Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2642 Heavenly Pill Holy Hand! (3 updates)

After the elders of Danxian Pavilion left, Ling Feng suddenly became energetic from his drunken state.

"Yan'er, give me those herbs!"

Ling Feng was excited. Although he only took one of each of the precious herbs in Danxian Pavilion, it was still a lot of wealth.

For Ling Feng, refining these herbs into pills can increase their value by dozens or even hundreds of times!

Tuoba Yan glared at Ling Feng, took off the Soul Ring, handed it to Ling Feng, and then gritted his teeth and said, "Tell me, why did you try so hard to get into Danxian Pavilion?"

"Getting into Danxian Pavilion is just paving the way."

Ling Feng shrugged and smiled faintly, "Wait, someone will come to find us soon!"


Tuoba Yan frowned and glared at Ling Feng, "You are addicted to being a master!"


Ling Feng grinned, "Next time there is a chance Yes, let you play the role of the master, okay? "

"That's more like it!"

Tuoba Yan gave up and asked, "Who on earth would come to us?"

"Just wait and see."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Anyway, there are benefits!"

Tuoba Yan gritted his teeth, snorted, and muttered softly, "Mysterious, he must be brewing some bad ideas again!"

However, she also knew that since Ling Feng was unwilling to reveal more, she could only wait and see as he said.


Time passed in a flash, and three days passed.

In the Danxian Pavilion, in a rather luxurious room.

"How is it, did you succeed in refining the pill formula I gave you?"

The person who spoke was a mysterious man covered in a black cloak.

The whole body was covered by the cloak, and it was not even clear whether it was a man, woman, old or young.

However, from the sound of the voice, it can be roughly inferred that this person should be an old man.

"I am glad to have fulfilled my mission."

The elder took out a jade box with a smile and handed it to the old man in black robe, "Please inspect it."

The old man in black robe took the jade box, opened it and looked at it, his eyelids suddenly jumped.

There was indeed a Yishen Golden Pill inside, and it was of extremely high quality, which could be said to be the best among the Yishen Golden Pills.

"Not bad."

The old man closed the jade box, and seemed not very interested in the pill itself. He just said lightly: "I didn't expect that I gave this pill recipe to Danxian, Danxia and Shendan Pavilion at the same time, and in the end only you completed it."

Danxian, Danxia and Shendan represent the three largest chambers of commerce in Danxian City that operate pills.

The three are of similar strength. Relatively speaking, Danxian Pavilion has only a slightly longer history.

"The other two are naturally not comparable to our Danxian Pavilion." The elder smiled and said, "According to the previous agreement, if we refine this Yishen Golden Pill, you should pay us 30 million high-grade Yuanjing, right?" The old man gently slapped a black card on the table, "Here is 30 million Yuanjing, I want to know, who refined this pill?" "This..." The elder's face changed slightly, "Why do you say that?" "Cui Wenzhi, I know how much you are capable of, and it is impossible for you to refine this pill alone. "Yishen Jin" The old man flashed a touch of impatience, "You should have a heir to make money in the Danxian Pavilion, right?" After breaking the elders, "Tell me, where is he?" The elders froze for a moment, and immediately said, "I'll take you." "Dao Tong" Ai Qing was holding a fish basket in her arms, standing on the side. "Hey, isn't this Brother Cui!"

Ling Feng put the fishing rod away from the pond, but it turned out that the fishhook he used was a straight hook. No wonder there was no fish, not even a fish scale, in the fish basket in Tuoba Yan's arms.

However, the fish Ling Feng wanted to catch still came.

Grinning, Ling Feng pretended not to know, looking at the old man in the cloak with a puzzled expression, "Brother Cui, who is this?"


The elder laughed, "This is the mysterious guest who gave us the recipe of Yishen Jindan. Your Excellency, this is the alchemist who successfully refined Yishen Jindan, and the chief guest elder of our Danxian Pavilion, Tianhuo Zhenren."

Ling Feng raised his eyes and looked at the mysterious old man, and at this time, the old man's eyes were also looking up and down at Ling Feng.

Although the aura of the old man in black robe was hidden, Ling Feng could still sense that he was probably an extremely powerful alchemist, and his attainments in alchemy were probably not inferior to those of the great elder.

In addition, Ling Feng also sensed a familiar aura.

The aura of a false saint!

This person was indeed a believer of the Hall of All Spirits!

"First introduce yourself."

The old man in black robe looked at Ling Feng and finally said slowly, "My name is Zhou Wenyong!"

"It turns out to be Mr. Zhou..."

The great elder chuckled, and suddenly his eyelids twitched, with a look of astonishment on his face, "Zhou... Zhou what's going on?"

The old man in black robe remained calm and said lightly: "More than a hundred years ago, I once had a nickname, Holy Hand of Heavenly Pill!"

"You...are you Zhou Wenyong? Heavenly Pill Master Zhou Wenyong?"

The great elder looked at the black-robed old man in disbelief. Despite his age, he actually showed a look of shock and obsession on his face.

It’s like a little fanboy who saw his idol!

It turns out that more than a hundred years ago, Zhou Wenyong could be said to be the most famous alchemist in the entire Southern Witch Territory.

It can be said that no one who is an alchemist in the Southern Witch Region has not heard of the name Zhou Wenyong.

Unexpectedly, this senior, who had been dormant for hundreds of years, would appear again.

"You can still be so calm after hearing my name, Zhou Wenyong. It seems that you are indeed of the lineage of the Nine Yang Grand Masters. The descendants of the Nine Yang Grand Masters should indeed have such confidence!"

Zhou Wenyong glanced at Ling Feng and said lightly.


Ling Feng smiled, "I've never heard of Zhou Wenyong, okay?"

How do you want me to be shocked?

Why the shock?


Zhou Wenyong nodded, and then continued: "Master Tianhuo, right? I am now using my body as the protector of the Ten Thousand Spirits Hall to invite you to join me in the Ten Thousand Spirits Hall. Do you agree?"

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