Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2662 Northern battlefield! (3 updates)

This feeling made Ling Feng very unnatural, very unnatural.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Senior Brother Duan, no matter what, I am still me, me, just me!"

However, these words are obviously not of much use, because the Witch God Sect is a sect that believes in the Witch God. How can their deep-rooted beliefs that have been held for decades and hundreds of years be broken all at once.

"Brother Ling, you are not from the Witch Clan, so it is difficult to understand this feeling. I will try to treat you as an ordinary junior brother."

Duan Lingtian took a deep breath and changed the topic: "Junior brother, you probably don't have a place to live in the royal city yet. If you don't mind, you can stay in my villa temporarily. After you have set up your own villa, you can stay there." It’s not too late to move there.”


Ling Feng thought for a while and agreed, "Then it's better to be respectful than to obey."

After all, I had just arrived at the Temple of the Witch God, and there were still many things I didn’t know about. With Duan Lingtian here, I could get familiar with the situation here faster.

"By the way, there's also Junior Brother Zhang, you can come too!"

Duan Lingtian thought for a while and glanced at Zhang Haoran again. He was also a disciple from Mingguang Hall, so he would not favor one over another.

"Can I do it too!"

Zhang Haoran was pleasantly surprised. Although he knew that he was influenced by Ling Feng, he still agreed.

Being able to live in the home of Duan Lingtian, a legendary figure, is also a great honor!

In the blink of an eye, Ling Feng became a disciple of the Witch God Temple for three days.

"Junior Brother Ling, Junior Brother Zhang!"

On this day, Duan Lingtian came back from outside and immediately found Ling Feng and Zhang Haoran in a hurry.

Although Duan Lingtian is already a great wizard in the Temple of the Witch God, which means he is already at the elder level, he is still used to calling Ling Feng his junior disciple and discussing friendship with him as his equal.

And Zhang Haoran is caught in the middle, purely because of the glory, otherwise, he and Duan Lingtian may not have any intersection.

At this time, Ling Feng was practicing a forbidden fire spell. After receiving the blessings from the Twelve Witch Gods, Ling Feng felt that he could control the power of the fire attribute more easily, and even control the rules of each attribute. , also directly improved one stage.

The most surprising thing among them is the power of time and space.

The two powers of time and space are extremely difficult to master. Even if Ling Feng once obtained the time and space mark of Taixu Zhoulong, he could only master the rules of these two powers to the third level.

And just like this, he can already use such heaven-defying methods as time and space displacement.

After this blessing from the gods, his control over the rules of time and space has reached the fourth stage.

In other words, he can control the power of time and space more easily.

In this way, every time he uses time and space displacement in the future, his eyes will not be so exaggerated that his eyes will bleed every time.

Seeing Duan Lingtian running towards him in a hurry, Ling Feng and Zhang Haoran dropped what they were doing and rushed over.

As for Tuoba Yan on the side, he is still minding his own practice.

Yes, Tuoba Yan also moved in, but Duan Lingtian was not as nosy as Zhang Haoran. He liked to ask about things that were not available, so he just said hello to Tuoba Yan and didn't ask any more questions.

"Senior Brother Duan, what's the matter?"

Zhang Haoran looked at Duan Lingtian's appearance and couldn't help but asked excitedly.

"The Zerg in the North are starting to move again. After discussion, the high priest decided to send the newly promoted disciples to support the North."

Duan Lingtian glanced at Ling Feng and said with a smile: "Junior Brother Ling, your chance has come!"

"Northern Zerg?"

Ling Feng frowned. This word was obviously very unfamiliar to him.

But you can probably guess that they are aliens from the demon race.

The human race and the demon race are against each other. This situation is the same in all major regions.

The so-called people who are not of my race must have different minds.

Although the Witch God Sect can rely on the belief in the Witch God to unify the sects of the Southern Witch Territory, the Monster Clan is not included.

The Zerg race is a branch of the Monster race.

In the Southern Witch Territory, the environment is mostly hot and humid, which is suitable for the reproduction of various insect races.

Among them, the northern region is the most popular.

The number of Zerg in the north is staggering, and they frequently harass human territory.

As the overlord of the Southern Witch Territory, the Witch God Sect should shoulder the mission of resisting the demon clan.

Therefore, every time the Zerg in the North rebelled, the Temple of the Witch God would send elite disciples to support them.

This is no longer a rare thing, and has even become a kind of assessment for temple disciples.

The results of this assessment are directly related to whether you will be qualified to be promoted to a great witch in the future.

Duan Lingtian was able to be promoted to the great wizard so quickly because he achieved great feats on the northern battlefield.

"Can even the new disciples participate this time?"

Zhang Haoran obviously knows something about this northern battlefield.

In the northern battlefield, fighting against the Zerg is undoubtedly the fastest way to build meritorious deeds.


Duan Lingtian nodded, "Not only that, the high priest personally promised that the person who gained the most merit in this operation can be granted permission to enter the temple and make a request to the high priest! And, any request!"

If we talk about the Temple of the Witch God, it symbolizes a palace of faith.

The temple is the place where the twelve witch gods and the witch ancestors are enshrined. Within the temple, the heaven-defying magical powers of these powerful people still remain.

The high priests are the managers of the temple, and they can use these powers to a certain extent.

Therefore, although the high priests are not necessarily stronger than other great witches in terms of cultivation, they can borrow the power of the shaman god, which is not a power that ordinary witches can resist.

Entering the temple is a great privilege, because the moment you enter the temple, you have arrived at a place closest to the gods you believe in.

This alone is enough to make the blood of all the disciples of the Witch Clan boil, not to mention that they can also make a request to the great high priest.

Ling Feng also felt a trace of fire in his heart.

Stealing God's Wilderness Illustration is risky and has a low success rate, but it's different if you want it directly.

Since it is an arbitrary request, then asking for the Shenhuang Picture Book should also be included.

Of course, there are also risks in this. After all, the Catalog of Divine Desolation is related to the fate of immortality. The Wushen Sect has sent disciples to search for the Atlas of Divine Desolation for so many years, so they obviously know what the Atlas of Divine Desolation means.

The high priest may not keep his promise.

But Ling Feng also had his own little calculation. He calculated that his identity as the "descendant of the witch ancestor" should have been discovered by the high priest.

After all, everyone saw what happened under the Blessing Pillar that day. The Twelve Witches and Gods bowed to themselves. Whether they were the high priests or the great witches, they all believed in the Twelve Witches and Gods. , whoever dares to take action against him would be disrespectful to the Witch God!

Ling Feng's thoughts were racing in his mind, and after weighing the pros and cons, he finally made up his mind.

He must go to fight in the northern border, and he must come back first. Otherwise, how can he be worthy of the status of "the descendant of the witch ancestor"!

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