Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2671 How embarrassing! (3 updates)

After a while, Zhang Sunxiang and three others had caught up, their eyes fell on Ling Feng, looked up and down, and finally fell on Zifeng.

"Light Unicorn?"

Changsun Xiang's eyelids twitched slightly. Aren't such strange beasts extinct long ago?

"It turns out to be Senior Brother Changsun."

Ling Feng recognized this person at a glance. This guy was very high-profile and liked to be in the limelight, so it was difficult for Ling Feng not to recognize him.

"Since you know me, then obediently hand over the strange flower just now, and I will recognize you as my brother. From now on, I will protect you in the Temple of the Witch God!"

Changsun Xiang lightly touched his left shoulder with his fist, and then pointed at Ling Feng. He didn't look too pushy.

Ling Feng almost suffered from internal injuries. Who does this guy think he is?

Even Duan Lingtian, who is more than ten times stronger than Chang Sun Xiang, is not as arrogant as him.

Is this what is called, living in a dream?


Ling Feng took a deep breath, suppressed his laughter, and said in a deep voice: "Senior Brother Changsun, are you kidding me? I've never seen any of these strange flowers."

"It seems that you are not going to cooperate?"

Changsun Xiang snorted lightly, his cold eyes falling on Ling Feng, "Well, just think of it as me, the senior brother, to teach you a lesson. A common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying a jade. You should do the same. Got it!”


A smile appeared on Ling Feng's lips, "How do you plan to let me know, senior brother?"

"Hmph, you'll find out soon."

In Changsun Xiang's hand, black light surged, condensing into a sharp-edged blade of darkness.

"I'll give you one last chance. Now hand over that strange flower. What I just said will still stand!"

"Pull him down!"

Ling Feng showed a look of disdain on his face, "If I accept you as the boss, how can I still hang out in the Temple of the Witch God in the future? It's so embarrassing!"

"You have no chance!"

Changsun Xiang's eyes flashed coldly and he smiled evilly, "You should understand that if a few disciples die in this place, their death will be in vain!"


Ling Feng shrugged indifferently, "Does Senior Brother think I will die here?"

"I think it will!"

Changsun Xiang's words seemed to come out from between his teeth, with a chill to his bones.

The next moment, the blade of darkness in Chang Sun Xiang's hand was already raised high.

"Hey, that guy is really blind!"

"Although the treasure is good, you still have to live to enjoy it. Doesn't this guy even understand such a simple truth?"

"The ignorant are fearless. He shouldn't think that he is Senior Brother Changsun's opponent, right?"

"Hahaha, I think so too!"

The other two disciples looked at Ling Feng as if they were watching a show.

In their eyes, Ling Feng was already a dead man.

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and did not take action. He just patted Zifeng at his feet and said lightly: "Raising an army for a thousand days is spent in a moment. Zifeng, someone is playing with the power of darkness in front of you. Why don't you go practice with him?" "

Zifeng chuckled, "Okay master, I haven't used the power of the other half of this body yet."

As soon as the words fell, the holy light around Zifeng instantly dissipated.

Instead, there was darkness, the ultimate darkness.

The white horn on top of his head also turned black.

"This is!"

Sun Xiang's expression changed slightly. Why did the light unicorn suddenly turn into a dark unicorn?

Could it be that this is a light and dark unicorn, possessing two completely different powers at the same time?

"Just in time, I want to kill you, this spiritual beast too!"

Changsun Xiang snorted coldly, and slashed down Ling Feng's head with the dark blade in his hand.

Ling Feng jumped up, flew away from Zifeng's back, and said lightly: "Zifeng, I leave it to you."

"Hey, don't worry, Master."

Behind Zifeng, a pair of jet-black wings instantly spread out. When the wings flapped, a black whirlwind swept out and immediately knocked Chang Sun Xiang's sword blade off by a few points.


Changsun Xiang was stunned. His blade of darkness could even cut through the ninth-level storm rules, but he couldn't even withstand this light and dark unicorn's casual blow?

Of course he didn't understand that the light and dark unicorn in front of him was derived from the body of an ancient beast.

Even if Zifeng could only mobilize less than 1% of his power, it would be more than enough to deal with him.

The battle was one-sided.

Zifeng barely needed any effort, just a few hooves beat Changsun Xiang until he vomited blood.

Zifeng, on the other hand, did not dodge at all and allowed Chang Sun Xiang's blade of darkness to slash his body without any pain or itching.

The focus of his Dark Blade is not the destructive power of the blade, but the corrosive power of the dark rules. However, when this power acts on the light and dark unicorn, it is not painful or itchy at all, and it is even very comfortable.


Zifeng kicked Changsun Xiang away again, with a bored expression on his face, and frowned: "Master, this guy is too weak, he has no interest at all."


Changsun Xiang was kicked in the face by Zifeng, and a burst of energy and blood surged in his body. He was so angry at Zifeng's words that he rolled his eyes and fainted from anger.

The other two disciples, seeing that the situation was not going well, ran away.

boom! boom!

It's a pity that their speed can't be compared to Zifeng. He kicked them all to the ground with two flying feet. They fell together with Zhang Sunxiang and threw them into the street.

"Master, everyone is here, what should we do?"

Zifeng's job is to be more reliable than a cheap donkey. If he were a cheap donkey, at this time, he should be asking for benefits with saliva on his face.

As soon as the dim light flashed, the bitch also jumped out, and said with an evil smile: "No need to ask, they saw something they shouldn't have seen, they must snap!"

As he said that, the bitch made a gesture of wiping his neck, then rubbed his hands and said mischievously: "You brat, it's time to share the spoils... Ahem, let's deal with the spoils, right?"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "You can't touch this flower yet. After I practice the Star Holy Spirit Pill, you will be indispensable."

Although the bitch looked reluctant, he also knew that the power contained in these nine petals was too strong for him. If he swallowed it directly, even if he swallowed just one piece, he probably wouldn't be able to withstand such power. .

"As for them..."

Ling Feng hesitated for a moment, but still didn't kill him.

If it were before, killing people to seize treasures, either you would kill me, or I would kill you, it would be perfectly normal and there would be no reason for it.

But now, after all, Ling Feng has received the favor of the twelve witch gods and the witch ancestor, and he can be regarded as the descendant of the witch ancestor. After all, people like Zhang Sunxiang are the disciples and disciples of the witch ancestor. It is somewhat unjustifiable to kill them directly.

Regardless of whether they were a threat to him or not, there was no need to kill them.

It's just that they saw something they shouldn't have seen, and this part of the memory must be cleared away.

Fortunately, after evolving into the Golden Eye of the Emperor, Ling Feng's Eye of the Emperor can not only directly read the memories of others, but also deprive a small part of them.

"For the sake of the witch ancestors and the twelve witch gods, I will spare your lives. If you fall into my hands next time, you will die!"

Ling Feng snorted coldly, processed the memories of the three unconscious guys for a while, and then walked away directly with Jianlu and Zifeng.

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