Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2626 Sun, Moon, Qiankun Furnace! (2 updates)

"Of course I'm looking for what the Palace Master needs!"

Bai Feng coldly snorted, "The palace master has been searching for that thing for hundreds of years. As long as he gets it, the growth of my Ten Thousand Souls Palace will be unstoppable!"

As he spoke, Bai Fenghan took out a map and drew some dense patterns on the map. At the intersection of various messy patterns, he drew an important symbol.

"The Sun-Moon Universe Furnace is here. As long as we get this thing, in a short time, we can create a large number of saint-level experts in the Temple of All Spirits. By then, what will the mere Witch God Temple be?"

Bai Fenghan laughed ferociously.

"It's a pity that the rubbing crystal of Qianyang Jiulian was taken away by that boy from Mingguang Palace. Even Protector Liang died tragically in his hands."

The young man in purple said in a hateful voice.

Bai Fenghan waved his sleeves and said, "That kid is not simple. I'm afraid we are no match. However, I have already asked for help from the general altar. There must have been many nine-star guardians to intercept the kid when he returned to Mingguang City."

"With the Nine-Star Guardian taking action, it's natural to be sure!"

The young man in purple laughed loudly, "In this way, with the Sun-Moon Cosmic Furnace and the Qian-Yang Nine Refiners in hand, our Ten Thousand Spirits Palace will surely rule the Southern Witch Territory for eternity!"

"Okay, no need to say any more nonsense!"

Bai Fenghan turned around and glanced at the subordinates behind him, and said slowly: "Xiao Wushan is not big, let's act quickly to prevent others from climbing up first!"

Not long after, Bai Fenghan led the believers from the Hall of All Souls and quickly found the place where the Sun and Moon Universe Furnace was buried.

Xiaowu Mountain is originally the relic of the ancient witch clan. Although most of the descendants of the witch clan came here to search for the various witchcraft of the ancient witch clan, there are also some people who have other thoughts.

However, it is not easy to seize such an important treasure as the Sun Moon Universe Furnace from Xiaowu Mountain.

The place where the Sun Moon Cosmic Furnace is stored is even more complicated. If you are not careful, you may be dead.

Therefore, even though Bai Fenghan and his party were well prepared, when they actually saw the Sun and Moon Universe Furnace, most of them were already dead or injured!

But fortunately, now, the Sun-Moon Universe Furnace is right in front of you!

"Finally we're going to succeed!"

A smile appeared on Bai Fenghan's lips. Although he paid a high price for this thing, fortunately, all the efforts were not in vain.

Bai Fenghan took a step forward and strode towards the Sun and Moon Universe Furnace.

His eyes were full of burning color.

He seemed to have seen the reward given to him by the master of the Hall of All Souls. He seemed to have seen that the Hall of All Souls had completely defeated the Temple of the Witch God and replaced it, dominating the entire Southern Witch Territory.

And he will be inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people!

However, the next moment, the Sun Moon Universe Furnace in front of me disappeared!

That's right, it just "whooshed" right in front of you and suddenly disappeared.

Disappeared completely, disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared!

"How can it be!"

Bai Fenghan was completely stunned, dumbfounded. They had paid a huge price for the Sun-Moon Universe Furnace, but the treasure they were about to get disappeared like this?

All the Wanling Temple believers were dumbfounded.

How can something good disappear out of thin air?

At the same time, in another space outside Xiao Wu Mountain, Ling Feng was sitting on the throne of Wu Zu, with his legs crossed, looking at everything in front of him with a smile, and in his hand, he was playing with a human-sized ball. stove.

This is the sun-moon-cosmic furnace.

The Twelve Witch Gods are right. Sitting here, he is like the ruler of the entire Xiao Wu Mountain. Whatever he wants, just a thought, can be directly transferred to his hands.

Everything, whatever you want.

Seeing that Bai Fenghan and the others were about to succeed, Ling Feng would naturally not give them the advantage in vain.

"You still want to send some nine-star protector to kill me? Do you still want to defeat the Temple of the Witch God?"

Ling Feng snorted coldly. He was now a descendant of the witch ancestor, which was equivalent to half of the witch ancestor. The temple of the witch god was equivalent to a temple dedicated to him. How could he be destroyed by others casually?

"Hmph, you all, go to hell!"

As soon as the thought came to mind, Bai Fenghan and the believers in the Hall of All Spirits, all of whom had not figured out why the Sun and Moon Universe Furnace suddenly disappeared, felt an invisible momentum coming over them.

Then, everyone shuddered, bleeding from all seven holes, and exploded to death!

Bang bang bang!

One after another, the figures turned into blood mist and exploded. With their saint-level strength, there was no room for resistance at all.

In fact, they don't even know who did it.

"I'll be good!"

Ling Feng was also frightened. Is this the power of the ruler?

I am the master of Xiao Wushan, and every thought I have is an irresistible law!

Ling Feng raised his hands, and he began to understand somewhat what the power of the gods was.

Perhaps, for the ruler above the nine heavens, wanting to destroy a world is just a thought.

Shaking his head, Ling Feng buried these thoughts deep in his heart. At his current level, the immortal path was still so far out of his reach.

Rather than spending energy thinking about these things, it is more important to focus on the present.

"Xiao Wushan is not closed yet. I am here to learn the various forbidden spells left to me by the Twelve Witch Gods. I will wait until the last day and go out with the crowd to avoid exposing my secret!"

Time passes day by day.

Finally, on the last day, the elders of various halls and onlookers who were waiting under the Cloud Climbing Platform gathered around early in the morning.

They all want to see what the ranking of the ancient monument will be in the final years.

Who can leave a name forever on the ancient monument of time?

This is undoubtedly a huge honor.

Suddenly, a ripple in space appeared, immediately attracting everyone's attention. Everyone's eyes fell on the ripple, staring at it with wide eyes.

"Someone is coming out..."

"Who could it be?"

"Who will be the first?"

Low murmurs and various speculations appeared in everyone's minds.

At this moment, a figure appeared, gradually becoming clear from blur, very fast, but everyone still felt as if a year had passed.

"That's a purple robe."

"It's a purple and gold dragon pattern robe."

"It's Wu Xuan from the Ji Dao God Clan!"

Exclamations rang out one after another, and there was a kind of disappointment that could not be concealed in the voice, and there was also a kind of relief that "I knew it would be like this."

Indeed, Wu Xuan is a member of the Jidao God Clan and possesses the blood of the God Clan. His starting line is already much higher than that of ordinary people.

He is indeed a genius, there is no doubt about this!

Although being the first to walk out of Xiao Wushan doesn't mean anything, judging from his confident steps and the proud expression on his face.

He must have received an incredible inheritance!

Standing alone on the climbing platform, looking around, he felt as if a king was coming, high-spirited and domineering. At this moment, Wu Xuan felt that he was the master, the master of the earth, and the master of the people.

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