Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2663 Arrival in the North! (1 update)

Two days passed by in a flash, and under the coordination of the higher-ups of the Wu clan, a group of elite disciples were quickly dispatched to support the northern battlefield.

And Ling Feng and the other new disciples were all among them.

The teammates assigned to Ling Feng were all familiar faces, such as Zhang Haoran, Sima Junting, Ye Wushang and others.

Of course, there is also Baili Yunxi of the Fire Witch Clan.

When Baili Yunxi knew that Ling Feng had actually been blessed by the gods and once again surpassed everyone, he couldn't help but stir up a wave of emotions in his heart.

After all, if it weren't for Ling Feng's appearance, she would have been the most dazzling among this group of new disciples given the level of blessing she received from the immortal spirits.

Although she didn't care about these vanities, she was still somewhat curious about Ling Feng.

What kind of monster is this guy?

Is it true that he is the reincarnation of the Witch Ancestor as everyone has guessed?

Of course, Ling Feng was not interested in knowing the little thoughts of his teammates.

The higher-ups of the Temple of the Witch God don't seem to have any special preferential treatment for Ling Feng. Even the captain of their team is not Ling Feng, but relatively speaking, someone with a higher level and more prudent in his work. Zhang Haoran came to take charge.

Ling Feng doesn't care about this. Anyway, things like captain are not important. What is important is how many Zerg can be killed and how many merit points can be obtained in the northern battlefield.

After the grouping was completed, the reinforcements of hundreds of people set off in a mighty manner.

The northern battlefield, as the name suggests, is in the northern area of ​​the Southern Witch Territory.

This is a buffer zone between the human race and the Zerg race. It is a wasteland for tens of thousands of miles. Occasionally, you can see a swamp or an oasis, but most of the place is barren.

Therefore, it is also the most suitable area as a battlefield.

It is here that the strong men of the Witch God Cult intercept the Zerg to prevent innocent humans from being harmed by the Zerg.

On this day, dozens of airships over a hundred meters long flew rapidly in the sky, streaking across the blue sky, and finally hovered steadily outside a fortress.

These airships carry the disciples of the Temple of the Witch God, this time to support the reinforcements in the northern battlefield.

Disciple of the temple, status is respected.

Therefore, when these reinforcements arrived, the sergeants stationed here had to take time out of their busy schedule to greet them.

Every temple disciple is an elite selected from the eight branches of the temple, and will become the mainstay of the Wushen Religion in the future.

And these soldiers stationed here, even the senior elders, strictly speaking, can only be regarded as outsiders of the Witch God Sect.

Just like a sect, the temple disciples are the true disciples of the inner sect, while they are only the elders of the outer sect. Their status and status are not the same.

The person fully responsible for this operation was a great wizard of light from the Temple of the Witch God. As for Duan Lingtian, he did not accompany him because he had other tasks.

"Subordinate Luo Jiecheng, please see the Great Wizard of Brahma!"

From a distance, I saw an old man who looked white-haired, but still tall and tall, leading hundreds of officers and soldiers from each battalion, kneeling on the ground to welcome these people from the temple. messenger.

The great wizard of Brahma, with a calm expression under the welcome of everyone, slowly walked to Luo Jiecheng with a hundred temple disciples, and then said calmly: "General Luo, please get up."

Luo Jiecheng stood up slowly and said with great respect: "My subordinates are already in the commander's tent, setting up a banquet to entertain the great wizard and all the elite disciples of the temple!"

The great wizard Brahma nodded slightly, and then, under the leadership of Na Luo Jiecheng, walked towards the handsome tent.

The confrontation between the Witch God Cult and the Zerg has a history of tens of thousands of years, so he has long been accustomed to such battles.

Whenever there is an emergency on the northern battlefield, the Temple of the Witch God will send a group of disciples to provide support.

The disciples who can enter the Temple of the Witch God are all geniuses above the Saint level, and they are all monsters with the ability to transcend levels of combat.

Under normal circumstances, sending a dozen disciples is more than enough.

But this time, a hundred people were dispatched at once.

In this kind of battle, as long as the sky doesn't fall, there will basically be no surprises.

At best, it just takes a little more time.

As for the purpose of this operation...

Although the great wizard Brahma did not look back, his spiritual thoughts were still on Ling Feng's body and swept over him.

Can this boy who is suspected to be the reincarnation of the witch ancestor really grow into a new generation of witch ancestors who lead the witch clan to prosperity?

He was somewhat looking forward to this.

Among the crowd, Ling Feng suddenly felt a wisp of spiritual thoughts on his body, sweeping over him.

A strong sense of oppression swept over him, making Ling Feng's heart tighten for no reason.

Fortunately, the other party didn't seem to be hostile.

"This aura is so powerful, I'm afraid it's not inferior to Senior Brother Duan!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at the great wizard Brahma in the front.

He was naturally able to detect that the ray of spiritual thought just now came from this great wizard.

According to Duan Lingtian, before he was promoted to the Great Wizard, he was the disciple of the Brahma Great Wizard.

In a sense, he is half his master.

However, there is no direct master-disciple relationship in the temple. It is more like an academy. These great witches will impart some of their experiences without reservation.

As for how much you can comprehend, it all depends on your individual talent.

And Duan Lingtian is undoubtedly the best among them.

It's a pity that after Ling Feng joined the Temple of the Witch God, he came to the northern battlefield to perform tasks not long ago, so he didn't have the opportunity to come into contact with the teachings of those great witches.

Soon, everyone took their seats.

At the banquet, the old general Luo Jiecheng Luo briefly described the recent situation on the battlefield.

It turns out that since half a month ago, the Zerg have been making frequent changes, and have had dozens of fierce confrontations with the sergeants stationed at the border, and have even broken through several of their lines of defense.

An officer stood in front of a map, pointed at an area, and said solemnly: "The Zerg have passed the three northernmost checkpoints and rushed directly into the hinterland of Yangquan Gorge. If they continue to go south, they will be close to our fortress. ”

Luo Jiecheng frowned slightly and said worriedly: "This time the Zerg is coming fiercely, and our defender is no match at all. He has suffered more than ten consecutive battles, and the number of casualties has exceeded 100,000!"

"Have they all reached Yangquan Gorge?"

The great wizard Brahma frowned slightly, looked at the area marked with a red circle on the map, pondered for a moment, and then slowly raised a finger.

Everyone was stunned, and some did not understand the intention of the great wizard Brahma.

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