Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2648 The legendary man! (3 updates)

"What? Half a year!"

The bald man immediately shouted, "Mr. Zhou, are you kidding me?"

Zhou Wenyong had no expression on his face and just said lightly: "Do you think I'm joking?"

An elder next to him sighed softly, "Yes, these five elements spirits are indeed difficult to deal with. If you want to use the magic circle to refine their spiritual essence, it will take half a year, which is normal."


Zhou Wenyong nodded, "If you want to harvest this Chaos Creation Fruit, it will take at least half a year!"

"Forget it."

The bald man had a dejected look on his face. The thought of staying here for half a year made him feel excited.

Zhou Wenyong looked at everyone and saw that no one had objections. Then he took out a thin book from the Naling Ring and said, "This is the nine-star sky-capturing formation passed down by my Zhou family. Nine elders, you happen to be one of them." I’ll be back in half a year!”

"Mr. Zhou, if you have a good relationship, you have already planned it!"

The bald man's teeth were itching for a while. If he had known that he would be killed, he would not have taken a trip into this muddy water.

Zhou Wenyong opened his mouth and promised: "Don't worry, everyone, when the Star Holy Spirit Pill is completed, I will provide three extra pills for each of you!"

"That's pretty much it!"

When everyone heard that there was a Star Holy Spirit Pill, they felt much more balanced.

Isn't it just half a year? It's normal to retreat for half a year.

In the darkness, Ling Feng frowned when he heard this conversation.

Half a year?

I can’t wait for half a year!

These people can't tame the spirit of the Five Elements, but that doesn't mean they can't tame it themselves!

Just when Ling Feng was about to take action, suddenly, a figure, like a big bird, flew past high in the sky.

"Since none of you can pick this Chaos Creation Fruit, how about you let me try?"

The sudden appearance of this voice surprised everyone.

The elders of the Ten Thousand Spirits Hall all looked at them, but they saw a young and handsome man in white clothes floating in the air.

"Which family are you a disciple of? How dare you trespass on the ancestral land!"

The bald man frowned, Qianling Medicine Garden had always been open only to the Wanling Palace and the children of the vassal families of the Wanling Palace.

And this ancestral land is a forbidden area that is expressly stipulated. No one else is allowed to enter except for elders like them.

This man in white has obviously violated the ban!

"I'm in the Witch God Temple, Duan Lingtian!"

The man in white had a confident smile on his face and directly stated his name without hiding it.

"Witch God Temple!"

The faces of the elders of Wanling Hall below all changed.

"How is it possible? This Thousand Spiritual Medicine Garden is heavily guarded. How can the disciples of the Temple of the Witch God get in?"

The bald man cursed and cursed, like a furious lion.

In the darkness, Ling Feng secretly chuckled in his heart.

Why was the security so tight? Didn’t he just get in?

However, this Duan Lingtian...

The name sounds somewhat familiar!

The next moment, Ling Feng suddenly reacted.

Isn't this Ling Tian the same guy who once set a record in the Mingguang Temple and was called the youngest great witch in the Temple of the Witch God?

After all, this guy is still my "senior brother"!

However, he is more than two hundred years older than he should be.

Ever since he joined Mingguang Palace, all the legendary deeds about Duan Lingtian have been heard like thunder.

It can be said that this guy is a legend of the Mingguang Palace, an idol-like figure.

Unexpectedly, I would see him here.

Indeed, this guy looks quite handsome, and he exudes a confident and powerful aura.

Even though there were so many elders from Wanling Hall below, they didn't show any fear at all.

It was as if these elders were no different from ants in his eyes.

This is the real strong man. This kind of belief that he is invincible makes even Ling Feng feel a little ashamed of himself.

"Another Duan Lingtian came out halfway..."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, still hiding his aura and not acting rashly.

At this time, Duan Lingtian's appearance had obviously angered the elders of the Ten Thousand Spirits Hall.

"Baby, no matter who you are, if you dare to take advantage of the Chaos Creation Fruit, you will die!"

The bald man condensed a flaming blade in his hand and stared at Duan Lingtian fiercely.

Just as he was about to take action, Zhou Wenyong held his shoulder.

"Your Excellency, you are Duan Lingtian? The youngest wizard in the Temple of the Witch God?"

Zhou Wenyong stared at Duan Lingtian and asked in a deep voice.

"Is there a second Duan Lingtian in the Temple of the Witch God? If not, it's probably me."

That piece of Ling Tian slowly fell from the sky, Yun Danfeng said softly.

Zhou Wenyong took a deep breath, "My Ten Thousand Spirits Hall and your Witch God Temple have always been in harmony with each other. This Thousand Spirits Medicine Garden is the place of my Ten Thousand Spirits Hall, so this Chaos Creation Fruit also belongs to our Ten Thousand Spirits Hall." The things in the Spiritual Palace, please leave as soon as possible, I can pretend that nothing has happened."

"That's wrong!"

Duan Lingtian shook his head, "Since ancient times, this treasure has been obtained by those who are able and those who are destined. Since you can't do anything with the treasure, you might as well let me try!"

Duan Lingtian raised his sword eyebrows and said slowly: "If I can't take it out, how about turning around and leaving immediately without hesitation?"

"Are you thinking about shit? Why should I get it for you?"

The bald man swung the long knife in his hand and said, "Mr. Zhou, let me go. I'm just a young boy. Am I afraid of him?"

Zhou Wenyong did not let go, he just stared at Duan Lingtian, hesitated for a moment, then sighed softly and said slowly: "Okay, then, it doesn't hurt to let you try."


The bald man was so angry that he almost turned around and slashed Zhou Wenyong, and cursed loudly: "Old man Zhou, you must have been frightened by the name of the Witch God Temple. He is only one person, and there are so many of us, so we are afraid of him." one?"

Duan Lingtian grinned, "Yes, there are so many of you, you really don't need to be afraid of me. Come on, take action. I will let you three swords first, as a sign of respect for the elderly!"


The bald man couldn't bear it any longer and forcefully broke away from Zhou Wenyong. He squeezed the flame blade tightly and stared at Duan Lingtian angrily, "Little brat, I think you are tired of living! Since you are seeking death on your own, grandpa, I will help you!"

The bald man is also a powerful saint, and his temper is as fierce as fire. There is no way he can withstand such a provocation.

He swung his broadsword and pounced on Duan Lingtian like a tiger.

One knife!



The bald man cursed angrily, turned around and struck again with a knife. His figure was divided into four, and he struck Duan Lingtian fiercely from four directions.

Duan Lingtian still didn't take action, but used an incredible angle to perfectly dodge all the bald man's blades.


The bald man was completely furious. He used his hand gestures and cast the forbidden flame curse!

As soon as the forbidden spell came out, the person's aura became even more violent.

The sky was full of fire rain, falling from the sky, but that section of Lingtian seemed to be strolling in the courtyard, moving left and right in the fire rain, and the figure was suddenly bright and dark, sometimes forward and now behind, now left and now right, it was completely unpredictable.

When the bald man's forbidden curse was completely over, not even a corner of Duan Lingtian's clothes was touched.

"Damn it!"

The bald man yelled, "Baby, I'm going to kill you!"

However, Duan Lingtian raised his eyebrows and said lightly, "Three moves, passed!"


There was a sound of sword sound, as if the heavenly sword was unsheathed.

Everyone only saw an incredible light, and then, a human head fell to the ground.

The bald man is dead!

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