Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2636 A bold idea! (3 more)

a long time……

For a long time...

Ling Feng's excited heart gradually calmed down.

This Star Holy Spirit Pill is definitely a good thing, and I need to get it.

However, a careful strategy still needs to be considered.

Returning to the realm of spiritual thoughts on Xiaowu Mountain, except for Yan Jiang who was eliminated by himself, the others were also tortured inhumanly by the thunder, storm and other natural forces set by him. They died and were injured. hurt.

As for the situation on Tuoba Yan's side...

The opponent Ling Feng chose for her had abilities that surpassed Tuoba Yan's in all aspects.

Tuoba Yan's only hope of defeating his opponent is to unleash his potential.

Now Tuoba Yan is trapped in a hard battle.

Ling Feng frowned and hesitated whether to take Tuoba Yan out of Xiaowushan first and rest before talking.

After all, she was only a semi-saint, and the All Souls Killer, who had already crossed the threshold of the saint level, might be too difficult for her.

However, seeing Tuoba Yan's determined gaze, Ling Feng retracted this idea.

All along, Tuoba Yan has been stronger than he imagined.

She can do it!

A quarter of an hour……

Half an hour...

An hour...

Wounds began to appear on Tuoba Yan's body. Ling Feng wanted to pull him out of Xiao Wushan again and again, but looking at her eyes, Ling Feng held back again and again.

Finally, Tuoba Yan broke through his own limit and finally penetrated his opponent's heart with his sword.

As the All Souls Killer fell, her whole body went limp and she collapsed directly to the ground.

She has reached her limit!

The next moment, her body disappeared on the spot and was brought into the realm of spiritual consciousness by Ling Feng.

Vaguely, she saw Ling Feng.

I saw Ling Feng's expression full of concern and anxiety.

"Ling Feng, I... did it..."

Tuoba Yan bit his lip, and a smile appeared on his weak face.

"Yeah, you did it!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, and raised his hand to touch her forehead. He felt that this action seemed too intimate, so he quickly retracted his hand, straightened her up, took out a few pills, and gave Tuoba smoke to drink.

"You, do you need to work so hard? If it doesn't work this time, you can come back next time."

Ling Feng stretched out his hand and hit Tuoba Yan on the back, pouring a strong energy into her body. Tuoba Yan's complexion finally recovered a little.

"how about you?"

Tuoba Yan stared into Ling Feng's eyes, "Why are you working so hard?"


Ling Feng looked into Tuoba Yan's eyes, with a hint of bitterness on his face, but for a moment he didn't know how to answer.

Is it because of fate?


As a member of the Tiandao clan, he had no choice.

Or maybe, deep down in my heart, I am a person who likes challenges.

Only by constantly climbing and making breakthroughs can we find the meaning of existence.

"I just want to tell you that I...I can also follow in your footsteps..."

Tuoba Yan looked at Ling Feng and clenched his fists.


Ling Feng smiled, raised his hand and patted Tuoba Yan on the shoulder, "Well, you can do it! However, it seems that we are still a little short of breaking through to the Saint level... Let's have a night's rest first, and I will arrange another one for you tomorrow. A rival."

Anyway, those All Souls Killers are free "sandbags".

If it really doesn't work, Ling Feng can go out and teach him personally.

In this way, five days passed.

Five days later, along with a burst of billowing clouds, thunder from thousands of miles away seemed to be gathering.

Breaking the Holy Catastrophe!

This is Tuoba Yan’s holy calamity!

After Ling Feng's painstaking arrangements and the "hardening" of those free sandbags from the Hall of All Souls, Tuoba Yan finally took this step.

It has to be said that Tuoba Yan's Huangquan body is also quite powerful.

Although the catastrophe caused by her was not as exaggerated as Ling Feng's, it was basically comparable to the ordinary three-turn catastrophe.

With Ling Feng's help, it would be extremely easy to overcome the tribulation.

Half an hour later, the thundercloud dissipated.

Tuoba Yan finally succeeded in breaking through to the Saint level!

Shrouded in the power of the saint, it is holy and full of a dignified and noble atmosphere.

Looking at Tuoba Yan, who was slowly descending from the sky, he looked like a fairy above the nine heavens.

Even Ling Feng was briefly distracted for a moment.

"Hey...hey...what are you looking at?"

Finally, Tuoba Yan landed in front of Ling Feng. Seeing Ling Feng's stupid look, he raised his slender hand and waved it gently in front of her. A trace of shyness flashed in his beautiful eyes.

Did this idiot finally notice that he was a woman?


Ling Feng's old face blushed slightly, "Haha,'s nothing, but Yan'er, you looked really good-looking just now."

Tuoba Yan glared at Ling Feng, gritted his teeth, and then said: "Thank you, if it weren't for your help, I wouldn't have been able to break through so quickly."

"Why are you so polite?"

Ling Feng shrugged, "Because if you are only a half-saint, you will always hold me back, which is quite troublesome."


Tuoba Yan was originally full of gratitude, but when Ling Feng said this, it suddenly disappeared and she stared at Ling Feng angrily, "This is how you look at me!"

"Haha..." Ling Feng grinned, "What else? It's okay, I'm used to it anyway!"

"You!" Tuoba Yan was so angry that he stamped his feet repeatedly, "That's unreasonable, Ling Feng, I'm going to fight with you!"

"Haha, let's talk about it after you catch up with me!"

Ling Feng's figure flashed, and he directly started Yufeng Xiaoyaoyou. Although Tuoba Yan broke through the Saint level and his strength increased, there was no way he could catch Ling Feng.

Amid the commotion, the awkward atmosphere had completely dissipated.

About dusk.

Ling Feng and the two stopped in front of a city.

According to the second hall master, it would take about two months for the envoy from the Witch God Temple to come to Mingguang Hall to find him.

In other words, he still has almost two months to practice outside.

In the Mingguang Hall, he has no opponents, unless a strong man of the level of the second hall master takes action himself.

However, this situation is basically unlikely to occur.

Therefore, Ling Feng thought about it and decided to make a living outside first.

Maybe, he can also come into contact with other people from the Hall of All Spirits.

Ling Feng did not intend to give up on the recipe for the "Star Holy Spirit Pill" from Wanling Palace.

The city in front of you is called "Alchemy City", named after "Alchemy". As the name suggests, I'm afraid this city should be a rare alchemy city.

The alchemy atmosphere in the city is probably extremely strong.

"The Master of the Hall of All Souls has been searching for various treasures for refining elixirs. The elixir furnace, elixir recipes, and alchemy techniques are all very important objects, but the most important thing is the alchemist..."

When he saw the word "Alchemy", the corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up, and a bold idea suddenly came to his mind.

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