Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2627 The First Person? (3 more)

"Hmph, that boy, hasn't he come out yet?"

Wu Xuan's eyes glanced around, and then there was a hint of disdain on the corner of his mouth.

It is true that Ling Feng entered Xiao Wushan one step earlier than him, but so what?

It seems that in his eyes, everyone is an ant.

Of course, including Ling Feng!

Does such an ant deserve to be compared with himself?

With a leap, Ling Feng jumped directly off the Cloud Climbing Platform. He leaped and landed directly on the top of a high mountain.

He wants to look at his name and dominate the ranking on the ancient monument of time.

He is destined to become the first person in history!

Everyone's attention began to focus on the Ancient Monument of Time. However, the names on the Ancient Monument of Time would not appear until everyone left Xiaowu Mountain, but some discussions were still inevitable.

"It seems that Wu Xuan is definitely the first person, but Ling Feng was so dazzling when he entered, breaking various records and shocking everyone. However, it seems that he and Wu Xuan of the Jidao God Clan are still the best. There is a gap!”

"Yes, he just took advantage of the colorful fighting spirit. When it comes to talent and strength, how can he compare to Wu Xuan?"

"The Gods are the Gods after all!"

Wu Xuan stood with his hands behind his back, a look of disdain in his eyes.

"I am the first person!"

Wu Xuan looked up to the sky and roared, with incomparable confidence in his voice.

About a stick of incense later, the chiefs from the eight major shaman clan branches came out one after another.

Sima Junting from the Divine Thunder Palace came first, followed closely by Zhang Haoran from the Mingguang Palace.

They all had expressions of excitement and joy on their faces. It was obvious that they had gained a lot in Xiao Wu Mountain.

"Then boy Ling Feng, why haven't you come out yet?"

The second master of the Mingguang Palace frowned slightly. Could it be that Ling Feng's mixed body of eight elements really prevented him from getting Wu Lingbi's guidance.

In the end, didn't he even get a kind of inheritance?

The second hall master clenched his fists, with a worried look on his face.

After Sima Junting and others left the Dengyuntai, after a while, figures appeared one after another.

The true successors of various palaces such as Yi Tianxing, Jiang Shanyi, and even Ye Keren have all left Xiao Wushan.

However, Ling Feng still didn't come out.

Then, Shentu Xuance, Tuoba Yan and others also came out.

Ling Feng was still missing.

By now, more than half of the people had come out, but Ling Feng still didn't show up.

Time passed bit by bit.

An hour later, one or two people occasionally came out, but Ling Feng had not come out yet.

After two hours, almost no one could be seen, but Ling Feng still didn't come out.

In the end, I saw that the mirror on the cloud platform was almost disappearing.

This also means that Xiao Wushan will automatically eject people unless they die inside.

People couldn't help but begin to wonder, is Ling Feng already dead inside?

Although the inside of Xiao Wushan is not a very dangerous place, there are still many hidden mechanisms.

If you are unlucky, it is possible to die inside.

"It looks like that kid is either dead, or he is at the bottom and has not escaped!"

"I can't believe that I was the first one to go in. After so long, is it possible that I haven't even mastered a high-level witchcraft? This is too useless!"

Amid everyone's whispers, another ripple flashed on the top of the Cloud Platform.

Finally, another person walked out, it was Ling Feng.

The moment Ling Feng walked out, the light door was completely closed.

This also means that the door to Xiaowu Mountain has been closed, and the next time it opens will be a hundred years later.

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and walked off the climbing platform unhurriedly.

Everyone looked at Ling Feng with disdain.

Ling Feng shrugged, not paying attention to the eyes of others, and the moment he stepped off the cloud platform, the ancient monument of time began to tremble slightly.

A ball of divine light flickered, and in the huge blank space above the ancient monument, shining names began to appear one by one.

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