Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2637 Danxian Pavilion! (1 update)

Taking Tuoba Yan with him, he strode into Danxian City. People were coming and going in the city, and it seemed quite lively and prosperous.

This is not surprising. To be named "Alchemy Immortal", there must be an Alchemy Master in the city.

In the world of martial arts, alchemy is undoubtedly the most expensive profession, but at the same time, it is also the most profitable.

With the alchemy master at his back, it’s hard to imagine this Alchemy City not being lively and prosperous.

Walking among the crowd, Ling Feng restrained his aura and restrained his sharpness, looking like an ordinary young man.

After a while, Ling Feng found an inn and settled down first.

After putting on a disguise, he transformed into a middle-aged Taoist wearing Taoist robes who looked quite immortal.

"Ling Feng, you are so cute, why are you dressed up like this?"

Tuoba Yan saw Ling Feng's appearance. If she hadn't been staring at him, she might not have recognized Ling Feng.

After all, after Ling Feng disguised himself, not only his appearance and body shape changed, but his aura also completely changed, leaving no trace of his original appearance.

"You'll find out soon."

Ling Feng grinned, took out another Taoist robe, threw it to Tuoba Yan, and said calmly: "From now on, you have to remember that I am Tianhuo, and you are the alchemy boy beside me. Do you understand?"

Tuoba Yan bit his lower lip and rolled his eyes at Ling Feng. Although he didn't know what medicine was sold in Ling Feng's gourd, he still put on the Taoist robe that Ling Feng handed over and combed his long hair, just like a young boy. The appearance of a child.

However, when a woman disguises herself as a man, she still looks too pretty. Ling Feng thought for a moment and pinched Tuoba Yan's face for a while. After a while, a woman who looked so ordinary that she wouldn't even notice if she walked into a crowd. The attentive little boy appeared in the room.

"Well, that'll do."

Ling Feng clapped his hands with satisfaction, "Now let me give you a name, let's call it A Qing."

Not long after, two Taoist priests, one old and one young, appeared on the street of Danxian City. A middle-aged Taoist walking in front looked very arrogant. He also had a wine gourd on his waist. He took two sips every two steps. Wine, red rosacea, symbolizes that the person is definitely a heavy drinker.

Finally, the drunken Taoist priest stopped in front of an attic, and saw a plaque standing on the gatehouse in front of him, with three large vermilion characters written on it: Danxian Pavilion!

This is it!

The corner of the drunken Taoist priest's mouth curled up, and he said drunkenly: "Ah Qing, help me in!"

The little Taoist boy behind him frowned slightly, but still helped the drunk Taoist priest into the Danxian Pavilion.

The guard guarding the door felt the smell of alcohol, and immediately stretched out his hand to stop the two of them, "Old Drunk Cat, this is not a place for you to mess around. Stay where you can, and don't make trouble!"

These two Taoist priests, an old one and a young one, are naturally the combination of Ling Feng and Tuoba Yan in disguise.

Ling Feng picked up the wine flask and took another sip. Then he smiled and said, "Why, isn't this the Alchemy Pavilion? I am the great master of Alchemy. I can't enter?"

"Just you? Also the great master of alchemy?"

The guard guarding the door looked at Ling Feng carefully for a few times, and then laughed loudly, "If you are the master of alchemy, wouldn't I be the alchemy master?"

"What a dog looks down upon!"

Ah Qing, the Taoist boy pretended by Tuoba Yan, immediately put his hands on his hips and cursed, "My master is the great master of alchemy, call out those in charge!"

"roll roll roll!"

A look of evil appeared on the face of the guard guarding the door, but the next moment, he suddenly felt as if he was being stared at by a pair of cold eyes. When he looked up, he saw that it was the drunken Taoist priest.

And this glance made him tremble from the bottom of his soul.

Only then did he realize that he was afraid of meeting an expert.

After trembling all over, the guard swallowed his saliva and said in a deep voice: "Please... please come with me."

After a while, the guard invited Ling Feng and the two into a guest room. Soon, a pretty girl walked in.

The girl had a smile on her face. As soon as she entered the door, she bowed to Ling Feng and apologized, "Sir, you were really rude just now."

In Alchemy City, alchemists have a very high status.

If the drunk Taoist priest in front of him is really the great master of alchemy, he is someone who cannot afford to offend.

“He who does not know is not guilty.”

Ling Feng waved his hand, looked at the girl, and said calmly: "Are you the steward of the Danxian Pavilion?"

"No, no, no, I'm not a manager."

The girl waved her hands repeatedly, "My name is Treya. I wonder what I call you sir?"

"I am Master Tianhuo!"

As Ling Feng spoke, he picked up the wine gourd and took a big sip. Fortunately, the Duanmu Qingshan and Yan Cangtian whom he met before were both out-and-out drunkards, so Ling Feng imitated them perfectly.

"It turns out to be Master Tianhuo!"

Although Cui Ya had never heard of this name, she still smiled at Ling Feng and said with a pleasant smile: "Excuse me, Master, please wait here for a moment. The elders in the pavilion happened to be out of business, so..."

"It doesn't matter, I have no shortage of time."

Ling Feng leaned directly on the chair and crossed his legs, looking very comfortable.

The girl named Cui Ya has been waiting in the room. Although she is not sure whether Ling Feng is really a great alchemy master, she still does not dare to neglect.

Not long after, a red-haired old man finally strode over and laid eyes on Ling Feng.

Seeing Ling Feng's drunken appearance, the visitor suddenly frowned and said in a deep voice: "Xiaoya, is that drunkard the guy who calls himself the Grand Master of Alchemy?"

Cui Ya saw the person coming and nodded quickly, "Yes, Third Elder."

It turns out that this person is the third elder of Danxian Pavilion.

"This drunkard is still a master of alchemy?"

The third elder's face became more and more gloomy, "At first glance, he looks like a swindler and a scumbag. Come here, get kicked out of here!"

Hearing these words, several guards rushed in from outside the door, all of them at war with each other. They seemed to have been unhappy with Ling Feng for a long time.

Ling Feng then stood up from his seat, narrowed his eyes and looked at the third elder, and said calmly: "What, you don't believe it?"

The third elder's pupils suddenly shrank and he stared at Ling Feng: "Danxian Pavilion is not a place for you to run wild."

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