Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2608 Testing the cannon! (2 updates)

"Mr. Bai, what should we do now?"

Protector Xiang's face was slightly pale. In order to protect Bai Fenghan, he blocked Bai Fenghan with his own body. At the moment when the crystal energy cannon exploded, he was more or less injured.

It was so vast that there was an entire airship and fifty or sixty elites from the Hall of All Spirits, but in the end only two of them were left.

Going after that Mingguang Palace disciple again to cause trouble?

He didn't have the courage anyway.

Not to mention that the other party has two crystal energy cannons in his hands. Even if they don't, with their strength, tying them together may not be able to do anything to the other party.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Bai Fenghan's face was livid, and he was gritting his teeth. His heart was full of hatred and rage, and he almost burst out of his eyes.

However, although he was angry, he did not have the courage to look back.

go back?

Are you kidding me? That's not to die!

"Disciples of Mingguang Hall..."

Bai Fenghan drew his sword and slashed everywhere, splitting the ground around him into cracks. He stopped after a while and said, "I will never let you go!"

Protector Xiang sighed softly, "Xiao Wu Mountain is about to open. The boy who appears here at this moment must also go to Xiao Wu Mountain. We must report this matter to the main altar as soon as possible, otherwise we may ruin the important matter of the Lord of the Palace. !”


Bai Fenghan flicked his sleeves, "Don't I know this, and I still need you to remind me?"

Bai Fenghan tightened his fists and gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go!"

Beiliang City, Fengyun Inn.

In the lobby, a girl wearing a snow-white dress frowned, seeming to be waiting for something.

This girl was naturally Tuoba Yan. After she came back, she had put on clean clothes. Although she was still injured, she couldn't calm down and meditate without seeing Ling Feng come back.

"Miss Tuoba, are you saying that Brother Ling is facing off against those from Wanling Palace?"

Shentu Xuance was also on the side. Seeing Tuoba Yan nodding, he couldn't help but frown and hummed: "The movements of this Ten Thousand Spirits Hall are getting bigger and bigger. It's strange, why did I never do it before?" I have never heard of such a force.”

"Ten saint-level masters are just ordinary killers! This is not something that ordinary forces can cultivate."

The Ye family siblings also showed a hint of shock.

The foundation of the Ten Thousand Souls Palace is deeper than they imagined.

"Otherwise, let's go and have a look, too?"

Shentu Xuance looked at Ye Keren with a questioning look.

Now that Ling Feng is gone, Ye Keren is of course the boss.

"forget it."

Ye Keren bit her lip. If there was such excitement in normal times, she would naturally have to join in. But in the past few days, she had been beaten to pieces by Ling Feng. Her self-confidence was frustrated in her eyes, and she almost doubted her life.

So for a long time, I almost lost interest in anything.

"Sister Keren, I can understand your current mood."

Shentu Xuance took a deep look at Ye Keren. He was not like this when he was on Alcatraz Island.

That freak Ling Feng, if you compare yourself with him, you are asking for trouble and humiliation!

"There were several earth-shaking noises just now outside the city. I'm afraid Brother Ling took action. But to make such a big noise from such a distance, Brother Ling couldn't have dug a hole in the sky, right?"

Shentu Xuance swallowed hard and thought about it, it was really possible.

After all, Ling Feng was a man who survived four calamities of life and death when he was promoted to the Saint level!

"It's not that exaggerated!"

At this moment, a joking laughter came from outside the inn door, "It just flattened a few mountains."

The person coming was not Ling Feng.

"Ling Feng, you didn't..."

Tuoba Yan suddenly stood up from his seat, glanced at Ling Feng, and saw that he was unharmed, and swallowed the next few words.

"Don't worry, I can do anything."

Ling Feng looked at Tuoba Yan and nodded slightly towards her. Seeing her weak look, Ling Feng couldn't help but frown, "If you're injured, why don't you go back and have a good rest? What are you doing sitting here? "

Tuoba Yan bit his silver teeth and said nothing. He just looked at Ling Feng angrily, leaving Ling Feng confused again.

On the other hand, Shentu Xuance walked up, rubbing his hands together, "Brother Feng, you brought back a Wuling Bi for Miss Tuoba last time. This time, ahem, is it my turn?"

"The Wu Ling Bi is gone. Just wait for the one that will be auctioned in a few days."

Ling Feng patted Shentu Xuance on the shoulder and said calmly: "Anyway, haven't I prepared the Yuan Jing for you?"


Shentu Xuance suddenly burst into tears. Who can say for sure about things like auctions? The best thing to do is to get the Wu Ling Bi.

Looking at Ling Feng with extremely sad eyes, Shentu Xuance looked at Ling Feng and said: "Brother Feng, you won't go back empty-handed. Please support your brothers again. When you get home, I will definitely ask my old man to help you." You make up for it!”

“It’s not enough to arrive empty-handed.”

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said with a faint smile: "I got back two crystal energy cannons this time!"

"Crystal energy cannon!"

For a moment, both Shentu Xuance and the Ye family siblings almost jumped up.

Ling Feng actually snatched back two of these important strategic materials at once!

This kind of cannon costs over one billion yuan crystals each to build, not to mention that it is a big user of yuan crystals. Once blasted out, even a million yuan crystals will not be able to withstand it.

What shocked them even more was that the other party had such a heaven-defying thing as a crystal energy cannon. How did Ling Feng get it back?

This monster!


In the blink of an eye, seven days passed.

This day was also the day when the Wu Ling Bi was auctioned at the Beiliang City auction house.

In the past few days, in addition to studying Qianyang Jiulian's alchemy techniques, Ling Feng also put some thought into slightly improving the two crystal energy cannons based on Crazy Wulang's experience with the puppet machine.

It can be said that in the past few days, Ling Feng's life has been extremely "fulfilling".

Then, in the second half of the night in Beiliang City, there would often be a sudden "boom" explosion, which would startle the entire city and disturb people's dreams.

The next day, several more mountains in the suburbs were bombarded to the ground.

This is Ling Feng testing the cannon.

Over the past few days, Ling Feng spent a lot of Yuan Jing on research. However, his wealth and energy were not in vain. The power of the Jing Energy Cannon was increased by a full 50%, and the firing speed was also doubled. .

If they meet Bai Fenghan and those guys, they may not even have a chance to take out the teleportation talisman, and they will die immediately under their own cannon.

My own experiment can be regarded as a breakthrough success.

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