Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2650 Five Elements Giant! (2 updates)

At the same time, the strong impact caused the elders of Wanling Hall below to retreat one after another.

Even Duan Lingtian frowned, with a solemn look on his face.

The next moment, the five elements merge!

The Spirit of the Five Elements actually turned into a giant, and the Chaos Creation Fruit was like the heart of the Five Elements Giant, tightly sealed within its body.

Unless it is defeated, it is impossible to take out the Chaos Creation Fruit!

"Oh my god, I never thought that the spirit of the Five Elements actually has such a means of protection!"

"Such a five-element giant cannot be defeated by ordinary people!"

The elders of the Ten Thousand Spirits Hall below all had their brows furrowed.

I wonder if this Five Elements Giant can return to its original state after defeating Duan Lingtian. Otherwise, if it really has long legs and runs away, who can catch it?


Duan Lingtian stared at the five-element giant in front of him, his eyes shining with excitement.

"Come on, I want to see how strong you are, this big guy!"

Duan Lingtian roared, holding the sword high in his hand, and an extremely dazzling light burst out from the blade.

"Forbidden curse! The sword of the King of Light!"

Behind Duan Lingtian, a sacred statue appeared, with twelve pairs of wings behind him, flapping gently, lifelike.

Then, a bright giant sword rose into the sky, dozens of feet long, aimed at the Five Elements giant, and struck it down on the head!

"This forbidden curse!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. He had received the inheritance of the Twelve Witch Gods, and the Light Witch God was among them.

And this move is a forbidden spell created by the Light Witch God. Although the power he exerts is far inferior to what we have been told, Duan Lingtian can actually perform this move completely, which has proven his power.

At the same time, the Five Elements Giant also responded.

In an instant, the world seemed to be split open, and pure gold stood in the sky, spanning the sky.


The "Sword of the God of Light" displayed by Duan Lingtian collided with the golden giant sword in the hands of the Five Elements Giant.

In an instant, the sword of the God of Light shattered!

And the terrifying power of shock actually caused the Divine King's Dharma form behind Duan Lingtian to instantly collapse!

The power possessed by this Five Elements Giant is definitely not something Duan Lingtian can resist.


Duan Lingtian suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, his muscles and veins all over his body were shattered, and his figure flew out.

The five-element giant swept across with the huge sword in his hand, intending to completely obliterate Duan Lingtian.

By the way, although the previous Venerable Nanshan and others also tried to harvest the Chaos Creation Fruit, they did not pose much of a threat.

But Duan Lingtian is different. Duan Lingtian has forced out the fusion body of the Five Elements Spirits. Therefore, this person must be killed to ensure that the Chaos Creation Fruit will not be tainted.

Protecting the Chaos Creation Fruit is the only meaning of the existence of the Five Elements Spirit.

But preferring death over death, Ling Tian fell from the sky, and the direction of the fall was exactly behind the boulder that Ling Feng was hiding.

Ling Feng cursed in his heart, and when he saw the Five Elements Giant slashing his sword towards the top of his head, a shiver ran down his spine.

I am provoking someone!

Thinking that this sword had even shaken Duan Lingtian's divine king's appearance away, if it were really struck down, I would probably be chopped into ashes!

"What bad luck!"

Ling Feng didn't care about the issue of exposure. He threw out a chain blade in his hand, wrapped it around Duan Lingtian's body, pulled him off, and dragged him to his side.

Immediately afterwards, a golden light burst out from the chain blade, which turned directly into a huge armor, just enough to cover Ling Feng and Duan Lingtian.


There was a loud noise, and everyone was temporarily deafened.

The five-element giant struck Ling Feng's armor with a sword, and violent power poured out. The ground under Ling Feng's feet was cracked inch by inch. The entire earth, dozens of miles in radius, was covered with cracks. It was shocking. shocking.


Duan Lingtian suddenly spurted out another mouthful of blood. Although the armor withstood a huge part of the force, the remaining counter-shock force also caused him to be seriously injured.


Ling Feng let out a sigh of relief. Although he was also injured by the shock, his physique was far beyond Duan Lingtian's.

This injury was almost painless to him.

After all, he is a man with an immortal golden body.

I have to say that the armor of the Immortal King is really awesome, and it can even block this kind of power.

"Thank you..."

Duan Lingtian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. It was a critical moment just now. If the young man in front of him hadn't taken action, he might have been in danger.

Of course, Waste's original intention was not to save him.

Duan Lingtian fell towards him, and he had to take action anyway.

With this move, he was naturally exposed.

Facing so many elders of Wanling Hall, if he is exposed, he will definitely not have the slightest chance to seize the Chaos Creation Fruit.

Therefore, Duan Lingtian must live.

With Duan Lingtian's strength, he will definitely be a great help to him.

"No need to say thank you, everyone came from Mingguang Hall, Senior Brother Duan!"

Ling Feng chuckled and approached Duan Lingtian.

"It turns out you are a disciple of Mingguang Hall!"

Although he was full of curiosity as to why Ling Feng appeared here, Duan Lingtian immediately chose to believe in Ling Feng after finally saving his own life.

"Damn it, another Mingguang Palace disciple came out!"

The elders of Wanling Hall were surprised at first, and then became extremely angry.

Surprisingly, both Ling Feng and Ling Feng survived a heavy sword blow from the Five Elements Giant!

What makes them angry is that two people broke into their forbidden area one after another, and before that, they had no idea at all!

At this time, the Five Elements Giant was suspended in the air, staring at Ling Feng, seemingly slightly stunned.

The elders of Wanling Hall were staring at Ling Feng and others with eager eyes.

They could naturally see that Duan Lingtian was seriously injured, and it was just the right time to take advantage of his illness to kill him, so that he could completely wipe out this unique genius of the Witch God Temple here!

As for the other young boy, there is nothing to worry about!

The current situation can be said to be very unfavorable to Ling Feng and the others.

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