Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2638 Nine-turn Soul Forging Pill! (2 updates)

"Isn't that right? After an assessment, you will know."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, but was completely indifferent to the opponent's momentum.

Just kidding, with Ling Feng's current strength, ordinary saints can be defeated, let alone these three elders, they are only a great saint at best.

"Oh, you can still talk freely in the face of my aura. Not bad, that's fine. I'll give you a chance."

The third elder was surprised at first, looked at Ling Feng a few more times, then scratched his beard and said: "In this case, you can refine a batch of elixirs first and let me take a look. If you really have the real material, I will apologize to you immediately.”


Ling Feng nodded. The great master of alchemy is indeed not someone who can be trusted by empty words.

Whether it's a mule or a horse, it needs to be led out for a ride.

"Come with me!"

The third elder said, turned around and walked out, Ling Feng also followed, and the girl named Cui Ya and Tuoba Yan followed closely behind.

Not long after, under the leadership of the three elders, everyone came to an alchemy room.

The third elder took out a bottle of elixir from the Naling Ring and threw it into Ling Feng's hand, "Looking at your hangover, this is a bottle of hangover elixir. Although, I don't think how big you can be." It’s possible, but you’d better eat it.”

Ling Feng smiled casually, "People are not drunk when they are drunk. I, Master Tianhuo, am refining elixirs. The drunker I am, the better!"

"whispering sound!"

A look of contempt flashed across the face of the third elder. Alchemy is not a child's play. Every step requires exquisite control. The drunker the better, it is simply nonsense!

Taking a deep breath, the third elder didn't bother to talk to Ling Feng. He just asked in a deep voice: "What kind of elixir do you plan to refine? I'll have someone prepare the medicinal materials for you!"

Ling Feng looked around the alchemy room for a moment, then grabbed some medicinal materials on the medicinal shelf and smelled it. He shrugged and said calmly: "Aren't the materials readily available? The materials left here can be refined. A nine-turn soul-forging pill."


The third elder was slightly startled and glanced at Ling Feng in surprise.

From just some key raw materials, one can immediately deduce that these materials are used to refine the Nine Revolutions Soul Forging Pill. This is no longer something ordinary alchemists can do.

Moreover, this nine-turn soul-forging pill has a grade as high as the ninth level.

If Ling Feng could really refine it, it would be enough to prove his status as a master of alchemy.

Not only that.

The remaining materials here are actually only enough to refine a Nine-turn Soul Forging Pill. In other words, if Ling Feng wants to successfully refine it, he must have a 100% success rate.

As for refining this kind of Nine-turn Soul Forging Pill, even if he did it himself, the success rate would only be about 40% at most.

The third elder glanced at Ling Feng in surprise, "Have you thought about it carefully? This Nine Revolutions Soul Forging Pill is not so easy to successfully refine."

"Do I still need to consider refining the Nine-turn Soul Forging Pill?"

Ling Feng smiled jokingly.

The third elder's face froze, he took a deep breath, and then continued: "Okay, then I will order someone to prepare three more medicinal materials for you!"

According to the standard, if the success rate of refining the ninth-level top-grade elixir reaches 30%, one can be considered a great master of alchemy.

"No need, this portion is enough."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, picked up the wine gourd and took another sip, then strode towards the alchemy furnace.

The third elder's expression changed again, and he took a deep breath. He wanted to see how this guy successfully refined the Nine Revolutions Soul Forging Pill in one breath.

According to the rules among alchemists, others are not allowed to peek at an alchemist's alchemy technique unless you want to, but because this alchemy has a certain testing nature.

In addition, Ling Feng himself didn't mind, so it didn't hurt to let the three elders watch.

Under everyone's gaze, Ling Feng quickly collected all the medicinal materials for refining the "Nine Transformations Soul Forging Pill".

No more, no less, just enough to refine one serving.

The third elder was secretly shocked that he could grasp it so accurately just by looking at it.

Is this guy really drunk?

A quarter of an hour……

Two quarters of an hour...

Time passed bit by bit, and the third elder became more and more frightened as he watched.

Whether it was the purification of the medicinal materials or the extraction of the medicinal liquid, plus the final fire control process, the third elder was completely shocked.

Although Ling Feng has not yet successfully refined the Nine Revolutions Soul Forging Pill, the Third Elder is 100% sure.

If this guy is not a great master of alchemy, who is he?

I’m afraid it’s not even a fart!


Finally, at the moment when the elixir was completed, a cloud of calamity gathered on the horizon!

Oh my God!

Pill disaster!

The third elder was completely shocked. After years of refining alchemy, he naturally understood what this meant!

This is a calamity!

In other words, if Ling Feng's Nine-turn Soul Forging Pill is successfully refined, it will be a top-quality pill that condenses the pill patterns!

Its medicinal power is several times higher than that of ordinary Nine-turn Soul Forging Pill!

Ling Feng, who had even experienced the Blood Pagoda Creation Pill Tribulation, was already used to things like Pill Tribulation.

Complete the elixir tribulation easily and successfully collect the elixir easily.

Finally, Ling Feng put a pill into the jade box and handed it directly to the third elder.

The third elder couldn't wait to open the jade box, and there was indeed a perfect elixir inside.

The green Nine-Turn Soul Forging Pill was smooth, round, and crystal clear, and the fragrance of the pill came to his nostrils. The third elder gently picked up the pill and examined it carefully for a moment, and sure enough he found the pill pattern on it.



Three ways!

For a while, the expression of the third elder changed again and again.

The Nine-turn Soul Forging Pill refined by Ling Feng actually has five pill patterns.

This is because some of the medicinal materials are no longer fresh enough or of insufficient vintage. Otherwise, Ling Feng would have been able to achieve at least seven pill patterns!

"Your alchemy skills can be called a great master of alchemy."

The third elder took a deep breath, put the Nine Revolutions Soul Forging Pill back into the jade box with excited hands, and then, without hesitation, bowed deeply towards Ling Feng.

"I just looked down upon you, I apologize to you!"

These three elders are quite upright. Although they don't speak very nicely, they do mean what they say.

Ling Feng helped the third elder up and smiled lightly, "It's such a small thing, why bother? It's just that the elder's expression seemed to be distressed!"


The third elder sighed softly, a hint of bitterness appeared on his face, but he didn't know how to speak.

At this moment, two more old men walked in from outside the alchemy room.

One of the old men in white robes had a look of alarm on his face, "Third brother, were you making alchemy just now?"

There was an old man in blue robe next to him, who also laughed loudly and said: "Lao San, Lao San, you are really good at alchemy!"

These two people are actually the first elder and second elder of Danxian Pavilion.

The Third Elder's face turned red, and he said at a loss of whether to laugh or cry: "I wish it was really me who was making elixirs just now!"

Treya quickly walked towards the white-robed old man and said with a smile: "Grandpa, it was not the third elder who was refining the elixir, but the Master Tianhuo who was refining the elixir."

But it turned out that this Cui Ya was actually the granddaughter of the great elder of Danxian Pavilion.

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