Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2665 Changsun Xiang! (3 updates)

In contrast, Ling Feng was more willing to believe in the second option.

After all, you have already cultivated to the level of Saint Lord. How can you still be so brainless?

At least, Ling Feng didn't believe it.

At this moment, an accident that no one expected happened!

"not good!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and a strong sense of crisis came over his heart.

A flash of cold light flashed past, and then, a terrifying demonic aura swept out in an instant.

A disciple of the temple had just stepped out with his front foot. Before he could react, he was immediately cut off at the waist by the black sickle transformed by the demonic energy.

As soon as the black mist surged, the entire body of the temple disciple turned into a cloud of blood mist.

Everyone was stunned and extremely shocked.

They finally understood that this was a battlefield!

Northern battlefield!

A cruel and bloody battlefield!

Although those Zerg races are the merit points they crave, they are also not just simple contribution points, but deadly predators.

Even though the temple disciple who was killed was just an ordinary disciple at the lowest level among all the people.

But you must know that every temple disciple was once the best among the eight branches, the elite among the elite!

This bloody scene was like the prelude to the killing.

"Humph, what a group of guys who have never seen the world!"

A temple disciple wearing a black robe snorted coldly, his figure flashed, and flew directly towards the black mark in the void.

This person's name is Changsun Xiang, and he is a disciple of the Dark Witch Clan. He has been promoted to the Witch God Temple for more than ten years.

His strength can be regarded as the best among the disciples who support the northern battlefield.

Sun Xiang rushed directly towards the black mark in the void, with a very clear purpose, to deal with the "hunter" who just killed a temple disciple.

His strength is indeed remarkable. Although the hunter is extremely fast, he still discovered the clues.

With just one sword strike, Changsun Xiang had already killed a strange beast.

Then, Zhang Sunxiang raised his sword, and a fist-sized black demon pill fell into his palm. With a flash of light, it was taken into the spirit ring.

Chang Sunxiang showed a trace of disdain on his face and kicked away the Zerg corpses on the ground. Then, the figure flew out and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Only then did everyone realize that when they set foot on this battlefield, the competition had already begun.

"let's move!"

Everyone stopped and immediately flew out in all directions.

As for the unlucky guy who died on the spot before taking action...

As the great wizard Brahma said, once you enter the battlefield, life and death are determined by destiny.

If you die, you will die in vain!

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at the corpse of the mantid beast on the ground, studying it with great interest.

After all, Zifeng's initial form was also an insect body. Although it evolved several times after shedding its shell, it has turned into a light and dark unicorn.

However, he still retains certain Zerg characteristics.

There is also Xiaodie, she also evolved from a red-eyed ice silkworm.

But fortunately, Fluttershy is much cuter than this mantid beast.

"This monster seems to be able to adapt to the surrounding environment, so it looks like it is invisible."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and suddenly realized something in his heart.

Just now it looked like this Zerg was tearing apart the void, but Ling Feng was still wondering why there was no fluctuation in the power of the void.

It turns out that the so-called crack is its essence.


Ling Feng studied for a while and then stood up. It seemed that the Zerg were not that easy to deal with.

"Junior Brother Ling, are you going to stop thinking about taking action with us?"

Zhang Haoran persevered, but Ling Feng still rejected him.

"Forget it, then I wish you good luck, Junior Brother Ling!"

Zhang Haoran and Sima Junting bowed their hands to Ling Feng, and Ling Feng returned the bow one by one and said with a smile: "I also wish you two senior brothers good luck."

After saying goodbye, the two parties parted ways, each speeding away in the direction of their choice.

Three days later.

Ling Feng swung his sword and killed the last spider within sight.

In short, he had dug into a spider's nest.

These spiders can not only spit poisonous threads from their mouths, but also have sharp claws like blades that can even easily crush sacred objects. Their power is amazing.

Fortunately, Ling Feng had flame-swallowing body protection and the poisonous threads could not get close to him. Otherwise, even he would have suffered a big loss.

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