Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2664 Another purpose! (2 updates)

"One month!"

The Great Wizard of Brahma said word by word: "Disciples, after the banquet, you can set off for Yangquan Gorge! Within a month, all the Zerg that invaded Yangquan Gorge will be killed without leaving a single one alive!"

"Using the Zerg demon elixir as a certificate, the demon elixir below the holy level will be recorded with one merit point! The elementary demon saint demon elixir will be recorded with ten merit points! The great saint level demon elixir will be recorded with one hundred merit points! The saint level demon elixir will be recorded with one hundred merit points! Dan, remember 10,000 merit points!”

"After one month, whoever has the most merit points will be the first in this operation and will be qualified to enter the temple!"

The faces of all the disciples were condensed. For every disciple of the Temple of the Witch God, it was a supreme honor to be able to enter that temple.

The old general Luo Jiecheng Luo was dumbfounded.

Good guy, the Temple of the Witch God is the Temple of the Witch God. In the past, they would use the power of the garrison to expel the Zerg together.

But this time, the Witch God Temple sent a hundred elites at once.

Indeed, with such a group of elites, it was enough to deal with the hundreds of thousands of Zerg troops.

"Another reminder, the Zerg sent a total of three saint-level experts this time. With your strength, if you meet a saint-level expert, you may not be an opponent if you fight alone, so you can join forces. If two people join forces, , then one person gets half, and so on.”

"Of course, if you have the ability to eat the Holy Lord alone, it would be the best, just do it according to your ability! In the battlefield, life and death are determined by destiny! Okay, you guys, let's go!"

"Yes, great wizard!"

All the disciples stood up in unison, drank the wine bowl in their hands, and then smashed it into pieces.

The next moment, figures one after another flew out in unison.

The destination is pointed directly at Yangquan Gorge!

At the speed of these temple disciples, it only takes half a day to reach the border of Yangquan Gorge.

When you first see it, there are just ruins and ruins, and the smoke from the beacon fire is just like a ruins, with various auras remaining, which is very complicated.

Here is the northern battlefield.

Looking at the fragments of ruins in front of us, perhaps there once was an extremely glorious civilization, but it is a pity that in the long river of history, only such ruins remain.

The battlefield was filled with the strong smell of blood.

Old General Na Luo once said that in just these ten days, more than 100,000 soldiers have died here.

One hundred temple disciples landed on this desolate land. Then, they formed a team in twos and threes and each found a direction to leave.

According to the border defenders, after occupying the Yangquan Gorge area, the Zerg stopped moving forward and suddenly dispersed.

Perhaps, they just want to build a huge Zerg nest in this area.

Therefore, their nests must be completely cleared before they are built. Otherwise, this area will completely become a kingdom of Zerg. No matter how many times it is cleared, Zerg will continue to be born.

And Yangquan Gorge is very close to the boundary of the human race. Letting the Zerg establish a kingdom here is tantamount to stabbing a sharp knife under the pillow.

It's like a ticking time bomb, no one knows when it will explode.

The reason why the Brahma Grand Wizard gave one month was precisely because if the Zerg were completely eliminated within one month, the second generation of Zerg would not be reproduced.

In this way, there is still a chance to completely drive out the Zerg.

Ling Feng took out a map and carefully checked the route of the Zerg. He seemed to notice something strange.

However, I couldn’t tell what the specific strangeness was.

"Junior Brother Ling, after all, we are all new disciples. Compared with those veteran disciples, we are somewhat disadvantaged."

At this time, Zhang Haoran and Sima Junting came over. Zhang Haoran said in a deep voice: "According to my wishes, we new disciples will be divided into two groups and act together. Although we act together, we will inevitably have to share the merit points equally, but In this way, efficiency is also improved, what do you think?”

The reason why they are divided into two clans is naturally because Zhang Haoran and Ye Wushang dislike each other, so it is basically impossible for them to get along with each other.

Ye Wushang has also taken away several teammates, and the only new disciples left behind are Sima Junting, Ling Feng and Baili Yunxi.

"And Junior Sister Baili, what do you think?"

Zhang Haoran also extended an invitation to Baili Yunxi.

"I'm used to going it alone."

Baili Yunxi only left one sentence, then turned around and ignored Zhang Haoran. Instead, she began to study the map and did not act rashly.

Zhang Haoran hit a wall and could only look at Ling Feng again.

"Feel sorry."

Ling Feng smiled apologetically at Zhang Haoran, "Senior Brother Zhang, I am more accustomed to acting alone."

Are you kidding me? Not only does he have to share merit points equally when acting in a group, but he also has to hide his trump card, which seriously reduces the efficiency of clearing out the Zerg.

"All right……"

Zhang Haoran smiled bitterly. If he originally asked Ling Feng to join him, he would have imagined that he could form a team with Ling Feng to fight for those holy-level Zerg.

After all, Ling Feng's strength is still a mystery, but he has surpassed Wu Xuan after all!

As for Wu Xuan's strength, he must be at the holy level.

A Saint-level one has 10,000 merit points, which is a hundred times higher than a Great Saint-level one!

Killing one Saint-level Zerg is comparable to a hundred Great Saint-level Zerg!

Of course, from the perspective of the Brahma Grand Wizard, these disciples can only have a chance to deal with a holy-level Zerg if they work together, at least five of them.

In other words, everyone is divided into two thousand points equally, which is not too exaggerated.

Indeed, the Holy Lord is not that easy to deal with. Even Ling Feng does not dare to say that he can surely defeat the Holy Lord. If he is not careful, he may be doomed.

"Then Brother Sima, only you and me are left."

Zhang Haoran looked at Sima Junting. Sima Junting was actually stronger than him. If the two of them joined forces, at least they would not be a problem against those great saint-level Zerg, as long as they were not too numerous.

"Well, that's it for now."

Sima Junting sighed softly. With just the two of them, the Saint level would not dare to think about it. However, a month is a long time. In this battlefield, it may be possible to recruit other teammates.

After finding their direction, everyone dispersed.

Ling Feng also narrowed his eyes, thought for a while, and decided to go with his feelings.

In his opinion, the Zerg's actions this time may have another purpose.

This Yangquan Gorge is indeed one of the northern battlefields. Relatively speaking, it is not a barren area. It is also relatively suitable for the development of the Zerg.

But the Zerg have extremely strong adaptability. Is it really necessary to start a war with the humans just because of a place like Yangquan Gorge?

They don't know the strength of the Witch God Temple.

After suffering so many losses, they still dare to confront the Temple of the Witch God. Either the Zerg are too stupid.

Either that or there is something worth taking such a risk on.

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