Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2610 Recruitment from Wanling Palace! (1 update)

Along with this, a large number of warriors with evil intentions have already gathered near Xiaowu Mountain, ready to intercept and kill those geniuses who possess the Wu Lingbi on the way.

After all, before officially entering Xiaowu Mountain, Wu Lingbi can change hands.

The Wu Ling Bi was so expensive, and they couldn't compare with those big families with profound knowledge. They could only block the roads and rob them here, and seizing the Wu Ling Bi was their last chance to enter Xiao Wu Mountain.

This kind of thing is not uncommon every time Xiao Wushan is opened.

"Be prepared to go out and intercept those who possess the Wu Lingbi. It is best to be alone!"

There are only one hundred Wu Ling Bi in total, and any one of them is extremely precious.

Of course, most of these warriors who blocked the road and robbed them were focused on the twenty scattered places and did not dare to take any chances with the disciples of the eight major witch clans.

After all, the entire Southern Witch Territory is theoretically the territory of the Witch God Sect. It is really a stupid thing to attack the disciples of the eight major wizard clans.

However, nothing is absolute, and it is not that no one has taken action against the disciples of the eight major witch clans. Of course, the Wushen Cult will definitely pursue and retaliate, but it is also a very shameful thing to not be able to hold on to the divided Wu Lingbi. Such disciples will probably only be reduced to the second or third rate from now on. If there is no big adventure , I am afraid that I will never be reused by the Temple of the Witch God for the rest of my life.

All in all, every piece of Wu Ling Bi is very important.

After receiving Wu Lingbi's inspiration, Ling Feng and his group of five people immediately accelerated towards the opening of Xiao Wu Mountain.

Because there were five people on the road together, they didn’t encounter any big trouble.

However, if everyone knew that these five people actually had five pieces of Wuling Bi, I'm afraid it would attract a lot of people's attention.

After all, there are only one hundred Wu Lingbi in total!

"Hurry! Xiao Wushan is about to open!"

Shentu Xuance had an excited look on his face. He had put a lot of thought into this Wu Lingbi, and even packed up his dignity and sold it away. Therefore, the closer he got to Xiao Wu Mountain, it was inevitable that Shentu Xuance would become a little excited.

"We're being targeted!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and lowered his voice: "Don't look back, don't have unnecessary expressions!"

After hearing Ling Feng's words, the expressions of Ye Keren and others changed slightly.

They clearly didn't notice anything unusual, but since it was Ling Feng who said this, they couldn't help but not believe it.

"What a blind guy!"

Shentu Xuance snorted, "Didn't you know we are disciples of Mingguang Hall?"

"The disciples of Mingguang Hall are also divided into strong and weak."

Ye Keren gave Shentu Xuance a defeated look, "A person like you is not qualified to get the Wu Lingbi."


Shentu Xuance did not dare to talk back to Ye Keren, so he could only look at Ye Wuxin and said bitterly: "He is not qualified!"

"That's right, they're all half a pound, two bundles of useless wood."

Ye Keren didn't have a good look towards his younger brother. Ye Wuxin and the other two dared not speak out when they were angry, oh no, they didn't even dare to be angry, so they could only follow behind in silence without saying a word.

"Okay, the other party is not a good person."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, and his movement speed suddenly increased by a few points.

Ye Keren and others also speeded up quickly, barely able to keep up with Ling Feng.

"No, that guy sped up!"

Just as Ling Feng said, there is indeed a group of men in black who are tracking Ling Feng and his party.

Seeing Da Lingfeng suddenly speeding up, the leader in black frowned, "That guy may have discovered us!"

"No way. How did he find us when we are so far apart?"

A man in black with a pair of swords on his waist said in surprise.

"According to Protector Xiang, that kid is not simple, so don't be careless!" After hesitating for a moment, the leader in black snorted: "It's time to take action. There are more than one Wuling Bi on these people, especially the leader. My boy, this person is very important!”


In the shadows, more than thirty figures suddenly jumped out, all perfectly hidden in the darkness. If they didn't take the initiative to show up, ordinary people would not be able to detect them at all.

Whoosh whoosh!

Sounds of breaking wind sounded, and the next moment, all the black-clothed killers flew out at the fastest speed. In just a few blinks, they had already stopped in front of Ling Feng and his group, surrounding them. .

Thirty-five people were wearing gray and black tights, and their faces were also covered in black. Only a pair of eyes were exposed. Those eyes were sharp and cold. All their eyes fell on Ling Feng, locking him.

Their first target is Ling Feng, followed by others.

Dozens of sharp glances, like dozens of cold swords, almost pierced Ling Feng, but Ling Feng only had a playful look on his face and didn't seem to be the least bit surprised.

On the contrary, Shentu Xuance and the Ye family siblings all drew their weapons and looked around with solemn expressions.

Such a battle is really not small.

Even though the three of them are not weak in strength, they feel somewhat guilty when surrounded by so many masters.

"It's really haunting."

Ling Feng shrugged. He didn't expect that the Ten Thousand Spirits Palace would be dispatched so quickly. In just a few days, so many more experts would be dispatched.

"Taishan collapsed in front of me and his expression remained unchanged. My little brother is a dragon among men!"

A hearty laugh came, and after dozens of men in black, a man in a black cloak slowly walked out. Judging from his attire, he was obviously different from the others, and he was obviously the leader of this operation.

"How dare you make Mount Tai collapse with just this little battle?"

Ling Feng shrugged and said with a faint smile: "You, Ten Thousand Spirits Hall, are really courageous. We are all disciples of Mingguang Hall. What, are you planning to go to war with the Witch God Sect?"


Shentu Xuance slapped his chest, "I am the young master of the Shentu family in Mingguang City. You guys try to touch me?"

"The young master of the Shentu family is great, I am still the young master of the Ye family!"

Ye Wuxin also cursed and announced his identity.

The leading man in black robes narrowed his eyes and smiled, "You guys underestimate the intelligence network of our Ten Thousand Souls Palace. Since we dare to come, how can we not know their identities? It's just..."

The man in black robe fixed his eyes on Ling Feng and said with a smile: "Little brother, you are not from the Witch Clan. No matter how hard you try, you will become an ordinary temple disciple at best and cannot be a great wizard."

"But our Ten Thousand Spirits Hall is different. Our Hall Master admires young talents like you the most. If you are willing to join our Ten Thousand Spirits Hall, it won't take long for you to become the leader of our Ten Thousand Spirits Hall. Why should the beings above stay in the Wu Clan and suffer from the indignity of people like them!"

The man in black robe looked at Ling Feng with a smile, and in his words, it seemed that he did not take the eight major witch clans or the witch god sect into consideration at all.

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