Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2630 Challenge! (3 updates)

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The second hall master flew directly to Ling Feng's side, and kept patting him on the shoulder with his big hands. The goatee on his chin curled up and down, looking extremely excited, "Okay, okay, good boy, you really make me look good." , give me the face of Mingguang Palace!”


Ling Feng could only laugh in apology, sighing secretly in his heart. He wanted to keep a low profile for once, but why was it so difficult?

The other disciples from all the halls looked at Ling Feng, with three parts envy and seven parts jealousy in their eyes.

Based on Ling Feng's performance today, I believe he will be directly promoted to a temple disciple in a short time.

Becoming a disciple of the temple will instantly make you a hundred times more valuable, and you can be on an equal footing with the elders of the major branch temples.

Suddenly, Wu Xuan from the Ji Dao God Clan suddenly flew down from the top of the mountain and landed in front of Ling Feng.

His eyes were fixed on Ling Feng, as if he wanted to see through him completely.


Ling Feng was so nervous when he was stared at by this guy that he couldn't help but frown.

Wu Xuan's eyes flashed with fighting spirit. He clenched his fist tightly and wanted to speak several times, but he held back.

In the end, Wu Xuan shook his head, and the fighting spirit in his body gradually dissipated.

"Your cultivation level is too low after all. If I fight you now, even if I win, it will be disgraceful!"

Saying that, Wu Xuan raised three fingers and said, "Three years, I will give you three years. After three years, you come to the Jidao King City to find me, and I will fight you again!"

Ling Feng glanced at Wu Xuan and couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

"What, is three years too short? Okay, I'll give you ten years!"

Wu Xuan stood with his hands behind his back.

Indeed, Ling Feng has indeed eclipsed everyone else's glory today, but the name on the ancient monument of time cannot explain everything.

This just represents Ling Feng's possible future achievements.

That was just a possibility, and the current Ling Feng was only in the early stages of the Saint level. For Wu Xuan, he was not an opponent worth fighting at all.

He is special and he is excellent.

However, Wu Xuan, who already had saint-level strength, did not bother to fight against such Ling Feng.

This is the pride buried deep in his bones.

"Not interested in."

Ling Feng shook his head, "I'm not interested in fighting you."

Three years?

He doesn't have that much time to spend in the Southern Witch Territory. The battlefield that truly belongs to him is in the Zhongyuan Territory!

That legendary realm of gods!

"That's unreasonable!"

Wu Xuan frowned and was about to explode, but Ye Wushang, the chief true disciple of the dark witch clan, walked out with a sneer.

"Ling Feng, right? I don't have any scruples. You and I are both true disciples and we are of the same generation!"

That night Wushang walked to Ling Feng, ten steps away, and stood still, "Junior brother Ling Feng, I now challenge you as the chief disciple of the Dark Soul Hall! I want to take a look at this ancient monument. Is there any moisture in the ranking? ”

As he said that, a black mist surrounded Ye Wushang, condensing into a phantom of gods and demons, floating in the air, and a murderous intent pointed directly at Ling Feng, with a more obvious provocation.

"Ye Wushang, if you want to play, I will play with you!"

Zhang Haoran took a step forward and said coldly.

Ye Wushang is the leader of the Dark Soul Palace. Since he has issued a challenge as the leader, it is naturally impossible for him, the leader of the Bright Light Palace, to sit down.

Indeed, Ling Feng was very strong and had fought with him before, but it was just a competition in the ring and he did not show his full strength.

It had only been one month since that battle, and he didn't believe that Ling Feng could make much progress.

Therefore, Ling Feng may not be a sure winner against Ye Wushang.

As the leader of Mingguang Hall, he must defend the dignity of Mingguang Hall.

"Senior Brother Zhang, why do you think that Junior Brother Lingfeng's ranking is not worthy of its reputation?"

Ye Wushang sneered, "In that case, it's okay not to challenge."


Zhang Haoran's expression froze and he clenched his fists tightly.

"Senior Brother Zhang, why do you need to take action against such a little guy?"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said calmly: "Since someone wants to challenge our Mingguang Palace, I will accompany you!"

The momentum of both of them was swaying.

The surrounding disciples immediately stepped aside, leaving a huge space for the two of them.

The elders of Mingguang Palace and Dark Soul Palace witnessed this scene and did not stop it.

Young people, after all, it is better to be a little angry, otherwise, it will seem too lackluster.

Wu Xuan also crossed his arms and retreated far away.

He wanted to see how good this Ling Feng was.

For a moment, only Ling Feng and Ye Wushang were left standing facing each other in the huge open space.

"Don't worry, you are my junior brother, I will give you a chance to breathe!"

A cold look flashed in Ye Wushang's eyes, and he chuckled.

The next moment, I saw Ye Wushang tap his toes lightly, and his figure exploded in an instant, turning into black figures that invaded from all directions at extremely fast speeds.

This is clearly an eighth-level dark witchcraft!

With the power of dark rules, countless afterimages are created, and these shadows all contain the power of dark rules.

It is difficult to distinguish between false and false, true and false.

"Wu Shang's Dark Glimpse move has become even more proficient."

The old ghost from the Dark Soul Palace nodded and praised without hesitation: "When I was at his age, I was afraid of being defeated directly by this move of his. With Wushang's qualifications and given time, Promotion to the Temple of the Witch God is a piece of cake!”

Many people also nodded secretly, Ye Wushang's witchcraft was indeed used very delicately.

Moreover, Ling Feng came from the Mingguang Palace and must be good at bright witchcraft.

Light witchcraft and dark witchcraft have a mutually restraining relationship.

Ling Feng had only joined Mingguang Palace for a few days. How powerful could his light witchcraft be?

Therefore, his witchcraft steadily restrained Ling Feng, and his huge restraint in attributes made him full of confidence in himself.

"Are the attributes restrained?"

Ling Feng naturally saw what Ye Wushang was planning at a glance.

His calculation was quite good. Indeed, he had not been exposed to witchcraft for a long time, so he was really at a disadvantage when he used light witchcraft against Ye Wushang.

However, he is now fighting on behalf of the Mingguang Palace. If he does not use light witchcraft, it seems a bit unworthy of his name.

"Since you want to see my light witchcraft, I'll let you see it!"

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back, letting the afterimage of the night without sorrow come to invade him.

And in his mind, he had already begun to mobilize the inheritance power of the Light Witch God.

My level of light witchcraft is indeed limited, but I can’t stand it without the help of the light witch god?

What is a witch god?

God of witchcraft! A figure who once stood at the pinnacle of witchcraft.

Such a character must also be a master of the ancestral realm!

Even stronger!

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