Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2666 Young Master Golden Scale! (1 update)

Swish, swish, swish!

While Ling Feng beheaded a giant spider in front of him, dozens of attacks came from all directions at the same time.

Each of these giant spiders is as big as a bison, and their hard and sharp claws are like spears, constantly piercing Lingfeng.

The bloody mouth opened wide, revealing sharp fangs, flashing with a cold light.

A pair of bloody eyes, filled with bloodthirsty light and murderous intent.

A single giant spider might not be that strong, but when hundreds of giant spiders gather together, even Ling Feng would have a headache to deal with them.

Hundreds of sharp claws pierced through him, like spears flying towards him, trying to cut Ling Feng into a sieve.

Faced with such a dense and powerful attack, Ling Feng looked stern, not daring to relax at all. His figure wandered around, using the Jiuyou Teleportation Technique, and his figure flickered and flickered, causing those giant spiders to lose their focus.

The next moment, a violent gust of wind swept across with Ling Feng as the center.

Those giant spiders quickly dug their claws into the ground to stabilize themselves.

But then, accompanied by fierce winds, there were blazing flames.

Wind knives and fire rain spread out in an instant, turning an area of ​​several thousand feet into a piece of scorched earth.

"Forbidden curse! Death wind!"

"Forbidden curse! Heavenly fire burns the gods!"

But it turned out that when those spiders swept in overwhelmingly, Ling Feng had already brewed two forbidden curses.

After receiving the blessing from the Twelve Witch Gods, Ling Feng cast the forbidden spell much easier than before.

In the past, he could cast a forbidden spell at the same time, which was already his limit.

But at this moment, instant casting of two or three kinds of forbidden spells is a piece of cake.

There was a burning smell all around, and those giant spiders were all burned to charcoal under Ling Feng's sky fire.

Fortunately, their demon pills are not so easy to burn. Ling Feng picked up the tip of his sword and obtained hundreds of demon pills at once.

However, most of these giant spiders are below the Saint level, and the most powerful one among them is the Great Saint level.

All added up, the accumulated merit points are less than three hundred.

However, this is only the third day, and most of them only have dozens of merit points, or even only single digits.

Ling Feng's two or three hundred points are already extremely exaggerated.

"This is a good place."

After collecting the demon pill, Ling Feng's lips curled up.

The process of fighting against these thick-skinned Zerg also allowed him to continuously improve his mastery of various forbidden spells.

After all, the journey of martial arts is not done behind closed doors.

Practice is the best teacher.

In this case, no one interferes, and only by using all means without scruples can a faster breakthrough be achieved.

"Fighting here for a month will definitely improve me a lot."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, and disappeared in a flash.

He will continue to look for other Zerg groups and accumulate more merit points.

The battlefield in the north is vast and stretches for tens of thousands of miles. Even if it is just the Yangquan Gorge area, it has a radius of thousands of miles.

One hundred disciples of the Witch God Temple were scattered here, like a handful of sand falling into the sea. Unless they formed a team from the beginning, there was basically no chance of meeting them.

There are hundreds of thousands of Zerg invading the battlefield. With a hundred of them, they want to completely wipe out this group of Zerg within a month.

There is no doubt that everyone needs to experience extremely brutal battles.

When walking on the land of the northern battlefield, you not only need to pay attention to the lurking Zerg, but you also need to pay attention to the occurrence of various natural disasters at any time.

Hurricanes and earthquakes occur almost every moment in the northern battlefield.

Ling Feng was marching aimlessly like this, killing wherever he went. However, his destination was completely opposite to the direction of the Zerg invasion.

The Zerg race went all the way south, heading straight to the Yangquan Gorge on the west side of the northern battlefield. They had already fought several battles with the human race, and they seemed to have a very tough attitude.

But Ling Feng headed all the way east, and was almost out of Yangquan Gorge.

If the destination of the Zerg was really Yangquan Gorge, then he shouldn't have encountered so many Zerg along the way.

Moreover, the further east you go, the more powerful the Zerg you encounter.

This also confirmed Ling Feng's guess from the side.

The Zerg invasion of Yangquan Gorge may be just a false shot, but their real target is in the east.

This was Ling Feng's intuition with no proof. For him, it was just a gamble.

Anyway, even if he loses the bet, he can turn around immediately.

But now it seems that he won the bet!

There must be something in the east that these Zerg races desperately desire.

At the same time, to the east of the northern battlefield, there is a huge river valley. Because the terrain is dangerous and it is covered with snow in the middle years, it is also called the Frozen Valley.

Being in the Frozen Valley is like walking in an icy hell. Even accomplished martial arts masters can't help but feel a biting coldness.

At this time, there was a long team walking in the ice valley. Everyone was wearing black robes, heading towards the depths of the ice valley at an even speed, neither fast nor slow.

Walking at the front were two old men with solemn faces, no unnecessary expressions on their faces.

They moved forward slowly, leaving rows of footprints on the ground, which were soon covered by snow again.

It seems that no one has ever passed through this place.

I don’t know how long it took, but they seemed to have reached their destination. The old man at the head looked away in the distance.

Not far ahead, on a high cliff, there was already a group of people waiting for a long time.

Oh no, they don't seem to be humans. Although most of them look the same as humans in appearance, they still retain some Zerg characteristics.

For example, things like tentacles, scales, or carapace.

What was waiting here turned out to be a group of Zerg.

Moreover, judging from their degree of evolution, they are all truly strong among the Zerg.

The leader is a man in golden clothes, who has evolved to an almost perfect state. He looks rich and handsome, and even hides the evil spirit on his body very well.

If he hadn't been with this group of Zerg, in the human country, no one would have been able to tell that this was actually a monster.

"You are here."

The leading man looked at the men in black robes, looking very calm.

"Young Master Jinlin is indeed punctual."

One of the old men in black robes laughed loudly and immediately flew up and landed on the high cliff.

Then, another elder in black robe followed closely behind, and the remaining men in black robe guarded the bottom of the high cliff.

Obviously, this was not the first time they had come into contact, and they both seemed quite familiar with each other.

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