Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2631 Forbidden curse? (1 update)

Under everyone's gaze, Ling Feng was seen standing on the spot, motionless.

His eyes flickered like cold stars, capturing hundreds of black shadows. He moved the five fingers of his right hand and made a mysterious hand gesture. Then, Ling Feng closed his eyes.

"This momentum!"

The warriors who were watching around were all stunned.

The aura emanating from Ling Feng's body actually gave rise to a depressing feeling even among the elders of the various temples present.

"Could this be..."

An elder of the Wind Witch Clan's eyelids twitched suddenly, and then he showed a look of astonishment.

"Forbidden curse?"

"Forbidden curse!"

"It's a forbidden curse!"

The next moment, all the elders reacted at the same time.

What Ling Feng cast was clearly a forbidden curse!

Only the Forbidden Curse can have such a terrifying momentum.

"Oh my God, how is this possible?"

Everyone couldn't believe their eyes.

You must know that Ling Feng is only a true disciple. Generally speaking, it is rare to be able to master eighth-level witchcraft. At best, he can only master the minor forbidden spells like Zhang Haoran and other chiefs.

And even a small forbidden spell is still theoretically only an eighth-level witchcraft.

As for the forbidden curse, it is a witchcraft above the ninth level.

That is a witchcraft that only the great wizards of the Witch God Temple can master.

This is not only related to the talent and strength of a wizard, but more importantly, it must be favored by the so-called wizard god.

That is, only if you are close enough to the rules of a certain attribute power, can you master the power of the forbidden spell.

As for Ling Feng, it was obvious that he only had a mixed physique with eight elements.

Of course they didn't know that what Ling Feng received was not just the favor of the witch god.

He has obtained all the inheritance of twelve witch gods!

A real inheritance!

"What's going on with this power of light?"

Ye Wushang's eyelids twitched wildly. The power of light emanating from Ling Feng actually made him feel timid.

"Hmph, I am just a disciple who has just joined the Mingguang Palace. Even if I gain something in Xiaowu Mountain, I will definitely be able to suppress it with my dark power..."

However, before Ye Wushang could finish speaking, a dazzling divine light burst out from Ling Feng.

In an instant, all his shadow clones were completely wiped out by the light power emanating from Ling Feng.

It's like the ice and snow are melting.


The next moment, Ling Feng suddenly opened his eyes, and a divine light burst out.

Behind Ling Feng, there was a shadow of the bright God of War holding a big sword. He raised his lightsaber high and slashed at Ye Wushang with one sword.

Ye Wushang's face changed drastically, his eyes were filled with the dazzling sword light, and a look of incomparable despair flashed in his eyes.

Unable to resist!

This force is definitely not something I can resist!

"Isn't this the bright verdict of our Shentu family?"

Among the crowd, Shentu Xuance also showed a look of extreme horror.

Bright Judgment is just an eighth-level witchcraft, but why did Ling Feng's hands actually erupt with an aura like a forbidden spell?

It's too late to say it, but it's soon!

As the sword of light judgment fell, Ye Wushang quickly took out a shield and placed it in front of him.


In an instant, violent power swept over, and Ye Wushang's shield made a clicking sound!

Shield shattered!

But the Sword of Light Judgment still did not stop.

The terrifying power of judgment was still like an ancient sacred mountain, crushing down and seemingly crushing him into powder.


Ye Wushang felt that half of his body had lost all feeling. The terrifying force was tearing every inch of his muscles. In an instant, he turned into a bloody man.

A mouthful of reverse blood spurted out, and Ye Wushang's figure was directly blown away, thousands of feet away.

The whole place was completely silent!

Even Ling Feng was slightly surprised. He only used the eighth-level witchcraft, Bright Judgment, but he didn't expect it to become so powerful.

Is this the power that light witchcraft explodes after receiving the power increase from the light witch god?

Now, he has received the inheritance of the Twelve Witch Gods, which means that the witchcraft of other departments will also increase by the same amount when he performs it!

I really got a lot of good things in Xiao Wu Mountain!

After the aura on his body dissipated, Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his hands and looked at Ye Wushang who was lying on the ground, vomiting blood.

At the last moment, he regained 50% of his strength, otherwise, Ye Wushang would not be as simple as vomiting a few mouthfuls of blood.

I'm afraid he will be killed by the sword of judgment!

In any case, the Mingguang Palace and the Dark Soul Palace both belong to the Witch God Sect, and killing fellow members is a serious crime.

"Shu Zi!"

The old ghost Qiu from the Dark Soul Palace had a terrifying murderous intention on his face. He pointed at Ling Feng and unexpectedly launched a sneak attack at the last moment.

"Is this the power of a great wizard? It is indeed very strong!"

Ling Feng's expression changed, and he activated the dragon-elephant divine power. Just as he was about to take action, he heard a roar coming from his ears.

"Old Qiu, you are really promising!"

At this critical moment, it was the Master of the Second Hall of Mingguang Palace who took action, smashing Qiu Laogui's fingerlight with one punch, and at the same time stared at the opponent.

Ling Feng put down his raised palm. In fact, even if the Second Hall Master didn't take action, he could still do it.

It's just that it will be a little embarrassing.

Anger surged in the eyes of the Second Palace Master, "Old Qiu, you are really getting better and better!"


The old ghost Qiu flicked his sleeves and said, "This kid severely injured my disciple of Dark Soul Palace. I was just trying to teach him a lesson! It's obviously just a sparring match, but he was so ruthless and didn't care about the friendship between the same disciples!"

"Fuck your stinky bitch!"

The second hall master was also a temperamental person, and he immediately started to curse, "My disciples from the Mingguang Palace, do you need to teach me a lesson? It was obviously your disciple from the Dark Soul Palace who came to provoke me first. Why, you can't afford to lose?"

The second hall master refused to give up and even rolled up his sleeves, as if he wanted to fight the old ghost.

Fortunately, under the persuasion of the elders of other major witch clans, they did not take action.

However, the Mingguang Palace and the Dark Soul Palace were completely at loggerheads.

Anyway, these two halls have never dealt with it, and the elders of other halls are used to it.

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