Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2611 How much better than others? (2 updates)

"Do you really think our Witch God Cult is dead?"

Shentu Xuance roared angrily, "Brother Ling, don't listen to his nonsense!"

"Little brother, there is no need to worry. As long as you nod, everyone here today, except for you and Miss Tuoba next to you, we will solve it for you. Even if the people from Mingguang Palace investigate, there will be no peace in the world." There will be no more Ling Feng, so you can rest easy!"

"Interesting." Ling Feng had a hint of teasing on his lips.

"Little brother, what you mean is that you agree?"

The man in black robe laughed loudly and said: "It is said that good birds choose trees to roost, but my little brother is indeed a smart man!"

"Brother Ling, really agree, right?"

Shentu Xuance's eyelids twitched and he turned to look at Ling Feng. In his impression, Ling Feng was not the kind of person who would betray his friends.

"Why did I agree?"

Ling Feng couldn't laugh or cry for a while, "I just think it's really interesting that after I killed so many minions of Wanling Palace, they could still look down on me and recruit me!"

"This shows even more that our palace master is broad-minded!"

The leader of the black-robed man raised his voice and said: "Little brother, you only have one chance. If you make the wrong choice, I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you and your friends will have to go to hell together."

"Sorry, I don't want to go to the Hall of All Souls, and I'm not interested in going to the underworld either."

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, staring at the man in black robe, and said with a faint smile: "In this case, I can only bother you and go to hell."


In an instant, a crisp sword cry suddenly resounded.

Around Ling Feng, the sword field exploded instantly. The dragon-elephant divine power was concentrated at one point, and the sword slashed out at extremely fast speed.

The sword was wiped out from all directions, and the fierce sword light illuminated the sky with a faint red, like the afterglow of the setting sun, extremely sad and beautiful.

Fast, it was too fast, and it was so sudden that it caught people off guard.


The black-robed man's pupils shrank, and he tried to dodge again, but it was already too late. He was so frightened that he quickly grabbed two of his men and blocked them in front of him.



Two puffs of blood mist exploded, and the man in black robe quickly retreated with the force of the counterattack, but was still injured by the aftermath of the sword's power. He spurted out a mouthful of blood, with an extremely malicious look flashing in his eyes.

"Boy, if you don't eat the toast, you will be punished with alcohol! Today, you will all die!"

The remaining thirty or so men in black also drew their weapons. The level of this group of assassins in black was obviously much higher than the previous group, with faster reactions and stronger strength.

Moreover, every group of seven people has a combined attack array similar to a sword array. With mutual cooperation, their strength has been improved a lot.

"what to do?"

Shentu Xuance was a little panicked and said bitterly: "Brother Ling, can you cover so many people?"

"How much better than a human being?"

A smile appeared on Ling Feng's lips, "It's a good idea if there are many people bullying the few."

The next moment, a ferocious vertical pupil suddenly opened on Ling Feng's forehead.

Asura's demonic eye suddenly opened.

A terrifying demonic energy swept across with Ling Feng as the center.

The next moment, demonic energy rose, and black smoke condensed into clones that were very similar to Ling Feng's original form.

In the blink of an eye, all sixty-four Asura Blood Shadow Guards were assembled.

These Blood Shadow Guards are equivalent to 80% of Ling Feng's strength in Asura's true form, and as long as the demonic energy in Ling Feng's body is not exhausted, it can continue to condense into shape, which is almost equivalent to immortality. The presence.

The sixty-four Asura Blood Shadow Guards were twice the opponent's numerical advantage. This battle was almost one-sided.

After a while, those assassins in black were killed to pieces by Ling Feng's Asura Blood Shadow Guards, and the leading man in black robes turned pale with fear.

What kind of monster is this guy?


The man in black robe had only this thought in his mind.

I thought that I had brought enough subordinates, but I couldn't resist the opponent carrying an Asura Corps with him!

"Did you run away?"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, and at the moment when the man in black robe flew back and retreated, he had already waved his sword to destroy all directions, and struck out with one move, breaking the mystery in all directions.

The black-robed man's reaction was not slow. He took action instantly. While retreating, he muttered words and directly used an eighth-level top-notch witchcraft to kill Ling Feng.

Unfortunately, Ling Feng's sword energy had already shot out.

The sharp sword energy was like a sudden surge of speed. The man in black robe had no time to react. Before the eighth-level witchcraft was completed, he was stillborn. Ling Feng's sword energy directly pierced his throat. My mouth was so tight that I couldn't say anything.


Immediately afterwards, the head of the man in black robe exploded and turned into a cloud of blood mist. He was already dead and could no longer die.

After the battle was resolved, Asura's Demonic Eye gradually closed, and the aura on Ling Feng's body also changed from the sinister and evil one covered by the billowing demonic energy to its original calm and gentle state.

However, the Ye family siblings, who saw the demonic energy on Ling Feng's body for the first time, were completely stunned.

After a while, Ye Kerai came back to his senses, whipped out a soft sword and pointed it at Ling Feng, gritted his teeth and said: " come you have such a powerful demonic energy in you? are not human!"

"You are not human!"

Ling Feng slapped the soft sword out of Ye Keren's hand, "If I remember correctly, I seemed to have saved you just now. Why, are you pointing the sword at me now?"

Ye Keren bit his lip, not knowing what to do for a moment.

It's no wonder that she is a member of the Bright Witch Clan and a disciple of the Mingguang Palace. She has been instilled with the idea that demons and demonic energy are extremely evil things since she was a child.

Shentu Xuance sighed softly and said in a deep voice: "Sister Keren, do you still remember that I went to the Endless Sea to perform a mission..."

Then, he recounted their encounter on Alcatraz Island.

In his opinion, the reason why Ling Feng still retains the demonic energy is because of the devil fruit.

"So, Brother Ling is definitely not a demon, let alone a bad person. Otherwise, why would he help the people of Poseidon Island eliminate demon pirates?"

Following Shentu Xuance's explanation, Ye Keren felt relieved and looked back at Ling Feng with a hint of apology, "I'm sorry, I just..."

"Okay, now is not the time to talk about this."

Ling Feng shrugged. Although what Shentu Xuance said was not entirely correct, it was basically close to the truth.

After all, if he hadn't obtained the eight original magic beads of the Asura Demonic Dragon on Alcatraz Island, the demonic energy in his body would not have grown so fast, let alone being able to break through the holy level so quickly.

However, my path as a fellow cultivator of immortals and demons is really unprecedented, and every step is difficult. There is no predecessor to refer to.

If you want to successfully reach the supreme peak, you can only create an unprecedented path.

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