Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2606 Crystal Energy Cannon! (3 updates)

"Ling...Ling Feng...hiss..."

Tuoba Yan was caught by Ling Feng. Because Ling Feng was too fast and the wound was affected, he couldn't help but gasp.

"Are you OK?"

Ling Feng then stopped and helped Tuoba Yan sit down. He saw that the wound behind Tuoba Yan was open and bleeding. He quickly stretched out his hand and tapped a few times to seal everyone's blood vessels.

"I'm okay."

Tuoba Yan bit his silver teeth and said, "Why did you run away suddenly? This is not your style?"

With Ling Feng's strength, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with those killers from Wanling Palace.

"First of all, I can't let go when you are there. Secondly, those are just minions. They are not the only targets of mine."

Ling Feng glanced at Tuoba Yan and said, "Okay Yan'er, it's safe here. You can go back to the city to find Brother Shentu and the others. Anyone who dares to hurt me, I'm going to fight those guys from the Hall of Ten Thousand Spirits!"

As soon as these words came out, Tuoba Yan's pretty face suddenly turned red, almost bleeding, and in a voice as thin as a mosquito's groan, he hesitated: "Who...who is your person!"


Ling Feng blinked, "What's wrong? Is there any problem? Master Duanmu, Mr. Yan, Xiaofan, Bufan and Brother Shentu, aren't you all people around me?"

"This...this kind..."

A trace of disappointment clearly flashed through Tuoba Yan's eyes. He gritted his teeth, pushed Ling Feng away angrily, and hummed softly: "I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me anymore!"


Ling Feng was confused for a while. How could this woman fall out so easily?

"Then I'm leaving!"

After Ling Feng finished speaking, it turned into a rainbow, and with a swish, it flew towards the suburbs where the battle took place before.

"you you……"

Seeing that Ling Feng actually abandoned him like this, Tuoba Yan was so angry that he stamped his feet repeatedly, "Just leave if I tell you to. I've never seen you listen to me like this!"

On the other side, Ling Feng was like a divine weapon descending from the sky. After instantly killing Tai Long, he flew away with Tuoba Yan.

The white-haired old man and his men searched for a while but to no avail, and then flew back to their airship.

When Young Master Bai saw that the white-haired old man had returned without success, he immediately became furious.

"Everyone is a loser!"

Bai Feng coldly stared at the white-haired old man and said bitterly: "Xiang Protector, can't you solve even a mere semi-saint?"

"No, Mr. Bai, not just a half-saint."

Xiang Protector tightened his fists and said in a hateful voice: "Another young man came behind him. This man was weird. First, he didn't know what method he used, but he killed Tai Long instantly. Then he brought the half-saint with him. In the blink of an eye, he killed Tai Long. Disappeared without a trace, this... subordinate is also helpless! "


Bai Feng snorted coldly and took out the Wu Ling Bi from his arms, "The Wu Ling Bi's induction is still there, and the opponent hasn't gone far yet! Chase him!"


A look of embarrassment appeared on Protector Xiang's face, "Young Master Bai, I don't recommend chasing after him. That half-saint is nothing, but the young man who came behind him is really not easy. I still suggest that you ask for help from the main altar immediately. Only by sending more nine-star guardians can we be sure of success!"


Bai Feng coldly snorted and reprimanded loudly: "Xiang Protector, you are really getting better and better! How capable is that kid that he can still run away? Since he ran away, it means that he is nothing more than that! Okay, I am The young man has made up his mind, this guy dares to kill my people in Wanling Hall, he must be eradicated completely!"


He sighed softly to the protector. This young man Bai was the great-great-grandson of a senior elder in the Hall of All Souls. He was extremely talented and at a young age, he had already climbed to the same six-star protector position as him.

Moreover, due to his special status, even he could only obey Bai Fenghan's orders.

"That kid can't run away!"

Bai Fenghan snorted, "They will definitely hide in Beiliang City. Let's go to Beiliang City!"

"Hey, you guys, are you looking for me?"

Suddenly, a joking voice came. Naxiang Protector's eyelids twitched, and he immediately became on guard. At the same time, he yelled, "Young Master Bai, be careful, it's that kid!"

Protector Xiang will naturally never forget this voice.

He is back!

That kid is back!

The next moment, a cold and arrogant figure was seen standing on the bow of the airship. Everyone looked at it with horror.

They didn't realize at all how the other party came close.

This is the power of Jiuyou Divine Clan's Jiuyou Instant Technique. Jiuyou Clan is good at controlling wind and thunder.

The power of the wind protected Ling Feng, preventing him from even a trace of breath or fluctuation being exposed.

Unless these people also have the same extraordinary spiritual sense as Ling Feng, it is impossible to discover him.

"I heard you were looking for me. Why, are you so surprised to see me?"

Ling Feng crossed his arms, with a hint of teasing on his lips.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

The next moment, a full fifty or sixty assassins in black flew out from the inner compartment of the spaceship, all of them saint-level!

Of course, most of them are false saints with illusory realms!

With the methods of Wanling Palace, fake saints are produced in batches, so it is not surprising that there are so many saint-level powerhouses.

"What a big battle!"

Ling Feng turned over and jumped out from the deck. However, Bai Fenghan did not give the order to chase him. Instead, he sneered and waved his hand.


Then, there was a muffled sound, and two huge turrets stretched out from the left and right sides of the spaceship.

Crystal energy cannon!

Yes, these are exactly two crystal energy cannons, super crystal energy cannons that are enough to make the powerful upgraders fall!

After tens of millions of years of development, the art of puppetry in the Southern Witch Region has reached its peak.

In a small place like the Tianbai Empire, there are magic crystal cannons that can be opened with the help of the power of the Yuan Stone. In the Southern Witch Territory, this technology has naturally been developed to the extreme.

In the Southern Witch Territory, the number of saint-level experts certainly represents the strength of a force.

But there are always resources, which are also an important criterion for judging strength.

Crystal energy cannon!

Each crystal energy cannon costs a lot of money, and there are actually two cannons on this All Souls Palace airship!


The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up, and he saw that the two black muzzles were completely locked on him.

Although Ling Feng didn't know the specific power of this crystal energy cannon, a sense of crisis had arisen spontaneously.

These two cannons are probably not easy to mess with!

"Boy, go to hell and regret it!"

Bai Fenghan laughed ferociously, waved his hand, and roared loudly: "Fire!"

The next moment, at the muzzles of the two cannons, a ball of extremely compressed light became more condensed and more violent. It was about to erupt out along the dark barrels.

However, at that critical moment, everyone only saw an extremely dazzling golden light covering Ling Feng's body.

In an instant, the figure of the handsome young man in front of him swelled in the wind, and in the blink of an eye, he had turned into a golden-haired giant ape, more than a hundred feet tall!

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