Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2651 Falling short? (3 updates)

"Senior Brother Duan, how about cooperation between you and me?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, glanced at the Five Elements Spirits in the air, and said in a deep voice: "I'll deal with that big guy, how about you stop those old guys from the Hall of Ten Thousand Spirits?"

Duan Lingtian glanced at Ling Feng, "Junior brother, you are no match for the Five Elements Giant."

He covered his chest, took a deep breath, and then continued: "While the Five Elements Giants haven't taken action yet, I'll hold those old guys back, and you leave quickly!"

He never wanted to owe others favors. If Ling Feng saved him once, he would also save Ling Feng once, so it was even.

"Want to run?"

The Venerable Nanshan laughed ferociously, "Both of you will die here today!"

Duan Lingtian, who was seriously injured, was like a tiger whose teeth had been pulled out.

Duan Lingtian's arrogance had completely angered these old guys before. Now that Duan Lingtian was severely injured by the Five Elements Giant, how could they let go of this good opportunity.


In an instant, the eight elders of Wanling Hall had surrounded them. Duan Lingtian took a deep breath and frowned deeply.

It was the dragon that was tricked by the shrimp in the shallows, and the tiger that fell in Pingyang was bullied by the dog.

If he hadn't been severely injured by the Five Elements Giant, how could he be so passive.

"Senior Brother Duan, these people are left to you!"

Ling Feng saw the elders of Wanling Hall surrounding him and directly used the Nine Nether Instant Technique. The next moment, he appeared in front of the Five Elements Giant.

Although it was somewhat different from his own plan, the result was still the same.

He went to deal with the Five Elements Giant, while Duan Lingtian stopped the elders of the Ten Thousand Spirits Hall.

In the eyes of others, Ling Feng's actions were just like seeking death.

The elders of Wanling Hall naturally did not dare to pursue Ling Feng. Anyway, if the Five Elements Giant took action, Ling Feng would definitely die.

As for Duan Lingtian, he will definitely die under their siege.

"This idiot!"

Duan Lingtian was speechless for a while, thinking that this junior brother might be too greedy.

Although the Chaos Creation Fruit is good, he has clearly witnessed the power of the Five Elements Giant, but he still wants to pounce on it?

Isn’t this asking for death?

However, facing the siege of the elders of the Hall of All Souls, he had no time to distract himself. Everything could only depend on his own luck.

"Duan Lingtian, the mythical genius of the Temple of the Witch God, right? Today is the day when the mythology falls!"

High in the sky.

Ling Feng flew directly in front of the Five Elements Giant, feeling slightly uneasy in his heart.

Of course, he didn't want to die after living enough, but because the Five Elements Giant's gaze made him feel that maybe the Five Elements Giant would not necessarily attack him.

The Chaos Creation Fruit is originally the fruit of chaos.

And he is the body of chaos.

The aura of the Fruit of Chaos is extremely attractive to him, and the power of his own Chaos is also extremely attractive to the Fruit of Chaos.

Therefore, this is the reason why the Five Elements Giant fell into a sluggish state when he saw himself.

Because when it saw Ling Feng, it couldn't tell whether Ling Feng was an enemy or a companion.

The aura exuding from Ling Feng made him very friendly!

This is a force with the same root and origin.

Sure enough, Ling Feng's guess was not wrong. As Ling Feng got closer and closer, the Five Elements Giant did not launch an attack.

"Yes, that's it!"

Ling Feng carefully wrapped the aura of the power of chaos around his body.

As long as the Five Elements Giant does not attack, he can easily pick off the Chaos Creation Fruit.


Getting closer!

In fact, Ling Feng's palm has already touched the chest of the Five Elements Giant, and he is only one step away from picking away the Chaos Creation Fruit inside!

"Don't even think about it!"

At this moment, a roar came from behind.

But it turned out that Zhou Wenyong had never joined the battle, but just waited and watched.

And when he saw Ling Feng so close to the Five Elements Giant, he immediately realized that something was wrong.

In an instant, Zhou Wenyong directly used a big cauldron and without any explanation, he hit Ling Feng's back hard.

Sensing this hostile aura, the peaceful look in the Five Elements Giant's eyes turned violent.


With a loud shout, the Five Elements Giant completely woke up.

The violent aura swept across, and Ling Feng was directly knocked away.


Ling Feng's eyes were filled with hatred, and he failed!

Just a little bit, I succeeded!

He stared at Zhou Wenyong fiercely, wishing he could slap this bad old man to death.

However, the next moment, there were two sounds of "whoosh" and "whoosh" in his ears. Two slender branches had already bound his arms, and a huge force pulled him directly over.

"I'll wipe it!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched wildly, and he struggled wildly, but even with all the power of the three hundred dragon elephants he unleashed, he was unable to break free from the seemingly thin and pitiful branches.

Then, Ling Feng saw that the Five Elements Giant opened its "bloody mouth" burning with flames, trying to swallow him directly.


Ling Feng felt his eyes turn red, and before he could react, he was swallowed directly by the mouth burning with flames.

"Humph, you are destroying yourself!"

Zhou Wenyong sneered and immediately looked towards Duan Lingtian.

Duan Lingtian had already been severely wounded by the Five Elements Giant, and with the cooperation of so many elders of Wanling Palace, he had already been retreating steadily.

Even with the help of the magical power of light, the wounds on his body are constantly increasing.

"That boy!"

Duan Lingtian frowned immediately when he heard the "scream" coming from Ling Feng.

It seems that Ling Feng is in danger.

He sighed softly, if this junior fellow apprentice just listened to his words and ran away obediently, how could he end up like this?

"Jie, Jie, Jie, do you still care about that kid? Worry about yourself first!"


Another knife struck down, and a long wound was cut directly on Duan Lingtian's back, with bones visible deep inside.

Just when he cast the forbidden spell, the image of the God King of Light was directly shattered by the Five Elements Giant, which had severely damaged his soul.

In this way, in a short period of time, he would be unable to cast the forbidden spell at all, and it would be almost impossible to escape.

"Could it be that I, Duan Lingtian, am going to die here!"

Duan Lingtian clenched his fists tightly and looked back on the past. He had spent half his life and dominated the world, and it was not in vain that he had come to this world.

However, just when Duan Lingtian was about to despair, another burst of dazzling light burst out from high in the sky.

Everyone's attention was attracted.

I saw that the Five Elements Giant, who was originally more than ten feet tall, kept shrinking, and finally turned into a figure that was extremely familiar to everyone.

Ling Feng!

Yes, the Five Elements Giant has directly transformed into Ling Feng, but it still has a head burning with fire, a body guarded by a huge rock, arms covered with vines, a lower body with flowing water and whirlpools, and a golden handle. Sharp sword...

This is indeed a pocket version of the Five Elements Giant, but his appearance is exactly that of Ling Feng.

Everyone's eyelids twitched. Could it be that the Five Elements Giant has given birth to spiritual wisdom, and can also change in countless ways by devouring other living beings?

Until the next moment, the "Five Elements Giant" actually said: "Senior Brother Duan, let me help you!"

Everyone suddenly realized that this Five Elements Giant was probably the young man who had just been swallowed by the Five Elements Giant!

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