Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2641 You’re so welcome! (2 updates)

The steam is heated and rises upward, and when the temperature drops to a certain level, it liquefies again.

In this way, the medicinal liquids are cleverly divided into different temperature zones.

To do this seems easy, but in fact, it involves not only controlling fire, but also controlling ice!

Ling Feng is a body of chaos, and can use the power of ice and fire with ease.

This alone, this method is not something that the three elders can imitate.

After dividing the medicinal liquids, what is left is a multi-purpose method.

The so-called alchemy is the complementarity and integration of medicinal properties.

Ling Feng completely separated the liquid medicine. Although it avoided the failure of the liquid medicine between temperature transitions, overall, it lacked an organic change.

And this requires the application of the Nine Refining Methods of Qianyang.

Within the entire alchemy furnace, there are not only different divisions, but also an overall unity.

The Qianyang Nine Refining Method is like the rising and setting of the sun, turning the distinction between twelve temperature zones into a cycle.

That is to say, the originally high-temperature range turns into a relatively low-temperature range in the next moment.

This allows various medicinal liquid vapors to continuously circulate and transform within the alchemy furnace.

It was very complicated to explain. Even with Ling Feng's precise control, there was a slight sweat on his forehead.

An hour later.

The Nine Refiners of Qian Yang have reached the final process, the ninth refining!

The twelve different temperature ranges are combined into a final unity.

All kinds of medicinal liquids that have completed the fusion will be completely fused at this last moment.

Once the fusion is successful, it means that the pill condensation is successful!

Another half hour.

Turn on the furnace!

Ling Feng made a hand seal, the furnace lid flew up, and a red elixir flew out from the bottom of the furnace.

Ling Feng's quick eyesight and quick hands took out a jade box and put away the elixir.


A smile appeared on Ling Feng's lips, and he already knew that he had succeeded without even looking at it.

"Come and take a look!"

Several elders couldn't wait to come forward.

I saw a pill the size of a pigeon egg inside the jade box. The overall color was gray and black, with traces of golden lines, which was clearly the pill pattern.

A strong aroma hits your nostrils.

The great elder excitedly picked up the elixir, put it in front of his nose and sniffed it, and then he was overjoyed.

"It's done! It's really done!"

"Very good!"

The third elder was so excited that he almost jumped up. A strong palm slapped Ling Feng's shoulder wildly, "Haha, brother Tianhuo, I really have you!"

Ling Feng's shoulder was so painful from the old guy's slap, but he couldn't say anything. He just subconsciously moved a few steps away. The third elder slapped the air with his palm, with a trace of embarrassment on his face, and said with a smile: "Sorry, sorry. , I’m so excited too!”

Ling Feng just picked up the flask, took a sip, and then said, "It's just good luck. The alchemy technique I learned from my master is just right for refining this kind of elixir."

The Great Elder nodded slightly, "Brother Tianhuo's alchemy technique is indeed something we have never seen before. I wonder where Brother Tianhuo learned from this master?"

"Those who are superior to others dare not say anything."

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and said calmly: "I just heard from my master that the skills of our lineage seem to have been passed down from Grandmaster Jiuyang, but I don't know if it's just bragging!"

"Grandmaster of Nine Suns!"

The expressions of the three elders all changed.

This was the Alchemy Saint Master who was once famous throughout the Southern Witch Territory.

"No wonder!"

The three elders were all overjoyed. With the descendants of Grand Master Jiuyang becoming their guest elders in the Danxian Pavilion, the Danxian Pavilion would surely become the largest alchemist alliance in the entire Southern Witch Territory.

"Brother Tianhuo, can you leave this elixir to me?"

The great elder glanced at Ling Feng with some excitement.

"a piece of cake."

Ling Feng grinned, "But now I can be regarded as the guest elder of Danxian Pavilion, right?"

"Of course, of course!"

The Great Elder nodded repeatedly, "If you are willing, there is absolutely no problem even if you replace me as the Great Elder, but you still need the consent of several presidents."

"Forget it, Great Elder."

Ling Feng rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "There are a lot of medicinal materials here, hehe..."


The Great Elder took a deep breath and said, "Brother Tianhuo has solved the urgent need for my Danxian Pavilion, so be it. If Brother Tianhuo is interested in the medicinal materials here, you can pick some at will and take them back."

"Then I won't be polite!"

Ling Feng chuckled, waved to Tuoba Yan, and said with a smile: "Ah Qing, come here and pick out one of each of the medicinal materials here for me."

As soon as these words came out, the corners of the mouths of the three elders twitched.

You are so rude!

This is too rude!

However, now that the words are out of my mouth, I can’t slap myself in the face.

The elder felt a pain in his body, but after looking at the golden elixir in his hand, he could only sigh softly, and he could only swallow it because he was a mute.

With this golden elixir, their Danxian Pavilion's signature can be considered saved.

And as your reputation spreads, you can create greater profits.

The few medicinal materials in front of me are drizzling!

Although, this drizzle seems a bit heavy!

Watching Taoist boy "A Qing" collect all the medicinal materials here, the three elders felt their hearts bleed, but they still had to pretend to be calm and calm.

Ling Feng secretly laughed in his heart. It was so interesting to see these people pretending not to care!

However, seeing through it without saying anything, Ling Feng just drank sip after sip, looking very leisurely and comfortable.

"Okay Master!"

After a while, Tuoba Yan finally collected all the medicinal materials, turned his back to the three elders, and gave Ling Feng an angry look. This guy is so dark!

Even she felt inexplicably sorry for the three elders.

Ling Feng shrugged, took another sip of wine, and then said with a smile: "Well, not bad, thank you three brothers."

"Where are you talking?"

The Great Elder said with a smile: "I will ask Brother Tianhuo for more advice in the future!"

"Easy to say, easy to say,"

Ling Feng was not polite, but he looked drunk, so the three elders had no choice but to arrange for Ling Feng to stay first.

It has to be said that the Danxian Pavilion is indeed rich and directly gave Ling Feng a luxurious manor. However, compared to those precious medicinal materials, this small manor is nothing.

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