Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2658 The blessing of the Holy Spirit! (2 updates)

"Duan...Elder Duan!"

When the staff members saw that Duan Lingtian came to receive Ling Feng in person, their attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees, and they immediately became smiling and amiable.

"This little brother, what is your name?"

"It turns out, little brother, you are Elder Duan's junior brother. Sometimes you are welcomed from afar, but sometimes you are welcomed from afar!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, this is the so-called reality.

With a raised eyebrow, Ling Feng loudly announced his name, "My name is Ling Feng!"

"Ling Feng!"

The eyelids of the staff members twitched slightly.

"This name seems a bit familiar!"

Suddenly, several people looked at each other and took a breath of cold air at the same time, "The first person in Xiao Wushan's trial, the only person whose name is left on the ancient monument in this session, Ling Feng?"

Ling Feng nodded slightly, "It's me, what's wrong?"

The several staff members all let out a "gurgling" sound and swallowed hard.

As for Zhang Haoran, Ye Wushang and Sima Junting, their expressions also changed slightly.

Thinking back to the situation that day, Ling Feng was indeed able to dominate the crowd, and even overshadowed Wu Xuan of the Jidao God Clan.

This kind of scenery is something they can't even envy.

Only Duan Lingtian looked at Ling Feng in surprise, "Junior Brother Ling, I didn't expect you to be so awesome!"


Ling Feng coughed a few times, "It's still far behind Senior Brother Duan."

"Junior Brother Ling, how can you talk to Senior Brother Duan like this? How can Senior Brother Duan be comparable to us?"

Zhang Haoran frowned and immediately spoke.

Ling Feng shrugged and smiled, but said nothing.

Duan Lingtian also showed a helpless expression. Zhang Haoran's talent was pretty good, but unfortunately, his vision and state of mind determined that his future achievements would not be too high.

However, he couldn't say much. After all, Zhang Haoran just admired himself too much.

"Okay, if anything happens in the future, the temple will naturally convey orders to you through the tokens in your hands. From now on, you will be considered the official disciples of the Witch God Temple."

Soon, the information of Ling Feng and others was registered. After the staff led Ling Feng and others to receive some daily necessities and a change of clothes for the temple disciples, there was basically nothing else to do.

As for things like residence, they have already been mixed into the position of temple disciples. Naturally, they are all wealthy owners. Temple disciples can freely purchase their own residences in Wuzu King City without restrictions.

"nailed it?"

When Ling Feng walked out of the hall, he saw Duan Lingtian leaning on the wall outside. When he saw Ling Feng walking out, he immediately stepped forward and hooked his shoulder, and said with a smile: "Junior brother Ling, this is your first time coming to the Temple of the Witch God. Let’s take you to receive the blessing from the Holy Pillar. I also want to see what kind of blessing you can get!”

"Blessing from the Holy Pillar?"

Ling Feng was slightly startled, "What do you mean?"

"This is the unique treatment for temple disciples."

A trace of excitement and fanaticism flashed in Zhang Haoran's eyes, "The Holy Pillar contains the infinite power of the Witch God. Every Temple disciple, after joining the Temple, will have an opportunity to accept the power of the Holy Pillar. Blessings! The Holy Pillar will bless each person in a certain way according to their different constitutions.”

"Oh? It sounds interesting."

Ling Feng nodded, he wanted to see the holy pillar that contained the power of the Witch God.

"Let's go, I don't have anything to do today anyway."

Duan Lingtian walked out and said that he was going to lead Ling Feng. This made Zhang Haoran and others feel incredible and full of envy.

Why is the relationship between Ling Feng and Duan Lingtian so good?

Duan Lingtian, that is a legendary figure!

After looking at each other, Zhang Haoran and others followed suit. Apart from anything else, it would be nice to feel familiar in front of Duan Lingtian.

The place where temple disciples perform the blessing of the Holy Pillar is a huge square.

On weekdays, this square is used as a place for disciples to practice witchcraft, and the sacred pillar in the center is rarely used.

However, now is the time when the new disciples are reporting, so it’s time for the holy pillar to come in handy.

When Ling Feng and the others arrived, many disciples had gathered around the holy pillar, seemingly watching something.

"The new batch of disciples this year are all very good. Xia Houjie from the Frost Witch Clan actually received the blessing of Holy Spirit Ice, which means that if he does not die in the future, he will definitely be able to master the Forbidden Spell of Holy Ice. Promoting to a great witch in the future should be a no-brainer."

"What's so surprising about the Holy Spirit's blessing? I'm afraid you haven't seen it. That girl Baili Yunxi from the Fire Witch Ancestor two days ago is amazing. She's the Immortal Fire's Blessing!"

"Be good!"

The person who spoke before almost had his eyes fall out of his sockets, "What did you say, a blessing from a fairy?"

"That's not the case!"

A busybody next to him said loudly: "The blessings from the fairies are rare in a hundred years! You actually missed it!"


The man before slapped his thigh with a regretful expression on his face, "I came back just one day late and missed such a grand event!"

"Hehe, that girl from the fire witch clan was not only blessed by the fairy, but she also looked stunning. When she was possessed by the fire fairy, she was like a fairy! What a pity. , you missed it!" The troublemaker showed a sullen expression.

"Damn! I'm so sorry! Ahhh!"


Amidst the discussion among these disciples, Ling Feng showed a puzzled expression, "Blessing by the Holy Spirit? Blessing by the Fairy Spirit? What does this mean?"

"Junior Brother Ling, you are not from our Witch Clan, so you can be forgiven for not knowing."

Zhang Haoran said slowly: "The so-called Holy Pillar Blessing is divided into four levels. The most basic one, Star Spirit Blessing, probably enhances some understanding of certain attribute rules. Although the effect is good, it is only the most common. A kind of thing, but most people are blessed by the stars.”

"The second level is the blessing of the Holy Spirit. This kind of blessing is relatively rare. Basically, among a hundred disciples, there may only be two or three. The reason why the blessing of the Holy Spirit is stronger than the blessing of the Star Spirit , is that disciples blessed by the Holy Spirit have the opportunity to master the power of mutated attributes. For example, it is also the rule of fire, but after mutation, the power of the flame will be significantly improved. "

Ling Feng nodded slightly. There is no doubt that the mutation rules are indeed more powerful than the ordinary rules.

It's like its own swallowing flame, constantly swallowing other flames to evolve.

In a sense, it is equivalent to a mutation of the rules of fire.

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