Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2635 Star Holy Spirit Pill! (2 updates)

Forbidden spells require a strong understanding of attribute rules. This cannot be achieved by reaching the level of cultivation.

Great opportunity, great perseverance and great talent are all indispensable.

He got to this point only by relying on the baptism of all spirits from the Hall of All Souls, and it was not through his own serious training.

Forbidden spells are something that he will never be able to master in his lifetime.

This is the eternal pain in his heart, the scar that can never be erased.

When Ling Feng mentioned the word forbidden curse, Yan Jiang went completely crazy.

"Do I still need to use forbidden spells to deal with you? Boy, die!"

Yan Jiang was in a state of madness, his hand movements were changing, and his whole body was ignited with a soaring fire. The fire condensed and gradually formed a Vulcan Dharma.

"Ninth level witchcraft, Vulcan's wrath!"

Yan Jiang's cruel eyes locked on Ling Feng and shouted: "You will bear the endless anger!"

"It's just a ninth-level witchcraft, let's see what you can do!"

Ling Feng shrugged, his expression slightly serious.

Ninth level witchcraft should not be underestimated.

However, Ling Feng couldn't help but mastered the forbidden curse!

The forbidden curse of the Twelve Witch Gods!

Although he has not fully mastered these forbidden spells, he can still cast them with the blessing of the wizard god's power.

"Ice defeats fire, let my ice freeze your anger!"

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back. There was no need to perform hand gestures or recite incantations.

With the blessing of the power of the witch god, all it takes is a thought and a forbidden spell can be cast at will.

Seeing the shadow of the God of Fire behind Yan Jiang, it was already more than ten feet tall, like a giant, and the scorching air flow filled the entire space.

However, the next moment, a bone-chilling chill seemed to emerge from hell.

In an instant, thousands of miles were covered in ice, and the entire world seemed to be frozen.

"Forbidden Frost Spell, Eternal Frozen!"

Ling Feng's expression became extremely serious and solemn under the influence of the power of the Frost Witch God.

A terrible cold air swept across him, and for just a moment, the raging fire around Yan Jiang seemed to solidify.



The next moment, the flowing flames were all frozen by the extreme cold and shattered into ice slag on the ground.

Yan Jiang shivered under the bone-chilling cold air, looked at Ling Feng in disbelief, and said in shock: "How is it possible? You are only a junior Saint level, how can you master the forbidden spell!"

"I have already said that I am a descendant of the witch ancestors, and I am different from you!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. In his gaze, Yan Jiang's body gradually turned into an ice sculpture.

Under his forbidden spell, under the power of eternal ice.

Everything in the world will be sealed in dust under that frost.


With a slight snap of his fingers, Yan Jiang's body was shattered into ice shards on the ground. Among the ice cubes, a spiritual ring emitted a dazzling light.

"This is mine."

Ling Feng grinned. He must have a lot of savings from the Nine-Star Guardian Ring of Wanling Hall.

The result did not disappoint Ling Feng.

It has to be said that the Wanling Palace's methods of making money are excellent.

There are actually tens of billions of yuan crystals stored in Yan Jiang's Naling Ring!

In addition, there are some witchcraft secrets and the techniques of Wanling Temple.

These things are not very attractive to Ling Feng. After all, with the most orthodox witchcraft inheritance of the Twelve Witch Gods, do you still need the garbage witchcraft from the Hall of All Spirits?

However, among Yan Jiang's books, Ling Feng found a letter, which seemed to be instructions given by the senior officials of Wanling Palace.

From the content of the letter, it seems that a pill called "Star Holy Spirit Pill" was mentioned.

This kind of elixir can be used to enhance the saint power of saint-level experts.

And most importantly, there are no side effects!

Just like ordinary Qi Condensation Realm warriors, they can use Qi Condensation Pill to increase the true energy in their bodies. It is a pill that assists in improving cultivation.

This kind of elixir is very common in the early stages of cultivation and when the realm is low.

But after reaching the realm of the Human Emperor, if a warrior wants to improve, there are almost no pills that can be directly used to assist daily practice.

The reason is simply due to the fault in the ancient alchemy path. This level of elixir has either been lost, or the cost is too high, or the refining method is too complicated to be popularized.

Of course, what is more important is that the higher the realm of warriors, in addition to the cultivation of their own Yuan Power, the more they understand the great ways of heaven and earth.

If you can't keep up with your comprehension, even if you reach the level of Yuan Li, it won't mean much.

The so-called false saints are warriors who have the power of saints but actually do not have the corresponding understanding of the great road.

This kind of holy level means bullying the weak, which is of little significance.

However, it is indeed a way for those warriors who are eager to break through to the holy level but suffer from insufficient talent.

But now, a pill has appeared that can directly enhance the power of the saint without any side effects.

It is conceivable that once this kind of elixir comes out, what kind of sensation will it cause for the entire Southern Witch Territory?

It must have been a huge sensation even for the entire martial arts world.

"Star Holy Spirit Pill..."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and recalled that the believers of the Ten Thousand Spirits Hall first searched for the Nine Refining Methods of Qian Yang, and then went to Xiao Wu Mountain to secretly search for the Sun and Moon Universe Furnace. Ling Feng understood all of this in an instant.

Their purpose is probably to refine this kind of Star Holy Spirit Pill.

"The plot is quite big!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. If the Hall of All Spirits really succeeds, with the help of the Star Holy Spirit Pill, a large number of powerful saints can be created in a short period of time, and they will all be real powerful saints.

With the numerical advantage, coupled with the greed and thirst for power of ordinary warriors.

I believe it won't be long before those geniuses with limited or even high talents will be unable to resist such temptation.

I believe that large numbers of warriors will flow into the Hall of All Spirits.

In contrast, the Witch God Sect, which follows rules and can only rely on talent to improve little by little, will definitely be replaced by the Hall of All Souls.

This is absolutely beyond doubt.

The so-called faith, to put it bluntly, is also an act of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

If the Hall of All Souls can bring more people, it will be the door to the saint level and the door to the saint.

Then there is no doubt that even some disciples who have joined the Temple of the Witch God may turn to the Temple of All Souls.

After all, who doesn’t want to gain powerful power easily?

Not to mention other people, even Ling Feng has now begun to think about whether he should sneak into the Hall of All Spirits first and steal the recipe for the Star Holy Spirit Pill.

With this Star Holy Spirit Pill, I can reach the peak of the Saint level in a short time!

And one step further is the ancestral realm!

As far as the entire Xuanling Continent is concerned, the ancestral realm is the end of the martial arts, and beyond that, it is the immortal path!

Ling Feng's heart began to heat up slightly.

What is in front of him is simply an endless treasure!

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