Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2609 Xiao Wushan Qi! (3 updates)

"Brother Ling!!!"

As soon as Ling Feng opened the door, he saw Shentu Xuance standing outside the door with a resentful look on his face, "In the past few days, just think about how many Yuan Jings you have destroyed, and it's all money!"

"It's normal to spend some money on experiments."

Ling Feng shrugged and looked at Shentu Xuance with a smile, "What's wrong, Brother Shentu, the auction is about to start, aren't you ready?"

"I'm here to borrow money from you, aren't I?"

Shentu Xuance said with a bitter face: "I'm afraid I won't be able to get this five billion Wuling Bi. Brother Feng, you have to support me then!"

"I'm afraid it's difficult."

Ling Feng shrugged helplessly, "I've blasted out all the usable Yuan Jing in the past few days. Let me tell you, shooting off cannons is really addictive. Otherwise, why don't you go try it with me tonight?" Try it, it’s very enjoyable! But bring your own Yuan Jing!”


Shentu Xuance almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, "You're not firing off a cannon, you're burning money!"

"There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain."

Ling Feng patted Shentu Xuance on the shoulder, "If it doesn't work out, there's still Brother Ye, he's rich!"

"Borrow him money?"

Shentu Xuance was so angry that he was shaking all over, "I said, even if I, Shentu Xuance, starve to death, I will never lend him a copper even if I jump from here!"

An hour later, inside the auction house.

"Fifty-one hundred and twenty million! The first time for fifty-one hundred and twenty million!"

The auctioneer had an extremely excited expression on his face. This Wu Ling Bi had already exceeded the high price of five billion. Although he had expected it for a long time, when it actually reached this price, he was still very excited.

The person bidding was a young man from the Fire Witch Clan. The Fire Witch Clan was also where many talented alchemists emerged.

And alchemist often means wealth!

The young man from the Fire Witch Clan obviously had a nervous look on his face.

Obviously, this price is already the limit of what he can bear.

Shentu Xuance clenched his fists tightly. His quotation was 5.11 billion, which was just a little bit off, just a little bit off!

"Brother Ling..."

Shentu Xuance looked at Ling Feng, "My brother Feng, you are my brother, please support me brother!"

Brother Ling looked helpless, "I just lent you my last 100 million, and I spent all my money!"

"Hey hey hey!"

Ye Wuxin walked over with a smile, "How about it, little brother Shentu, call Brother Ye to come and listen, and I won't charge you any interest."


Shentu Xuance was so angry that his face turned red. At this time, the auctioneer had already shouted, "Fifty-one hundred and twenty million, twice!"

"Brother Ye!"

Shentu Xuance's integrity suddenly turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"You are my brother, please lend me some money!"

For Wu Lingbi, Shentu Xuance had no choice but to risk his old face.

Shentu Xuance raised a finger slowly and said, "One hundred million, go and bid!"

Shentu Xuance immediately shouted excitedly, "Fifty-two billion!"

At the last moment, Shentu Xuance received 100 million support from Ye Wuxin and finally won the Wu Lingbi.


As the auctioneer knocked the hammer lightly, Shentu Xuance finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"I, Shentu Xuance, even if I starve to death and jump from here, I will not borrow a copper from Ye Wuxin! Pfft... Hahaha!"

Ye Wuxin on the side imitated Shentu Xuance's tone and repeated the words Shentu Xuance had vowed that day. Before he finished speaking, he was already laughing.

"Humph, a real man, capable of bending and stretching!"

Shen Tu Xuance's face turned red, and he stared at Ye Wuxin with gritted teeth, "Little Ye Zi, don't be proud! Don't forget, Brother Ling has become a true disciple, you still owe me ten grandpas!"

Ye Wuxin was halfway laughing when he heard these words and his face froze, "Huh, I don't want the 100 million copies anymore. That bet is over!"

"You have a beautiful idea, I have to pay back the money! Grandpa, you have to scream!"

"You are not allowed to pay back the money!"

"I have to pay back the money! I'm going to sell all my underwear now. You have to call me grandpa today!"

"I don't allow you to sell your underwear, and I don't allow you to pay back the money!"

"I insist on selling my underwear, and I insist on paying back the money!"

Ever since, the two of them started arguing loudly, and the topic of the argument seemed to be moving in some strange direction, getting further and further away.

"Two idiots!"

Bang bang!

Two explosive chestnuts hit their heads respectively, but it was Ye Keren who made a strong move.

The world is finally quiet.

After the auction, Ling Feng and his party rested for another night in Beiliang City, and headed towards Xiao Wushan the next day.

Xiao Wushan is not far from Beiliang City, but the specific opening time is not known, but it is possible any day within this month.

On this day, it was already the third day that Ling Feng and his party arrived at the foot of Xiaowu Mountain.

"Hey, it's been three days!"

Shentu Xuance leaned against a big tree and said with a bored expression: "When will this little Wushan be opened?"

He was playing with the Wu Ling Bi in his hand. This was something he had sacrificed his "dignity" for, so it was naturally extremely precious.

Suddenly, Wu Lingbi seemed to hear Shentu Xuance's complaint, and suddenly there was a "buzz" and a faint luster, which shocked Shentu Xuance.

"Wu Lingbi has responded!"

Then, Ling Feng, Ye Wuxin, Ye Keren and Tuoba Yan's injured Wu Lingbi also shook slightly.

Suddenly, the light on the Wu Ling Bi broke away and condensed into a beam of light, which shot towards the eyebrows of several people.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely magnificent and majestic scene appeared in my mind.

It was a mountain, and with the vibration of the mountain, a different kind of cave was revealed in the mountain peak.

There is the entrance to Xiao Wushan!

At the same time, radiating tens of thousands of miles around Xiaowu Mountain, all warriors who possess Wu Lingbi, like Ling Feng and others, have Wu Lingbi's instructions in their minds.

This also means that after a hundred years, the ruins of Xiao Wushan will finally be opened again!

"Hahahaha, Xiao Wushan is finally opening. I have been waiting for this day for a long time."

"Humph, Xiao Wushan, I will definitely use you to break through in one fell swoop and understand the forbidden spell."

"Xiao Wushan, here I come."

Among the elites of the eight major witch clans, those disciples who owned Wu Lingbi, as well as the warriors from other powerful families who owned Wu Lingbi, were overjoyed.

From the moment they obtained the Wu Ling Bi, they had been waiting for this day to arrive.

In Xiao Wu Mountain, the ancient inheritance of the ancient Wu Clan is buried. If they can obtain the inheritance of the ancient Wu Clan, their future path will naturally be broader.

Soon, the picture in his mind disappeared and calm returned. The Wu Ling Bi in his hand trembled again, shooting out a ray of light, pointing straight in one direction, as if telling the person who owned the Wu Ling Bi that that was where the entrance to Xiao Wu Mountain was. .

"Set off!"

Finally having a target, Ling Feng and his group immediately spread out their movements and flew towards the direction where Wu Lingbi shot out the light.

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