Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2653 Easy come, easy go! (2 updates)

"A sneeze! A sneeze!"

Let's say that Ling Feng flew away from his ancestral land with Zhou Wenyong and quickly hid in a secret place in Qianling Medicine Garden.

As soon as he landed, he sneezed several times in succession.

"Damn, is someone scolding me?"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. As for who was scolding him, he actually knew in his heart.

Zhou Wenyong waited for thousands of years for the fruit of creation of chaos to mature. He finally waited until the fruit matured, but someone else got there first.

It's not a big deal if he curses a few words behind his back.

Anyway, I got all the benefits!

"Senior Brother Duan, are you okay?"

Ling Feng glanced at Duan Lingtian and saw that he looked half dead, his face was pale, and he no longer looked like he was looking down on the world before.

"Fortunately, I can't die."

Duan Lingtian struggled to stand up and took a deep look at Ling Feng, "Junior brother, I never thought that you could actually tame the spirit of the Five Elements."

"Can't say tame."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "Inexplicably, it came to me. I'm still a little worried..."

In his current state, although it was quite cool to pull the wind, his forehead was on fire and his legs turned into a whirlpool...

This doesn't look like a normal human being!

Fortunately, just when Ling Feng was complaining, he suddenly felt exhausted all over his body, and the power of the Five Elements Spirit disappeared from his body bit by bit.

After a while, Ling Feng returned to his normal state. He raised his hand and looked at his palm, and was suddenly stunned. "What's going on? Why did the Five Elements Spirit suddenly disappear?"

Duan Lingtian shook his head, obviously not understanding the situation very well.

In fact, the Five Elements Spirits were originally born with the Chaos Creation Fruit and were responsible for guarding the Chaos Creation Fruit. Their roots were the fairy tree in the ancestral land.

Once the Chaos Creation Fruit leaves the ancestral land, the spirit of the Five Elements will naturally dissipate.

However, there is still a trace of the power of the Five Elements Spirit left in Ling Feng's body. If it can be refined, it may be possible to restore the previous state of being possessed by the Five Elements.

"Oh, what a pity."

Ling Feng felt regretful for a while. If he could control the power of the Five Elements Spirit, he might even be able to fight against the strong ones in the Ancestral Realm.

However, he also understands that this is not a power that he can currently control.

Easy come, easy go.

Seeing that Ling Feng's expression quickly returned to normal, Duan Lingtian couldn't help but admire Ling Feng.

If it were an ordinary person, if he lost such a powerful power all of a sudden, he would probably feel regretful and distressed for several days.

And Ling Feng's state of mind is indeed not comparable to ordinary people.

"Junior brother, thanks to you this time, I owe you once!"

Duan Lingtian glanced deeply at Ling Feng, "I still don't know what my junior brother's name is?"

"My name is Ling Feng!"

Ling Feng bowed to Duan Lingtian and answered truthfully.

"It turns out to be Junior Brother Ling. With your talent, you will definitely be able to join the Temple of the Witch God in the future. If you encounter any trouble in the future, you can come to me. I have some things to do, so I will leave first!"

Duan Lingtian patted Ling Feng on the shoulder, and after saying that, he turned and left.

Regarding the Chaos Creation Fruit, he didn't even ask a question.

He knew clearly that the Chaos Creation Fruit would definitely be obtained by Ling Feng, but he didn't use any crooked thinking.

This Duan Lingtian is also an upright man.

"Senior Brother Duan, don't you want to know whether the Chaos Creation Fruit is in my hands?"

Ling Feng called out to Duan Lingtian.

Duan Lingtian paused and looked back at Ling Feng, "I have said before that treasures are obtained by those who are capable and those who are destined to get them. This treasure is not destined for me, so why bother asking?"

As he said that, Duan Lingtian smiled and said, "Don't worry, junior brother, no matter whether this Chaos Creation Fruit is in your hands or not, this matter will definitely be rotten in my heart, and I will not tell anyone more about it."

After saying that, Duan Lingtian turned around and left without any hesitation.

"Thank you, senior brother!"

Ling Feng looked at Duan Lingtian's back, bowed his hands and promised in his heart that if he could successfully refine the Star Holy Spirit Pill, Duan Lingtian would definitely have a share!

After tidying up a bit, Ling Feng once again returned to the medicine garden outside Qianling Medicine Garden in the form of "Zhenhuo Zhenren".

And here, under the plundering of Jianlu and Zifeng, it almost turned into a wasteland.

Wherever these two guys passed, they took away several inches of ground.

Soon, the masters of Wanling Temple who were guarding the surroundings began to search for these two guys in all directions.

And this is also the reason why there is already a commotion in the ancestral land, but there is no movement from the masters of Wanling Hall outside.

Because outside the medicine garden, everything has been turned upside down.

When Ling Feng saw Jian Lu and the others, a large number of pursuers were chasing behind these two guys.

Ling Feng smiled faintly, and with a thought, he sent Jianlu and the others directly into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. In an instant, the pursuers disappeared and looked at each other in shock.

"What a damn girl!"

"Where's that damn bitch?"

"Damn it, that's definitely the meanest donkey I've ever seen!"


After hearing the curse words of those Wanling Hall believers, Ling Feng felt the same in his heart.

There is nothing wrong with what you say!

Soon, Ling Feng quietly eliminated his own copy in the blind spot of the Wanling Temple believers who were monitoring him. In this way, he created a perfect alibi.

Even if those guys from the Hall of All Spirits tried their best, they would never have guessed that the guy who took away the Chaos Creation Fruit actually dared to hang around under their noses!

A long time passed, and it was not until sunset that Ling Feng saw Zhou Wenyong return with a dejected look on his face.

Of course he understood what was going on inside, but he still had to pretend to be ignorant, and stepped forward to ask: "Huh? Elder Zhou, your face doesn't look very good, does it? I saw you were quite happy this morning. Why?" Are you in trouble?"

Zhou Wenyong glanced at Ling Feng and whispered a few words to the guards who were watching. When he heard the guards saying that Ling Feng had never left their eyes, he took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "It is true that some accidents happened. Didn't I tell you that the reason why I came to you was to refine an immortal elixir?"

"Yeah? What's wrong? Does it have anything to do with this pill?"

Ling Feng showed a surprised expression.

"The matter has come to this, it doesn't hurt to tell you."

Zhou Wenyong sighed and immediately narrated the story of the Chaos Creation Fruit being taken away. However, in his narration, Ling Feng and Duan Lingtian naturally became out-and-out villains, extremely shameless scum.

After finishing speaking, Zhou Wenyong said angrily: "Master Tianhuo, tell me, how can there be such a shameless little bastard in this world? I have been waiting for a thousand years, and finally the fruit of chaos has matured. After a thousand years, ! A thousand years! Do you think the guy who took away the Chaos Creation Fruit is extremely shameless? Is he extremely despicable?"

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