Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2654 The pill recipe is successful! (3 updates)

"Cough cough cough..."

Ling Feng coughed a few times and cursed in his heart: You are the most shameless, you are the scum, you are the most despicable!

However, Ling Feng could only nod his head and echoed: "Yes, yes, that person is shameless! So shameless!"


Zhou Wenyong became angrier as he spoke, and greeted his eighth generation ancestor in front of Ling Feng. Then he flicked his sleeves and looked at Ling Feng, "Master Tianhuo, thank you for listening to this bad old man like me complaining for so long. , thank you! I feel better now that I have finished venting.”

"It should, it should..."

Ling Feng smiled awkwardly. This feeling of listening to others scolding him in front of his face, but not being able to get angry, is really...

Damn it!

But thinking that the Chaos Creation Fruit had fallen into his hands anyway, he felt inexplicably better.

"Now that the Chaos Creation Fruit is gone, can the Star Holy Spirit Pill still be refined?"

Ling Feng looked at Zhou Wenyong and asked tentatively.

"Refining is still possible. When the Chaos Creation Fruit is born, some small Chaos Fruits will also appear, which can barely be used to replace the Chaos Creation Fruit. In addition, Brother Tianhuo, your Qianyang Nine Refining Methods , and the other thing is the problem with the alchemy furnace!”

Zhou Wenyong sighed softly, "Originally, the Sun Moon Universe Furnace in Xiao Wu Mountain was the best choice, but something went wrong there. It seemed that a Mingguang Palace disciple named Ling Feng got there first! Speaking of this Ling Feng..."

"Ling Feng? What's wrong with Ling Feng?"

Tuoba Yan, who was next to him, suddenly became interested and couldn't help but steal a glance at Ling Feng.

Zhou Wenyong frowned. Now Tuoba Yan's identity is Ling Feng's "disciple", a little alchemy boy. When the elders are talking, how can she have the right to interrupt?

Ling Feng glared at her quickly, "Ah Qing, you have no right to speak!"

After saying that, Ling Feng smiled apologetically at Zhou Wenyong and said, "This little brat is spoiled, please don't mind, Elder Zhou!"


Zhou Wenyong snorted softly before continuing: "Speaking of Ling Feng, that boy has killed many guardians of this temple one after another. Even the three nine-star guardians recently sent out have disappeared. I suspect that he has also been killed. Something unexpected happened.”

Ling Feng sneered in his heart, not because he was afraid, but because he had become a ghost under the spring.

If you dare to intercept and kill me, Ling Feng, you must be prepared to be counterattacked.

"So, this guy named Ling Feng is quite powerful?"

Ling Feng chuckled.

"Hmph, he is powerful, but he is also ignorant of current affairs!"

Zhou Wenyong said coldly: "In this regard, you are far behind Brother Tianhuo!"

"Haha, Elder Zhou was so complimentary."

Ling Feng took out the wine gourd and drank a few sips of wine, and said with a smile: "Let's go back to the alchemy furnace."


Zhou Wenyong sighed again, "Now there is no news about the Sun Moon Universe Furnace, but there are some pretty good alchemy furnaces in the main altar. Moreover, several deputy palace masters have decided to send more manpower to hunt down that Ling Feng. As long as we catch that kid, the Sun Moon Cosmic Furnace will fall into the hands of my Ten Thousand Spirits Palace sooner or later!"

Suddenly, Zhou Wenyong seemed to feel that he had revealed too much, shook his head, and quickly changed the subject: "Okay, Brother Tianhuo, you don't have to worry about these things, you just need to help me refine the elixir. Can!"


Ling Feng smiled lightly, "I just asked casually."

Ling Feng secretly chuckled in his heart. No matter how much Zhou Wenyong thought about it, he probably wouldn't have imagined that the Ling Feng he was talking about was right under his nose!

"Okay, Brother Tianhuo has almost finished picking. Now follow me back to the Hall of All Souls!"

Zhou Wenyong glanced at Ling Feng. This time, he couldn't continue to make excuses.

Ling Feng nodded and said with a faint smile: "Since Elder Zhou has fulfilled his promise and brought me to the Qianling Medicine Garden to experience it, I will naturally not break his promise. After all, as an alchemist, Who doesn’t want to see this magical elixir?”


Zhou Wenyong patted Ling Feng on the shoulder. Although everything went wrong, he finally found a descendant of the lineage of the Nine Yang Grand Masters. This was equivalent to getting a master of alchemy who was proficient in the Nine Refiners of Qian Yang. Grandmaster.

It saves him the hard work of starting from scratch and studying the nine exercises of Qian Yang.

"But before that, Elder Zhou, I have something very important to tell you."

Ling Feng showed a mysterious expression, lowered his voice, and glanced at the surrounding Wanling Palace guards intentionally or unintentionally.

Seeing Ling Feng's serious look, Zhou Wenyong pondered for a moment, then raised his hand to signal the surrounding guards to retreat far away.

"Okay, if Brother Tianhuo needs anything, you might as well say it clearly."

Ling Feng took a step forward and leaned close to Zhou Wenyong's ear. Suddenly, the divine patterns of heaven condensed, and a yin-yang fish flashed in his eyes and floated.

"Elder Zhou, look into my eyes!"

Zhou Wenyong's eyelids twitched and he looked directly into Ling Feng's eyes. He felt lost for a moment. Then, the sea of ​​consciousness was directly invaded by Ling Feng's spiritual thoughts.

After several days of insidious inquiries, Ling Feng has determined that Zhou Wenyong must know the complete recipe for the Star Holy Spirit Pill.

In addition, Ling Feng had already obtained the Chaos Creation Fruit, so there was no need for Ling Feng to take greater risks and sneak into the main altar of the Hall of All Spirits.

Therefore, he must take action before returning to the main altar of the Hall of All Spirits and directly seize the recipe for the Star Holy Spirit Pill!

And this moment is an excellent opportunity.

Normally, Ling Feng would rarely have the opportunity to get close to him like this. But at this moment, Zhou Wenyong had already released his guard against him. It was a great time to use memory reading!

Zhou Wenyong's expression became dull. Although he was also an alchemist and his soul source was extremely powerful, it stands to reason that the sea of ​​consciousness would not be invaded so easily.

But under Ling Feng's clever calculation, he still fell into Ling Feng's way.

After a while, Ling Feng obtained the complete prescription, which also severely damaged Zhou Wenyong's soul. As a result, even if Zhou Wenyong did not die, he would only become an idiot who had lost his mind for the rest of his life.

After doing all this, Ling Feng helped Zhou Wenyong sit down against a big tree, and then left with Tuoba Yan in a swagger.

The guards who were responsible for guarding Zhou Wenyong frowned when they saw Zhou Wenyong leaning against the tree. They stopped Ling Feng and shouted loudly: "What happened to Elder Zhou? What did you do to him?"

"I didn't see that Elder Zhou was too tired for refining alchemy and finally took a break. Do you want to wake him up?"

Ling Feng glared at the guard, who was immediately frightened, and his voice dropped an octave, "I see, I was presumptuous."

"Okay, don't disturb Elder Zhou's rest, otherwise you can't afford to make Elder Zhou angry!"

After saying that, Ling Feng took Tuoba Yan and turned around to leave.

From now on, there will no longer be a person like Master Tianhuo in this world!

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