura at all.


The white-haired old man cursed loudly, and had no choice but to return to the spaceship with his black-clothed killer.

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