Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2607 Tear apart the spaceship with your hands! (1 update)

"He...he is a demon?"

On the airship, the killers from the Hall of All Souls were all shocked.

The violent aura emanating from Ling Feng was almost suffocating!

"Monster clan? I've blinded you!"

Ling Feng let out a high-pitched roar, and the air wave emptied out, creating a violent wind.

The next moment, Ling Feng's two huge palms directly grabbed the bow of the spaceship.

This huge airship looked like a toy in front of Ling Feng's huge body, and Ling Feng stood upright.



Two crystal energy cannons were fired directly into the sky, and two extremely condensed beams of light shot straight into the sky like two sky pillars.

Then, in the nine heavens, extremely gorgeous fireworks broke out.

"Haha, interesting!"

Ling Feng laughed loudly, using his hands hard, the hard hull, like a biscuit, was directly broken into pieces by Ling Feng!



The 100-meter airship was torn apart violently, and the assassins in black on the airship who had no time to escape were crushed into a ball of minced meat by Ling Feng!


The screams came one after another, and for a time, there were countless casualties.

"This cannon is good, it belongs to me!"

Ling Feng opened his bow left and right and threw the broken airship aside. At the same time, he also didn't forget to pull down the two crystal energy cannons and put them into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace without any ceremony.

These two crystal energy cannons are good things, and they might come in handy at critical moments.

On the airship, Bai Shaobai Fenghan was so angry that he was shaking all over, but he did not dare to stay on the airship. He exploded with all his strength and rushed out of the airship.

Protector Na Xiang reacted very quickly and quickly followed Bai Fenghan to fly away from the spaceship. However, the luck of their subordinates was not so good.

Most of the forty or fifty elite subordinates were killed or injured before they could take action.

Amidst the rumbling sound, the airship that was split in half accelerated and fell, and finally landed on the ground. A huge roar sounded, the ground shook, dust flew, and the dust smoke rolled up hundreds of meters high, like a huge wave.

Bai Fenghan's face was livid, half angry and half distressed.

What kind of monster is that kid? He actually tore apart a spaceship with his hands!

This spaceship is expensive to build, costing more than 20 billion yuan crystals!

The Protector Xiang's face was full of gloom, and the remaining All Souls Killers who had managed to escape the disaster also had angry faces.

Together, they have so many saint-level powerhouses and a spaceship equipped with two crystal energy cannons, which is enough to kill ordinary saints!

However, with such a lineup added together, a boy who was considered to be in the early stage of Saint level not only destroyed their spaceship, but also killed dozens of elite killers in the spaceship!

While they were furious, they were also frightened.

This feeling of both anger and joy made them feel very aggrieved and uncomfortable.

However, before they could react, there was another wave of terror behind them.

I saw two dark cannon barrels, already aimed at these people, it was their crystal energy cannon!

After all, Ling Feng had obtained the true biography of "Crazy Wu Lang" and had quite a bit of research on the machine puppets.

The structure of these two crystal energy cannons is not complicated. You only need to charge the cannons with condensed yuan crystals to emit condensed yuan energy beams. It is a kind of energy with full destructive power.

But at this moment, Ling Feng used his own methods to retaliate, and the two crystal energy cannons were aimed at the killers of Wanling Hall, making them tremble all over.

"Hey hey hey! Are you ready?"

Ling Feng, who transformed into a giant ape, looked very relaxed even when carrying two crystal energy cannons. One on the left and one on the right, he aimed at the All Souls Killers, with a playful arc on his ferocious face.

"Little brother, it's easy to discuss! Everything is easy to discuss!"

Protector Xiang froze. The crystal energy cannon was no joke. Even though the two cannons shot into the sky just now, they just blew up a lonely place. The sparks they released seemed quite pretty.

It wouldn't look good if it exploded on someone!

All the All-Soul Killers were so breathless that they didn't dare to take a breath. The feeling of being pointed at by a crystal energy cannon was absolutely suffocating.

Tick ​​tock!

Big drops of sweat rolled down from Bai Fenghan's forehead.

"It seems like this cannon is really powerful!"

Ling Feng squinted and smiled, "How about it, tell me, what is the purpose of you people from Wanling Hall coming here!"

"Boy, you have to think clearly about the consequences of being an enemy of All Souls Hall!"

Bai Fenghan threatened with hatred: "I, the Hall of Ten Thousand Spirits, are not easy to offend!"


Ling Feng looked up to the sky and laughed, "What, am I not the enemy of Wanling Hall now? Do you think I am really joking with you?"

Ling Feng shrugged, "Well, no matter what you are here to do, if you shoot it down, the world will be clean!"

After finishing speaking, the two cannons in Ling Feng's hands began to compress the Yuan Jing, and two dazzling beams of light were already formed in the barrels.

"not good!"

"Run away!"

Those All-Soul Killers, all with earth-colored faces, were running wildly in all directions.

"Run quickly, Mr. Bai!"

Protector Xiang was so frightened that he grabbed Bai Fenghan's shoulder and took out a talisman. The talisman burned and tore the void directly, teleporting the two of them away.


In an instant, the crystal energy cannon blasted out.


The two cannons were fired in unison, and in the distance, a mountain with a height of 10,000 feet was directly flattened to the ground, along with dozens of miles of surrounding forest, turned into scorched earth.

On top of the scorched earth, there were still raging flames burning. The power of these two cannons was simply terrifying!

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, this cannon is so powerful!"

Ling Feng grinned, put away the cannon, and at the same time deactivated the Chaos True Form, turned around and flew towards Beiliang City.

Although he also saw Bai Fenghan and Naxiang Protector fleeing, the other party was using a random teleportation talisman and he could not lock it.

If you run away, run away. Anyway, sooner or later, we will meet these guys again in Xiaowushan.

Next time, they won't be so lucky.


A loud noise exploded, and the sound gradually faded away, while Bai Fenghan and Naxiang Protector had left the place through the random teleportation talisman.

Unfortunately, the luck of their subordinates is not so good. This kind of life-saving random teleportation talisman is extremely expensive, and it is naturally impossible for ordinary disciples to have it.

And with their speed, no matter how fast they ran away, it was impossible to escape the lock of the crystal energy cannon.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Bai Fenghan was so angry that he gritted his teeth and went crazy with anger. He had gone out many times to perform tasks for the Hall of All Souls, and he had never been so aggrieved.

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