Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2670 IQ flaws! (2 more)

The next moment, nine dragons came out together!

The majestic and vast aura shook from the dragons, turning into storms that swept in all directions, making people tremble.

Then, the nine dragons merged into one, and after circling nine times in the sky, a dragon roar shook the earth, pierced through gold and split rocks, and wanted to break through the clouds. Only the air shook, ripples appeared, and a strong storm of power swept the void.

The dragon rushed up to the sky, then swooped down and bombarded the Nine-Turn Holy Spirit Flower. Immediately, the Nine-Turn Holy Spirit Flower shook violently.

In an instant, an extremely terrifying aura that was more than a hundred times stronger than before swept out from the Nine-Turn Holy Spirit Flower. The terrible power was like lightning emptying the air, overwhelming the mountains and seas, destroying everything.


The entire cave collapsed directly, and the falling rocks were crushed into powder by the terrifying power before they got close to the Nine-Turn Holy Spirit Flower!

The Nine-turn Holy Spirit Flower just floated in the air, blooming at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Finally, at the moment when the five-clawed golden dragon completely merged with the flower bud, the Nine-turn Holy Spirit Flower finally bloomed completely.

One petal! Two petals! Three petals!


There were nine petals, with golden and red patterns flashing on them, as if all the mysteries in the world were in these inscriptions.


The terrible breath storm hit all directions, shaking the heaven and earth, and the extremely terrible wind blew away, and the entire Frozen Valley completely disappeared!

The two were blown away, as well as the fighting Zerg and Ling Feng's Blood Shadow Guards!

Yes, just the aftermath of this energy actually reached such a terrifying power!

However, this did not reduce people's enthusiasm for getting it.


In the ruins, a burst of smoke and dust exploded, and three figures flew out. They were the Young Master Jinlin and Xu Wuya and others.

"The Nine-turn Holy Spirit Flower is ripe!"

Xu Wuya's eyes were full of enthusiasm, and he said excitedly: "Young Master Jinlin, you will pick this flower!"

Young Master Jinlin nodded slightly. There was an agreement between the Zerg and the Ten Thousand Spirits Palace. The Ten Thousand Spirits Palace could get five of the nine petals.

Although the Ten Thousand Spirits Palace took the majority, it was after all that they refined the Ten Thousand Blood Spirit Pearls, which finally ripened the Nine-turn Holy Spirit Flower.

If both parties followed the agreement, everyone would be happy.

However, at this moment, a figure shot out like lightning.

"I want this flower!"

It was Ling Feng, who suddenly performed the Nine Nether Instant Body Technique. In the moment when no one noticed it at all, he had already rushed to the front of the Nine-turn Holy Spirit Flower.

Then, a huge sack covered his head, the light dissipated, and the Nine-turn Holy Spirit Flower had been taken into Ling Feng's pocket.

"Elder, I succeeded!" Ling Feng threw the Nine-turn Holy Spirit Flower into the Soul Ring, and then roared again. His eyes became hot, and the Void Eyes opened. The rules of time and space were running. It was the method of time and space replacement. The next moment, Ling Feng had returned to his original hiding place, and then summoned Zi Feng to escape from the scene at the fastest speed. "Don't run!" Xu Wuya was so angry that he trembled all over. He jumped up and was about to chase him, but was caught by the young master Jin Lin. "Xu Wuya, please make your words clear!" The young master Jin Lin's face was ashen, "What a Wanling Hall, one set of words on the surface, another set behind the scenes!" "Young master Jin Lin, don't fall into the thief's plan to sow discord!" Xu Wuya's face was ashen. The kid who took away the Nine-turn Holy Spirit Flower was so insidious that the words he said before leaving were clearly intended to deliberately provoke the Zerg and Wanling Hall. "A plan to sow discord?"

Young Master Jin Jiao said coldly: "Only my Zerg and your Wanling Hall know about this. If it's not your people, could it be this young master? The person who stole the flower is clearly a human. Xu Wuya, you must hand over this Nine Revolutions Holy Spirit Flower today!"


Xu Wuya was anxious to get the Nine Revolutions Holy Spirit Flower back, but he was entangled by the Young Master Jin Lin, and he was immediately overwhelmed.

"Young Master Jin Lin, if you don't catch up, the thief will run away!"

Xu Wuya was so angry that he trembled all over, but he couldn't let Young Master Jin Lin get angry.

"Humph, it's your Wanling Hall anyway, it's the same if I catch you!"

Young Master Jin Lin refused to let Xu Wuya go, and the two sides were deadlocked.

After struggling for a long time, another elder of the Hall of Ten Thousand Spirits said in a deep voice: "Young Master Jin... Young Master Jinlin, if... if it is really our Hall of Ten Thousand Spirits that is up to something, why... why do you have to say such words when you succeed, wouldn't that be... wouldn't it be... confessing yourself?"

This elder had not spoken, but it turned out that he was a stutterer.

Young Master Jinlin suddenly reacted, "Oh no, chase!"

"What the hell are you chasing!"

Xu Wuya was so angry that his teeth itched, "It's been more than half an hour, and the people have run away!"

Young Master Jinlin stomped his feet and stamped his chest, staring at the stuttering elder next to him, "Damn it! Why didn't you say it earlier!"


The stuttering elder had a stiff expression, but he said slowly: "I just remembered it!"



Young Master Jinlin and Xu Wuya sighed repeatedly.

The stuttering elder suddenly blurted out, "This... this matter must... must be related to the disciples of the Wushen Temple!"

"That's right!"

Young Master Jinlin and Xu Wuya looked at each other. Although the attention of the Temple of the Witch God was drawn to the Yangquan Gorge area, there were smart people who did the opposite and tracked them all the way here.

"Witch God Temple!"

Xu Wuya clenched his fist tightly and said, "Very good, then kill all these disciples. If you don't believe me, you won't be able to find the Nine-Revolution Holy Spirit Flower!"

the other side.

After Ling Feng obtained the Nine-turn Holy Spirit Flower, he immediately summoned Zifeng and fled the scene as quickly as possible.

Moreover, he left a special sentence to sow discord between the Zerg and All Souls Hall.

Therefore, when he left, he almost laughed so hard when he saw the young master of the Zerg holding the elder of Wanling Hall tightly.

The Zerg are still Zerg after all, their IQ is flawed!

However, he did not notice that the moment he left, three figures followed closely behind him on the top of another mountain.

These three people are not Zhang Sunxiang and others.

It is said that when the mantis stalks the cicada, the oriole stalks behind.

After Ling Feng succeeded, the elder Sun Xiang immediately chased after him, and already regarded the Nine-turn Holy Spirit Flower as his treasure.


Ling Feng was originally immersed in the joy of getting the Nine-turn Holy Spirit Flower, but unexpectedly, he discovered that there was a "tail" following behind him.

"It seems I'm not the only smart person."

Ling Feng smiled coldly, "But following me is not a smart move."

Patting Zifeng's neck, Ling Feng signaled Zifeng to stop directly and simply wait where he was.

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