Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2652 Possession by the Five Elements! (1 update)

And when Ling Feng was swallowed by the Five Elements Giant, for a moment, Ling Feng felt that this time, he might be in danger.

This is an absolute crushing force. When these five elements spirits were separated, they were not even comparable to the powerful ones of the Holy Lord. Now that the five elements are united, how terrifyingly powerful are they?

Ling Feng couldn't imagine it.

He only knew that he could not break free from the shackles of the Five Elements Giant now.

But what surprised Ling Feng was that although he was swallowed and felt a sharp pain all over his body, he didn't seem to feel like he was being bitten and chewed.

On the contrary, he felt like something was drilling into his body crazily.

A hot breath penetrated directly into the top of his head, and then a cold feeling wrapped around his legs.

The arms also seemed to be tightly wrapped by vines...

And when Ling Feng reacted, all the spirits of the five elements had actually attached themselves to his body!

Just like protecting the Chaos Creation Fruit, the Spirit of the Five Elements is actually protecting Ling Feng now!

They actually regarded Ling Feng as another Chaos Creation Fruit!

When Ling Feng came to his senses, he couldn't help but laugh.

The power of chaos emanating from his body made the five elements spirits mistakenly believe that he was also the fruit of chaos. Therefore, they swallowed him just now to protect themselves!

This is interesting!

The spirit of the five elements is attached to Ling Feng's body, and the power of the five elements is flowing continuously around Ling Feng.

An unprecedented powerful feeling made Ling Feng feel that the sword in his hand could destroy everything in front of him with one strike!

As all the spirits of the Five Elements attached themselves to Ling Feng's body, the original Five Elements Giant naturally disappeared, and the Chaos Creation Fruit was immediately pocketed by Ling Feng.

However, the spirit of the Five Elements did not show any changes, as if this was how it should be.

This Chaos Creation Fruit should have belonged to Ling Feng.

After collecting the Chaos Creation Fruit, Ling Feng came back to his senses and saw Duan Lingtian trapped in a bitter battle below.

Without thinking much, Ling Feng flew down directly to help Duan Lingtian.

It is true that he could escape directly and swallow the Chaos Creation Fruit alone, but he did not do so.

In the critical moment just now, Duan Lingtian knew that he was seriously injured, but he was still willing to use his own efforts to stop the elders of Wanling Hall and let him take the opportunity to leave.

Based on this alone, Ling Feng would never leave Duan Lingtian directly.

As for whether he will compete with himself for the Chaos Creation Fruit in the future, that is another matter.

Anyway, with the Five Elements Spirit guarding him, he is not afraid of Duan Lingtian.

"Junior brother, you are not dead!"

Duan Lingtian's eyes flashed with surprise, but he saw that the power of the five elements was applied to Ling Feng's body, and there was a kind of power of the laws of heaven and earth in his every move and every move.


The spirit of earth attached to the edge of the fist, and Ling Feng punched out with a punch as thick as a mountain. The majestic and arrogant power swept out and directly beat the Venerable Nanshan until he vomited blood and flew backwards.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. That Venerable Nanshan was also a powerful Saint, but at this moment, in front of him, he was like a toddler.

This is not a level of power at all.

"Who else is coming?"

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back, a smile on his lips. His head was burning with blazing flames, making him look like a purgatory Shura.

The expressions on the faces of the elders of Wanling Hall became extremely solemn.

They had tried various methods just now, but they couldn't attract any of the Five Elements Spirits to recognize their master. But now it's better, all five Five Elements Spirits actually obeyed Ling Feng obediently!

Who is this guy?

Could it be that he is the illegitimate son of God? Why do all the good things in the world go to this kid alone?

However, envy, jealousy, and hatred turned into envy, jealousy, and hatred, but when they saw Ling Feng's punch blowing away Venerable Nanshan and even seriously injuring him, they did not dare to try this kind of power easily.

Therefore, these guys were just staring at Ling Feng fiercely, but none of them dared to go even half a step beyond the thunder pool.


Ling Feng shrugged, grabbed Duan Lingtian's shoulders, and with a flash of figure, he took Duan Lingtian directly towards the outside of the ancestral land and flew away.

In the blink of an eye, the two figures disappeared into the sky.

"Just...just let them run away?"

A red-haired elder gnashed his teeth in hatred and trembled all over.

"You are capable, why don't you catch up and give it a try?"

A thin old man next to him shook his sleeves and sighed.

Are you kidding, catch up?

Who dares to catch up?

Are you going to chase me for abuse?

Now Ling Feng is protected by the spirit of the Five Elements. If all of them are added together, it is not enough for Ling Feng to kill him instantly with one punch.

"Hey...all your hard work has been in vain!"

The red-haired elder sighed, "Mr. Zhou, what do you think we should do now? The Chaos Creation Fruit is gone. It is said that the nine-star guardians sent out by Xiaowu Mountain have not moved either. I am afraid that it will be impossible to seize the Sun-Moon Universe Furnace." I missed it, our Star Holy Spirit Pill, I'm afraid..."

At this moment, Zhou Wenyong's complexion was darker than the bottom of the pot, and he clenched his fists tightly.

Yes, there seems to be an invisible resistance in all the recent actions of the Hall of All Souls.

No matter what they try to do, the end result is always failure, and almost nothing goes as planned!

Of course, they didn't know that all this trouble was due to Ling Feng.

"Don't let me have a chance to catch that kid, otherwise, I will peel off his skin, twitch his tendons, crush him to ashes, and make him regret coming to this world!"

Zhou Wenyong's eyes were filled with raging anger, and his body exuded an extremely shocking evil aura.

This made the other elders of Wanling Hall remain silent, not daring to get into trouble with Zhou Wenyong at this time.

Heavenly Pill Master Zhou Wenyong, who was always calm and calm on weekdays, actually had such a violent moment.

Of course they didn't understand that Zhou Wenyong had been waiting for the Chaos Creation Fruit for a thousand years, and it felt like a thousand-year dream had been shattered.

A long time, a long time...

Zhou Wenyong then took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Although there is no Chaos Creation Fruit, when the Chaos Creation Fruit was born, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered together, and some small Chaos trees still grew on this fairy tree. The fruit, barely, can be used to replace the Chaos Creation Fruit.”

All the elders looked at each other in confusion.

They could all hear how reluctant Zhou Wenyong sounded when he said the word "reluctantly".

If we talk about the Chaos Creation Fruit, it is a divine fruit born from the essence of heaven and earth, and the creation of many heavens and earth. Then, those small Chaos Fruits are at best some ordinary fruits that are contaminated by the breath of the Chaos Creation Fruit.

Although it is more or less contaminated with the energy of chaos, the effect is completely different from that of the Chaos Creation Fruit.

However, under the current situation, we can only take these small Chaos Fruits back to recharge, otherwise, we will really get nothing this time.

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