Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2659 The strongest relationship! (3 updates)

"As for the third level, which is also an even rarer blessing from the fairies, it is truly a one-of-a-kind existence."

Zhang Haoran became more and more excited as he spoke, and turned his gaze to Duan Lingtian, "Senior Brother Duan has been blessed by fairy spirits. The so-called fairy spirits mean that the rules he will master in the future can transcend the rules of Xuanling Continent to a certain extent. Reaching the realm of immortals. Of course, although that realm is illusory, people who are blessed by the immortal spirits are still stronger than the mutant rules even if they use the power of ordinary rules!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, this fairy blessing was indeed powerful.

"What about the last one?"

Ling Feng glanced at Zhang Haoran, "Aren't there four types? Isn't even Senior Brother Duan only the third type?"

"Forget about the fourth one."

Zhang Haoran shook his head and smiled, "Since the inheritance of our Witch God Sect broke off tens of thousands of years ago, the twelve witch clans finally left only eight branches. Since then, there has never been a final blessing from the gods. "

"It turns out it was a blessing from the gods."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. Speaking of which, he received all the inheritance of the twelve witch gods. Is this considered a blessing from the gods?

Zhang Haoran glanced at Ling Feng and said slowly: "Junior Brother Ling won first place in the trial at Xiaowu Mountain. I think the blessing from the Holy Pillar will not be any worse."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "I hope so."

Soon, several people walked to the sacred pillar. At this time, Xia Houjie just came down from the stage, saw Ling Feng and others, and quickly said hello.

Like Zhang Haoran and the others, Xia Houjie was also shocked when he learned that the person who brought them here turned out to be Duan Lingtian.

How could such a legendary figure be so familiar with Ling Feng?

Could it be that this is what the legend says, heroes cherish heroes?

After all, Ling Feng's level of monster is comparable to that of Duan Lingtian.

"Congratulations to Brother Xiahou for receiving the blessing of the Holy Spirit."

Zhang Haoran cupped his fist and saluted Xia Houjie, and said with a smile.

"It's just the blessing of the Holy Spirit. With the talents of several senior brothers, it's not easy to catch it."

Xia Houjie smiled ashamedly, "Not to mention Junior Sister Baili, she has been blessed by the immortal spirits, which is far beyond what I can compare with."

"It's really surprising that Junior Sister Baili can receive the blessing from the fairy spirit."

Zhang Haoran took a deep breath and looked at the Holy Blessing Pillar. He was a little worried and expected: "I don't know what kind of blessing I can get."

"You'll know if you try it."

Ye Wushang said without hesitation, "No matter how bad it is, the blessing from the worst star spirit is still good."


Zhang Haoran clenched his fists and strode forward, "Ye Wushang, do you dare to compete with me?"

"Compared with each other, am I still afraid of you?"

Ye Wushang also strode to the stage and stood with Zhang Haoran on the left and right sides of the blessing pillar.

Then, the two of them pressed their palms on the Holy Blessing Pillar at the same time. In an instant, they saw two dazzling lights bursting out from the Holy Pillar at the same time.

In the blink of an eye, in the sky on Zhang Haoran's side, white light condensed into an ancient word, light!

And in the sky on Ye Wushang's side, a ball of dark light also condensed into the word "dark".

This also means that the two will receive the blessing of light and the blessing of darkness respectively.

Immediately afterwards, white light and black light merged into the bodies of the two people respectively. On Zhang Haoran's body, a white light pillar rose into the sky.

Then, around Ye Wushang, a black beam of light also faced tit-for-tat, and went hand in hand with Zhang Haoran's white light, straight into the sky.

"The light of the stars appears!"

The crowd's cries came from the audience, but soon, the light of the star spirit dissipated and was replaced by spots of light formed by rule inscriptions.

"It's the light of the Holy Spirit!"

The regular inscriptions flashed continuously for about half a quarter of an hour.

It's a pity that until the end, no one broke through the limit of the light of the Holy Spirit and obtained a higher level of fairy blessing.

In the end, Zhang Haoran and Ye Wushang's blessings were only a tie.

But if you look carefully, you can see that there are actually one more inscription floating in the sky above Zhang Haoran than Ye Wushang.

This also means that the blessing Zhang Haoran received is actually slightly better than that of Ye Wushang.

However, no one cares about such trivial details.

Although it was a tie in the end, both of them breathed a sigh of relief. It would be embarrassing if one of them only had the blessing of the stars.

"Let me be next."

Sima Junting glanced at Ling Feng and said with a smile: "Brother Ling, you're a weirdo, it's better to finish the job."

Ling Feng shook his head, smiled, and made a "please" gesture to Sima Junting.

Sima Junting flew up to the high platform and pressed his palms on the blessing pillar.

Soon, the light of the star spirit lit up, and the light of the Holy Spirit also lit up.

Moreover, Sima Junting's Holy Spirit's light is obviously more shining than Zhang Haoran and Ye Wushang, and it is also several times more complex.

It's a pity that he failed to be promoted to Fairy Light in the end.

In other words, what Sima Junting received was also a blessing from the Holy Spirit, but a more powerful blessing from the Holy Spirit.

"It's your turn, Brother Ling!"

Although Sima Junting was slightly disappointed with this result, in general, it was expected.

After all, although this blessing is related to one's own talent and strength, it is also related to one's luck.

Baili Yunxi was lucky and received blessings from the fairies, but that didn't mean that others could have her luck.

As for Ling Feng...

What kind of blessing can this evildoer, who dominates the limelight on Xiaowu Mountain and dominates the heroes, receive?

Subconsciously, everyone stared closely at Ling Feng's figure.

Although most of the other disciples of the Witch God Temple did not know Ling Feng, they all realized that Ling Feng was unusual since he was brought here by Duan Lingtian.

"Come on, let me see what level of blessing you can get!"

Duan Lingtian's eyes were firmly fixed on Ling Feng.

He was full of curiosity about Ling Feng.

His biggest curiosity is Ling Feng's physique.

The spirit of the five elements can be perfectly integrated into his body, which means that he has the power of more than one attribute.

It may even include all five elements attributes.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, Ling Feng slowly climbed onto the high platform, stretched out his right hand, and gently pressed on the blessing pillar.

When you get close to the black sacred pillar, you feel the coldness of the vicissitudes of life, the rich history, and the coldness and distance.

The breath of the Holy Pillar is very powerful, but it will not hurt anyone.

It even gave Ling Feng a very warm and familiar feeling.

This kind of aura does indeed originate from the Twelve Witch Gods!

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and was slightly curious about what level of blessing he could obtain.

After all, the twelve wizard gods who created this holy pillar are all his "big brothers", and I am probably the most domineering "connection household" I have seen in so many years of blessing the holy pillar. Come on.

(PS: Happy New Year to everyone~)

(I asked for a ticket at the beginning of the month. I got double the monthly ticket. Thank you~)

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