Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2644 Mysterious! (2 updates)

"No no no!"

Ling Feng raised a finger and waved it slightly in front of Zhou Wenyong, "Go to the Thousand Spirits Medicine Garden first. No matter how good this treasure is, it can only be considered your own if it is put into your own spiritual ring. What do you think? Right?"

Zhou Wenyong frowned slightly, but he also concluded that this "Master Tianhuo" was definitely a greedy guy.

However, the more such a guy is, the more control he has.

Because greed is his fatal weakness.

Of course, this was just what Zhou Wenyong took for granted, and everything Ling Feng showed was the image he deliberately wanted Zhou Wenyong to think.

As the saying goes, life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills!

Qianling Medicine Garden is a famous treasure place in the Southern Witch Territory.

However, as early as tens of thousands of years ago, a powerful person used great supernatural powers to hide this treasure land in the void. Only the descendants with the blood of that powerful person could use the blood as a guide to let go. Open the door to the void, leading to the Garden of Thousand Spirits Medicine.

And Zhou Wenyong is the descendant of that powerful man.

It turned out that Zhou Wenyong was just a descendant of an ancient alchemy family. He was known as the "Sage of Heavenly Alchemy" because of his outstanding alchemy attainments.

Later, after joining the Ten Thousand Spirits Hall, the Thousand Spirits Medicine Garden also became a vassal of the Ten Thousand Spirits Hall.

Three days later.

Under the leadership of Zhou Wenyong, the group finally arrived outside a valley.

In addition to Ling Feng and Tuoba Yan, Zhou Wenyong is always accompanied by more than a dozen elite killers from Wanling Palace, almost inseparable.

Moreover, the strength of these killers is basically comparable to that of a six-star guardian, and there are even two who have reached the level of a nine-star guardian.

That is to say, a saint-level powerhouse!

Thinking about it, Zhou Wenyong's status in the Hall of All Spirits is probably equivalent to that of the chief alchemist, and he is the most precious "wealth" of the Hall of All Spirits.

Therefore, no matter how careful you are in protecting it, you can never be too careful.

Outside the valley, there was a layer of fog, making it difficult to see the way ahead.

"This is the entrance to the Thousand Spirits Medicine Garden."

Zhou Wenyong looked back at Ling Feng and said calmly: "You're lucky, you caught up just in time."

"What are you catching up with?" Ling Feng was confused for a while.

Zhou Wenyong smiled but said nothing.

At the same time, many other warriors also gathered one after another.

When they saw Zhou Wenyong, they all rushed forward and greeted him politely.

These people seem to be all believers of All Souls Hall!

Even if you are not a believer, you must have a great relationship.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly.

Good guy, the power of the Ten Thousand Souls Palace has actually developed to such an extent!

If the All Souls Temple is allowed to continue to grow, it may not take many years for the Southern Witch Territory to be completely free of the Witch God Temple.

It would have been fine before, but now, Ling Feng is also a descendant of the witch ancestors and a descendant of the twelve witch gods. If he just stood by and watched, he would be a bit sorry for the witch ancestors and the twelve witch gods.

After a while, outside the valley, the warriors who approached had gathered. When the red sun was high at noon, Zhou Wenyong took a step forward and bit his fingertip, and a drop of bright red blood came out. As Zhou Wenyong muttered words, dazzling rays of light emitted.

After a while, the fog in front of me suddenly fluctuated and gradually dissipated, revealing the true appearance of the Thousand Spirit Medicine Garden under the fog.


A warrior wearing a white robe immediately flew out, and in a flash, he flew into the dispersing mist and entered the Thousand Spirits Medicine Garden.

Immediately afterwards, everyone set off one after another, rushing towards Qianling Medicine Garden like crucian carp crossing a river, Ling Feng was among them.

In the moment of rushing into the fog, the whole world seemed to become illusory.

Following a wave of void fluctuations, for about ten breaths, it seemed as if he had entered another world!

Ling Feng looked at the surrounding environment, and what came into his eyes were all kinds of flashing rays of light. The colors were colorful and complemented each other, making it dizzying.

This is indeed a treasure land, and it is also a paradise for the growth of all kinds of natural materials and treasures!

The crowd quickly dispersed, each one scrambling to collect the spiritual plants they needed.

"How does it feel?"

Zhou Wenyong glanced at Ling Feng and saw that he was still calm, so he couldn't help but smile lightly.

“It’s indeed a great place!”

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, and strong aura waves came from all directions.

The spiritual energy of wood, the spiritual energy of fire, the spiritual energy of water, the spiritual energy of wind...

Etc., etc……

Ling Feng even had the illusion that he had entered Xiao Wu Mountain again, but Xiao Wu Mountain was more focused on the changes in the rules of attribute power.

But here, there is only the purest spiritual energy of all types.

It can be said that this is not only a paradise for the growth of natural materials and earthly treasures, but also a paradise for cultivation!

"Brother Zhou hasn't told me yet why there are so many people here. You said before that I was lucky. What did we catch up with? What did we catch up with?"

Ling Feng was full of doubts.

"There are some things that only you are qualified to know after you officially become a member of the Hall of All Spirits."

Zhou Wenyong smiled faintly, "Don't worry, you will know sooner or later. As for these people..."

"Most of them are warriors who have received the baptism of All Souls. In order to get a chance to be baptized a second time, they took their entire family and became vassals of the All Souls Palace."

Zhou Wenyong's eyes flashed with disdain, and then he continued: "Every once in a while, we will open the Qianling Medicine Garden to these vassal families and let them come here to pick some natural materials and treasures, but every time To enter, you only need to pay a sum of Yuan Jing.”

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. In the final analysis, it was just a means of making money for Wanling Palace.

It’s the baptism of all spirits, the mysterious elixir, and the Garden of Thousand Spirits.

After so many years, the wealth accumulated by Wanling Palace is probably an unimaginable figure.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. The master of the Ten Thousand Spirits Hall is really the best master of making money in the world!

"Master Tianhuo, I have brought you here. You have one day to collect as you like here."

Zhou Wenyong glanced at Ling Feng and said calmly: "I have some other things to deal with. You can go around by yourself. You, you, you two are responsible for protecting the safety of Master Tianhuo, and take care of him carefully!"

With that said, Zhou Wenyong casually named two of his subordinates, saying they were protecting Ling Feng, but in fact they were just to monitor him.

Ling Feng knew it, but the more mysterious Zhou Wenyong acted, the more Ling Feng became interested.

"Mysterious, hum, I want to see what you are doing!"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and started walking aimlessly with Tuoba Yan and two other followers from the Hall of All Souls.

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