Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2647 The Spirit of the Five Elements! (2 updates)


A burly, bald man laughed heartily, "This fire spirit suits me perfectly, so I won't be polite!"

Ling Feng was hiding in the dark, and after hearing Zhou Wenyong's words, he gave up the idea of ​​snatching it immediately.

Just in time, let these guys try to see how difficult it is to pick the Chaos Creation Fruit.


He saw the bald man rising into the sky, a ball of flame condensing in his hand and turning into a long knife burning with flames.

This person is proficient in fire witchcraft. This divine fire cursed blade has a flame rule attached to the blade, which is as high as ninth level!

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. It seemed that there were masters in the Hall of All Souls!

However, although the bald man was menacing and used ninth-level witchcraft as soon as he struck, the fire spirit guarding the Chaos Creation Fruit trembled slightly, as if spitting out a fire dragon.

The terrifying flames gathered into flaming dragons, and the blazing high temperature actually made the bald man unable to withstand it.


The bald man quickly dodged to avoid it, but he was still a step too slow. The clothes behind him started to burn, and he was so frightened that he quickly rolled on the ground before extinguishing the flames.

However, his butt has been burned to black coals.


The bald man cursed, "What kind of fire spirit is this? It's so fierce!"

Zhou Wenyong shook his head and smiled, "I told you, this is the spirit of heaven and earth. If it was so easy to deal with, why would I invite everyone here?"

In the darkness, Ling Feng also frowned slightly.

Although I have not personally experienced the power of the fire spirit, judging from the embarrassed look of the bald man, this fire spirit has the most powerful fire rules. To compete with him in the power of fire, I must be humiliating myself.

Not to mention the ninth-level rules, even the twelfth-level rules are useless in front of the Fire Spirit.

"The power of fire is always the most difficult to tame, so let me give it a try."

At this time, a thin old man wearing a blue robe and a green hat walked out of the crowd.

"Old man Nanshan, can you do it?"

The bald man snorted softly and looked at the cuckold old man with doubt on his face.

"It's better than some people getting their butts burned."

The green-haired old man said, and the next moment, a pair of green light wings condensed from behind and slowly flew into the sky.

Different from the bald man, the method used by Master Nanshan is to release his own wood spirit to attract the favor of the wood spirit.

If the wood spirit recognizes its master directly, it will naturally save a lot of trouble.

The spirit of wood on his body was very strong. Sure enough, the spirit of wood did not take the initiative to attack Venerable Nanshan. Instead, he pulled out slender branches and got closer to Venerable Nanshan little by little.

"Ha ha!"

Venerable Nanshan was overjoyed and worked hard to release the wood aura in his body.

However, just when Master Nanshan thought he was about to succeed, those branches suddenly seemed to turn into steel whips.


The branch hit Venerable Nanshan hard on the chest, causing him to spurt out blood. This time, it almost killed him.

"Old man Nanshan, you can't do it either!"

The bald man from before looked gloating.

Venerable Nanshan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, struggled to get up, and said bitterly: "It's just a little bit close. Damn it, I am the holy body of the wood spirit. This wood spirit doesn't obediently recognize me as its master. That's right." It’s abominable!”

Then, several other elders of the Ten Thousand Spirits Hall tried the Golden Spirit, Water Spirit and Earth Spirit respectively.

Unfortunately, they all ended in failure.

"It won't work!"

Finally, the bald man couldn't help complaining, "Say, Mr. Zhou, aren't you just kidding us! With the Spirit of the Five Elements guarding us, who can destroy the Chaos Creation Fruit?"


Venerable Nanshan also sighed softly, "This Five Elements Spirit is almost equivalent to the laws of heaven and earth in Xuanling Continent. It controls the highest rules of the power of the Five Elements. Not to mention us, even the strong ones from the Ancestral Realm are coming. , I’m afraid I’m going to fail.”

The other elders also sighed, "This spirit of the Five Elements is simply untamable. I thought I could pick the Chaos Creation Fruit, but I didn't expect that it was just a joy in vain!"

They have tried various methods.

If they are just close to the Five Elements Spirits, those Five Elements Spirits will be a little more polite and just repel them.

But if you go straight to the Chaos Creation Fruit, the Five Elements Spirit will become ruthless and merciless, targeting the intruder to death.

In this way, let alone harvesting the Chaos Creation Fruit, whether one's life can be saved is still a question.

"As expected..."

Zhou Wenyong was not too surprised. Instead, he seemed to have known this result for a long time. He just said lightly: "It seems that it is impossible to tame the spirit of the five elements. It’s a last resort.”

"Oh? Lao Zhou, it turns out you already had a solution!"

Venerable Nanshan immediately said: "If you have any idea, please tell me earlier!"

"If you don't let a few of you try it first, how can you believe that this Five Elements Spirit is really so powerful?"

Zhou Wenyong said calmly: "My ancestors of the Zhou family left behind a magic circle, which can be used to deal with the spirits of the five elements and remove their spiritual power bit by bit. However, it requires the cooperation of several people to stick here for half a year. Time will bring success!”

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