Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2639 I’ve decided to help! (3 updates)

"Zhenhuo Tianhuo?"

The first elder and the second elder all looked at Ling Feng.

They have never heard of the name Tianhuo Zhenren.

But when he was refining the elixir just now, he was able to trigger the elixir tribulation, which already showed that this person's attainments in the elixir were really not simple!

"I've met the two elders."

Ling Feng cupped his fists and saluted the two of them as a greeting.

The first elder and the second elder also bowed to Ling Feng, and then the second elder continued: "I wonder what happened just now? What kind of elixir was the real person refining just now?"

"Nine Revolutions Soul Forging Pill."

The third elder handed the jade box to the first elder and the second elder.

The two of them couldn't wait to open the jade box and took a look, their eyes widened immediately.

"Five Pill Patterns!"

Both of them were stunned.

They can also do the Nine-turn Soul Forging Pill with pill patterns, but for them, the five pill patterns can only depend on luck.

"And, he was successful the first time."

The third elder took a deep breath and continued: "I will use the remaining materials left here."

As soon as these words came out, the first elder and the second elder were even more shocked.

Why do those materials remain?

When an alchemist refines an elixir, the first choice of materials must be the oldest and highest quality parts. After the elixir is finished, what remains are basically the parts of relatively poor quality.

In other words, Ling Feng only used some inferior quality medicinal materials to refine the five-marked top-quality elixir!

Five lines!

The first elder and the second elder both took a deep breath.

Based on this alone, it can be completely confirmed that Ling Feng's alchemy attainments are definitely far above them.

The three old men looked at each other with a hint of hesitation in their expressions.

But it seemed that he didn't know how to speak, and he looked like he was hesitant to speak.

A smile appeared on Ling Feng's lips. Looking at the looks of these guys, he knew they must be holding something back.

Finally, Treya couldn't help but speak, "Grandpa, what's so bad about this!"

Cui Ya gritted her silver teeth, looked at Ling Feng, and said in a deep voice: "Master Tianhuo, there is one thing that I hope you can give us!"


The great elder let out a long sigh, flicked his sleeves, and then said: "Let me speak..."

According to the Great Elder's narration, it turned out that a while ago, a mysterious man came with a pill recipe and prepared some materials, hoping to use the Danxian Pavilion to refine the pill for them.

This is a very normal thing. As a famous alchemy master, some people come here to make alchemy with them. This is also a major way for these alchemists to earn Yuan Jing.

But this time, Danxian Pavilion was in trouble.

Because none of the three elders could refine the elixir that the mysterious man brought.

Not only that, but several medicinal materials were destroyed one after another.

Seeing that the deadline given by the other party was getting closer, they were at a loss to do anything.

If they still fail to succeed in the end, I'm afraid the Danxian Pavilion's signature brand will not be preserved.

"Ashamed to say..."

The Great Elder smiled bitterly and said: "We have limited attainments, so we really can't refine it successfully. Even though we have been meditating and studying hard these days, we still can't succeed. Just then, the calamity of the pill broke out, and the thunder clouds broke out. I thought it was Lao San." …”

"If only it were me."

The third elder sighed, and finally looked at Ling Feng, pleading: "Master Tianhuo, I have seen your alchemy attainments, and I feel ashamed. If the master is willing to help us, I don't want the third elder's seat. From now on, you will be the third elder of our Danxian Pavilion!”

"I don't want the second elder either, you are the second elder!"


The great elder glared at the two of them, "What a mess!"

The second elder and the third elder sighed, "Brother, it's already this time, you..."

"Where will it be your turn!"

The Great Elder looked at Ling Feng with a pleading expression, "Master Tianhuo, if you help me with this, the Great Elder's seat will naturally be yours!"


The expressions of the second elder and the third elder froze at the same time.

Good guy, the boss is the boss, you are the best!

"I'm not very interested in this position of elder."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled, picked up the wine bottle, took a sip, and said with a smile: "Do you care about the wine here?"

"Enough! Absolutely enough!"

The great elder immediately said: "Master, what kind of wine do you want to drink? I will have someone buy it immediately!"

"That's enough!"

Ling Feng grinned, raised his hand and patted the great elder on the shoulder, "Come on, let me see what kind of powerful elixir it is!"

"The stakes are high."

The Great Elder hesitated for a moment, "How about this? If Master Tianhuo is willing, he will be the chief guest elder of my Danxian Pavilion from now on. What do you think?"

"As long as you control your drinking, it won't be a problem!"

Ling Feng's heart was filled with joy.

He had already found out clearly that the Danxian Pavilion was the largest alchemist association in Danxian City.

In other words, if people from Wanling Palace want to find a suitable alchemist, the first target they come to will definitely be the Alchemy Pavilion.

"Okay, from now on, Master Tianhuo, you will be the chief guest of our Danxian Pavilion."

A big stone finally fell in the Great Elder's heart, and he took out the elixir prescription with a smile, "Master Tianhuo, this is the problem that the mysterious man left for us. I and the alchemy masters in the Danxian Pavilion have been studying it for half a month. Months passed, but in the end there was nothing we could do.”

After a pause, the great elder continued: "In three days, they will come back for inspection. Everything is up to you, the real person."

Ling Feng took the prescription and browsed it carefully, his eyelids suddenly twitched.

This recipe...

Ling Feng was surprised to find that this was not a very high-grade elixir, it was even the same as the Nine-Turn Soul Forging Pill, a top-grade ninth-grade elixir.

But there is one thing, the method of making alchemy is different from the ordinary method of making alchemy.

It must adopt the method of "Nine Refining Qianyang" to be successful.

In other words, only alchemists who have mastered the "Nine Refinements of Qianyang" can refine this kind of elixir.

To be more precise, what the other party is looking for is not some strange person who can refine this kind of elixir, but to find the successor who has obtained the true inheritance of "Qianyang Nine Refinings"!

"It seems that the identity of the mysterious person behind this has been revealed!"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose.

After quarreling for a long time, it turned out that it was the people from the Hall of All Souls who were looking for a suitable replacement.

Calculating the time, the auction date for the "Qianyang Nine Refining" alchemy techniques was exactly more than half a month ago, and at that time, because the protector of the Wanling Palace failed in the bidding, they had to make two preparations.

First, continue to look for Ling Feng to seize the Nine Refiners of Qianyang.

Second, look for other alchemists who are proficient in the Nine Refiners of Qianyang.

"It's really hard to find a place after wearing iron shoes."

Ling Feng secretly snickered in his heart, with a slight curve on the corner of his mouth, "Don't worry, Great Elder, I already have an idea! I will help you with this!"

As long as you follow this line, follow the clues and sneak into the Hall of All Spirits, you won't be far away!

And once you sneak into the Hall of All Spirits, will the recipe for the Star Holy Spirit Pill be far away?

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