Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2612 Sima Junting! (3 updates)

After plundering the wealth of the black-clad killers, Ling Feng and his party set out again.

Because they were disciples of the Mingguang Palace after all, and they were on the road in a group. After the killers of the Wanling Palace, there were no more blind people who took action against them.

Finally, at noon on the second day, Ling Feng and his party finally approached the entrance of Xiao Wu Mountain.

The so-called Xiao Wu Mountain is actually a huge and endless mountain range, and every time Xiao Wu Mountain is opened, the entrance is uncertain.

So before getting Wu Lingbi's prompt, everyone just wandered around the mountains. Only by relying on Wu Lingbi's prompt could they finally find the entrance to Xiao Wu Mountain.

Following Wu Lingbi's prompt, Ling Feng and his party finally arrived outside a canyon.

At this point, Ling Feng began to feel a pull.

In the dark, there seemed to be a voice telling him which direction he should go. He knew that it was the natural reaction of the Wu Lingbi in his arms approaching Xiao Wushan, and the fluctuations that were fed back to him.

When he arrived here, Ling Feng also found that there were more and more people.

Of course, most people don't own Wu Ling Bi. Their purpose is just to watch and take a look at the people who have Wu Ling Bi and join in the fun.

In any case, Xiao Wushan, which opens once every hundred years, can be regarded as one of the grand events in the Southern Witch Region. If you don't participate, you will inevitably be looked down upon when talking to others in the future, and your words will be at a disadvantage.

Continuing to move forward, Ling Feng once again felt the vibration of Wu Lingbi in his arms, which meant that Xiao Wushan was close!

Deep into the canyon, there is a very empty platform.

At this time, a large number of warriors had gathered here.

When Ling Feng and his party arrived, they also saw other disciples from Mingguang Hall among the crowd.

There are a total of ten places in Mingguang Hall. In addition to Ling Feng and Ye Keren, there are naturally other true disciples who have also come together.

Soon, Ling Feng saw Zhang Haoran, Yi Tianxing and the others in the Mingguang Palace camp.

Of course, Jiang Shanyi, who was holding a soul-killing flag, was still as inseparable from Zhang Haoran as before.

In addition to these true disciples, Mingguang Palace also sent several elders to lead the team, and the second palace master appeared among them.

"Look, it's Senior Brother Zhang and the others!"

Shentu Xuance and the others quickly stepped forward to greet their fellow disciples, and Ling Feng was no exception.

"Junior Brother Ling!"

Zhang Haoran cupped his fists and saluted Ling Feng. The last time he fought on the Guangming martial arts stage was still fresh in his memory.

What he cares more about is, if the second hall master had not taken action, who would win in the end?

"Brother Ling, I've been waiting for you!"

Yi Tianxing was quite familiar with it. Although he was defeated by Ling Feng last time, he was not discouraged at all. When he saw Ling Feng coming, he looked eager to try, as if he wanted to fight Ling Feng again.

As for Jiang Shan Yi, he just nodded slightly to Ling Feng to show his respect.

"Senior Brother Zhang! Senior Brother Jiang! Senior Brother Yi!"

Ling Feng bowed to the three of them, then looked at the Second Hall Master and bowed to him, "Second Hall Master, thank you very much."

What he was referring to was naturally Wu Lingbi's matter.

Unexpectedly, he refused the second hall master last time, and he was actually willing to give him a Wuling Bi.

"Thank you for what."

The Second Hall Master glanced at Ling Feng and said calmly: "You have the qualifications and strength, and you deserve to get a Wuling Bi, so perform well!"


Ling Feng nodded. This second palace master has a hard mouth but a soft heart, but he is also an interesting guy.

"By the way, Brother Ling, you arrived so late, did you encounter someone on the way to intercept you?"

Yi Tianxing couldn't help but ask.

"That's not the case!"

Shentu Xuance immediately started talking non-stop, "There are dozens of killers in black. If it weren't for Brother Ling, we might not even be able to survive!"

"Damn, it's so exciting!"

Yi Tianxing had a regretful expression on his face, "If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have set off with Senior Brother Zhang and the others. With the Second Palace Master sitting in charge, we didn't encounter any trouble at all. It's boring, so boring!"

"Junior brother Yi, we will enter Xiao Wushan later. Are you still worried about fighting?"

Zhang Haoran couldn't help but shake his head and smile, this guy is really a fighting maniac!

"That's true."

Yi Tianxing grinned and showed an expression of great expectation.

The Second Hall Master, on the other hand, narrowed his eyes and looked at Ling Feng, and asked in a deep voice: "Why, does anyone dare to intercept our Mingguang Hall disciples?"

Ling Feng nodded, thought for a while, and said: "According to the clues found by the disciples, the other party seems to be from an organization called Wanling Palace. Have you ever heard of the Second Palace Master?"

"Hmph, it's the Hall of All Souls again!"

The Second Hall Master obviously knew something, but he didn't say much. He just said slowly: "Some things, knowing too much may not be a good thing, but the fact that you were able to escape the interception of Wanling Hall and come here also shows that I am indeed There was no mistake.”

The second hall master raised his hand and patted Ling Feng on the shoulder, casting a meaningful look at Ling Feng.

It seems that although the Ten Thousand Spirits Hall is secretive, it cannot be completely hidden from the eyes and ears of the Witch God Cult.

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. From the second hall master's eyes, he saw many things.

Perhaps, this Hall of All Souls has been taken seriously by the higher-ups of the Witch God Religion.

Shaking his head, Ling Feng didn't delve into this. He was destined to be just a passerby.

After all, he and the Witch God Sect are not in the same boat. He has his own purpose in sneaking into the Witch God Sect.

While waiting for Xiao Wushan to open, Shentu Xuance was not idle, pointing and introducing the situation of the other seven witch clans to Ling Feng.

For example, what are the geniuses of the Dark Witch Clan, the genius of the Wind Witch Clan, the genius of the Frost Witch Clan, etc...

"That's a guy from the Fire Witch Clan. Have you seen that beautiful woman in red robe?"

Shentu Xuance pointed at a very young-looking girl and said with a smile: "She is Baili Yunxi, the leader of the Fire Witch Clan."


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, and a figure flashed in his mind, Baili Blue Creek!

That unlucky guy is probably still wandering around in the underground tomb of the Immortal King.

This woman also had the same surname as Baili. She might be a member of the same family as Baili Lanxi, so he had to keep his distance from her.

"Why, looking at the guilty look on your face, you don't know her, do you?"

Shentu Xuance glanced at Ling Feng strangely.

"I don't know her. How could I possibly know her..."

Ling Feng chuckled and said, "You have forgotten that I am not from the Southern Witch Territory."

At this moment, a hearty laugh came, and a rather lazy-looking young man wearing a blue robe walked over and said with a smile: "Brother, we meet again!"

"It's you!"

Ling Feng recognized at a glance that this person was the first disciple of the Divine Thunder Palace with whom he had competed with Qianyang Jiulian before.

"My lord, Sima Junting, I told you that we will meet again."

"My name is Ling Feng."

Ling Feng cupped his fists and saluted the opponent. He had only one impression of Sima Junting, who was unpredictable.

Although he looked very lazy, he always looked lazy and didn't seem to care about anything.

But often, the more such people are, in fact, they are the truly terrifying existences.

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