Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2649 The magical power of light transformation! (1 update)


"How can it be?"

The elders of Wanling Hall were all dumbfounded.

Duan Lingtian, of course, is quite famous in the entire Southern Witch Territory, and he is even praised as a legend by the Witch God Temple.

But in the final analysis, his age is only over two hundred years old.

As for these old guys, even the youngest ones are over five or six hundred years old, and they possess saint-level strength.

But even so, the bald man couldn't make a single move in Duan Lingtian's hands!

The whole place was filled with a suffocating sense of oppression.

This Duan Lingtian is really too strong!

It is true that if these elders take action together, they may still be able to fight Duan Lingtian, but at most they will only be able to force Duan Lingtian back.

But these people may be killed or injured several times!

And who is willing to be the soul killed by the sword?

No one wants it!

Taking a deep breath, Zhou Wenyong's eyes became extremely solemn.

"Okay, you can try to capture this Chaos Creation Fruit. However, if you are unable to capture it, you must keep your promise."

Zhou Wenyong tightened his fists. Under Duan Lingtian's powerful strength, he had to compromise.

Secondly, even Duan Lingtian may not be able to do anything to these Five Elements Spirits.

Duan Lingtian raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly: "This is natural!"

In the darkness, when Ling Feng saw this scene, he felt a wave of panic in his heart.

This guy is truly worthy of being the "elder brother" of Mingguang Palace, he is ridiculously strong!

With one man and one sword, he actually forced the old guys from the Hall of All Souls to compromise.

Ling Feng's face turned slightly solemn.

With Duan Lingtian's strength, I am afraid that he is no match. Is it possible that this Chaos Creation Fruit will fall into Duan Lingtian's hands?

Ling Feng took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and still waited to see what would happen.

Although Duan Lingtian is strong, he may not be able to deal with the Five Elements Spirit.

At least, in Ling Feng's heart, he did not hope that Duan Lingtian could break through the Five Elements Spirit, otherwise, he would not be able to watch the Chaos Creation Fruit fall into Duan Lingtian's hands in vain.

Even if the other party is his "big brother".


Zhou Wenyong nodded, stepped out of the way, and said in a deep voice: "Please!"

"Mr. Zhou!"

"Brother Zhou!"

"This is absolutely impossible!"

The elders of Wanling Hall all frowned. Could it be that Zhou Wenyong really wanted to give up the Chaos Creation Fruit?

Zhou Wenyong shook his head at everyone, and then his spiritual consciousness said: "Please be patient, everyone, how can the spirit of the five elements be so easy to deal with? Even if this kid can deal with the spirit of the five elements, I am afraid he will be seriously injured. ! When the time comes, he takes out the Chaos Creation Fruit, and we take advantage of it!"

"I believe you all understand the principle behind the mantis stalking the cicada and the oriole behind!"

At the end of the day, all the elders showed relief and moved out of the way.

At this moment, they actually hoped that Duan Lingtian could deal with the Five Elements Spirit, which would save them half a year of hard work.

Duan Lingtian saw the change in the expressions of these people, and he naturally understood in his heart that these guys would not let him take advantage of this in vain.

He is not a fool, and he also understands that these people may want to deal with the Five Elements Spirit through him.

However, he had the belief that I was invincible, and even though he knew it was a trap, he was not afraid at all.

Striding forward, Duan Lingtian walked in front of the towering tree. The next moment, he heard a "swish" sound and his entire figure rose into the sky.

The spirit of the five elements, guarding the five directions, sensed the intrusion of a strange aura and responded immediately.

Suddenly, fire appeared, and an overwhelming flame suppressed Duan Lingtian.

The fire was raging and seemed to burn Duan Lingtian directly to ashes.

He saw the divine light flashing around Duan Lingtian, turning into a stream of light, breaking through the flame defense line, and rushing towards the Chaos Creation Fruit.

Below, the elders of the Hall of All Souls had a sneer on their lips.

Duan Lingtian's delusion to directly avoid the Five Elements Spirits and not confront them head-on was too naive.

The closer one gets to the Chaos Creation Fruit, the more terrifying the attacks from the Five Elements Spirits become.

Sure enough, the next moment, the torrent swept across, and the water spirit turned into a thousand-mile raging wave, rolling over. The terrifying power of the wash seemed to tremble the void.

Following closely behind were branches like steel whips, and the wood spirit immediately launched an attack.

Duan Lingtian's figure dodged and moved left and right. Although he was hindered by the water spirit and the wood spirit, he quickly bucked the trend again, and he broke through the three lines of defense in succession.

"How can this be……"

The elders of the Ten Thousand Spirits Hall below had their eyelids twitching wildly. They were surprised at what kind of magical powers Duan Lingtian had cultivated. He had just been able to dodge the forbidden curse of the bald man, and now he could dodge the attacks of the Five Elements Spirits so easily.

Even Ling Feng looked extremely surprised.

Duan Lingtian's movement technique, at first glance, is somewhat similar to his own Nine Nether Blinking Technique, but it is faster and the teleportation distance is extremely short.

But soon, Ling Feng was surprised to find that what Duan Lingtian used was not a movement technique.

But another wonderful power.


The moment those powerful attacks hit, his body seemed to be dodging, but in fact, it had turned into light.

Light, an invisible substance, is everywhere!

In the moment of light, he was like the ubiquitous light, hiding in the light. No matter how powerful the power was, he could not defeat the light.

This was the secret of Duan Lingtian's ability to instantly kill the bald man with one move.

His cultivation level may not be much stronger than that of the bald man, but with the help of light, he can completely avoid all the attacks of the bald man.

Moreover, relying on the speed close to light, he was able to achieve the shocking scene of instantly killing the bald man.

"Is this the power of the Great Light Divine Body..."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. Although he understood this, he still had to accept it.

The photochemical itself is not a very powerful force. It is similar to Chu Chaonan's "Blissful Boy Appearance", which can also be immune to any elemental attack. It is similar to Xiao Tianji's "Bloodlight Nothingness", which also has a similar Effect.

However, Duan Lingtian's use of photochemistry was far superior to that of Chu Chaonan or Xiao Tianji.

He has almost turned himself into light, so he can do whatever he wants and move freely.

As if aware of the threat posed by Duan Lingtian, the Five Elements Spirit changed again.

A single five-element attribute attack can be evaded by Duan Lingtian. If this continues, Duan Lingtian will really surpass the guardianship of the five-element spirit and take away the Chaos Creation Fruit.

In an instant, a sudden change occurred.

I saw the spirits of the five elements bursting out with intense light one after another. The five elements united into one and condensed into a ball of bright light.

The Chaos Creation Fruit was completely engulfed by the Five Elements Spirit, and a terrifying force burst out from the fused Five Elements Spirit.

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