Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2643 Qianling Medicine Garden! (1 update)

"Oh? All Souls Hall?"

Ling Feng pretended to be uninterested at first. After all, the Ten Thousand Spirits Palace has always been lurking in the dark and few people know about it.

If you agree too simply, it will arouse suspicion.

"What kind of place is the Hall of All Souls? I've never heard of it."

Ling Feng picked up the wine bottle and took a sip, "Brother Cui, if there's nothing else, could you please help me take this guy for a week or something? Forget it, it doesn't matter, don't disturb my interest in fishing."

The president of the conference was obviously relieved. If Ling Feng left like this, there would undoubtedly be one less general for Danxian Pavilion.

Although Zhou Wenyong was indeed his idol, he was also the goal that most alchemists in the alchemy world cherished and wanted to surpass.

But after all, Ling Feng was retained by Danxian Pavilion at a "big price". How could he let Zhou Wenyong poach him just as he said?

However, this Ten Thousand Spirits Palace is not a force to be trifled with. Although most people are not aware of this Ten Thousand Spirits Palace, Danxian Pavilion's business is almost all over the Southern Witch Territory, so they still have a certain understanding of this Ten Thousand Spirits Palace.

This is also the concern of the great elder. If "Master Tianhuo" really wants to leave, he can't say anything.

But now that Master Tianhuo has rejected Zhou Wenyong, Wanling Palace cannot blame Danxian Pavilion.

"Well, Master Zhou..." The great elder said with a smile on his face, "You see, this is also what Master Tianhuo means. He is staying well in our Danxian Pavilion and he should have no plans to leave for the time being."

Zhou Wenyong frowned slightly and stared at Ling Feng, but did not give up his persuasion and continued: "As an alchemist, don't you want to experience some higher-grade elixirs and stick to a few insignificant achievements throughout your life? Standing still?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, and he couldn't help but raise his eyes and look at Zhou Wenyong.

Although part of it was to cooperate with Zhou Wenyong and deliberately act, but from Zhou Wenyong's eyes, he saw the kind of Chicheng and the kind of heat.

Even Ling Feng was moved by it.

He is indeed an alchemy madman who devotes his whole life to the path of alchemy, the Holy Hand of Heavenly Alchemy.

There is no doubt about this.

"Go on."

Ling Feng's voice sounded a little more serious.

"It seems that you are also an alchemist with infinite enthusiasm for alchemy."

Zhou Wenyong stared at Ling Feng and said slowly: "From the look in your eyes, I can see that there is a kind of elixir now. If it is refined, it can be called an immortal product! We also need someone who is good at Qianyang Nine Refining Alchemist, and you are a descendant of the Nine Sun Grand Masters. With your joining, our chances of refining immortal elixirs will be greatly increased!"

"So, you can't deceive your true nature, right? Are you very interested in this elixir? If this elixir is refined, you and I will become an immortal monument in the world of alchemists! "

Zhou Wenyong knows how to reason, move people with emotion, and even lure them for profit. If he were an ordinary person, his psychological defenses would have been broken long ago.

Ling Feng originally wanted to get the pill recipe, so he only cooperated and listened to these words and just walked down the steps.

"Yes, I am very interested in this elixir."

Ling Feng nodded, "Not to mention me, even any other alchemist wouldn't be interested in immortal elixirs, right?"

"So, you agree?"

A smile appeared on Zhou Wenyong's lips, and he extended a palm toward Ling Feng, "Then, you are welcome to join the Hall of All Spirits!"

"Wait a minute."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and grinned, "I am a rather vulgar person! Alchemy is alchemy, but if you want me to join the Hall of All Souls, you have to show enough sincerity. Brother Cui gave it in one breath I have tens of thousands of rare medicinal materials, and I only agreed to become the elder of the guest. If you just say that casually, I will leave. I am not only sorry for Brother Cui, but also for those tens of thousands of medicinal materials!"

The great elder's face darkened, and he cursed in his heart: This is not the medicinal material I gave you, it's obviously because you are thick-skinned!

Zhou Wenyong looked at Ling Feng, then at the Great Elder, pondered for a moment, and then said, "Okay, have you ever heard of the Thousand Spirits Medicine Garden?"

"Qianling Medicine Garden?"

Ling Feng was slightly startled, obviously he had never heard of this medicine garden.

However, the great elder almost jumped up, "What, Qianling Medicine Garden!"

"What, Brother Cui, is there anything special about this Thousand Spirit Medicine Garden?"

Ling Feng turned to look at the Great Elder. After all, he had only been in the Southern Witch Territory for more than a month.

This little time was not enough for him to have a detailed understanding of the Southern Witch Territory.

"I didn't expect it. I really didn't expect it. It turns out that the famous Qianling Medicine Garden has also fallen into the control of Wanling Palace."

A trace of longing flashed in the eyes of the great elder, "Thousand Spirits Medicine Garden is a treasure land. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth and other conditions in it have almost reached the level of ancient times. Therefore, those who grow in Thousand Spirits Medicine Garden Not only can the treasures of heaven and earth exceed their own limits every year, but some spiritual flowers and herbs that have long been extinct outside may also reappear in the Qianling Medicine Garden.”

"If you're lucky, you might be able to find treasures of hundreds of thousands of years old!"

"Hundreds of thousands of years!"

Ling Feng's pupils shrank slightly. He originally just wanted to give Zhou Wenyong a small blow, but he could let the other party have his own way.

Unexpectedly, this Zhou Wenyong is really willing to spend a lot of money!

"The Qianling Medicine Garden is not just a simple medicine garden."

Zhou Wenyong smiled mysteriously, "In the medicine garden, there is also an ancestral land, which exudes pure spiritual energy of heaven and earth all year round, even a kind of fairy spirit, nourishing the spiritual plants in the medicine garden. And in that area In the ancestral land, there are even more rare treasures of heaven and earth.”

Zhou Wenyong narrowed his eyes and said with a faint smile: "Master Tianhuo, if you are willing to join the Ten Thousand Spirits Hall, I can make my own decision and take you to the Thousand Spirits Medicine Garden to pick the elixirs. If you can prove in front of the hall master that you have With enough value, even entering the ancestral land is not difficult!”

"Okay, I agree!"

Ling Feng nodded, "There is such a good place, how can we not go and see it?"

"Good birds choose trees to roost in. You are a wise man."

Zhou Wenyong smiled faintly, although he failed frequently in capturing the boy who had seized the alchemy technique of Qianyang Jiulian.

But fortunately, I finally made some gains on my side.

But he didn't know that the "Master Tianhuo" he found was actually Ling Feng!


Ling Feng looked at the great elder and said slightly apologetically: "Brother Cui, it seems that our fate has come to an end."

The First Elder sighed softly, "Master Zhou is right, good birds choose trees to roost in, brother Tianhuo, you don't have to feel guilty, even I want to see the legendary immortal elixir!"

Zhou Wenyong nodded slightly, glanced at Ling Feng again, and said slowly: "Master Tianhuo, now, please follow me back to the Hall of All Souls!"

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