Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2672: Walking into a Trap! (1 more)

After about a few hours, Zhang Sunxiang and the other three finally woke up in a daze.

By this time, Ling Feng had already returned to Yangquan Gorge and started hunting the remaining Zerg.

"Huh? Why are we here?"

A disciple scratched the back of his head and looked around, "Aren't we hunting the Zerg? Why did we suddenly appear here?"

"Yes, I just remember Senior Brother Changsun saying that the heavy treasure was born, and then we headed towards the Frozen Valley. What happened next? What happened next?"

Another disciple also frowned deeply.

Changsun Xiang's face was even more solemn, he stood up slowly, frowned and said: "There is indeed something wrong. It seems that something is missing..."

Because Ling Feng erased all their memories about the Nine-turn Holy Spirit Flower, all memories disappeared from the moment they arrived in the Frozen Valley.

"Damn it!"

After a while, a look of regret appeared on Zhang Sunxiang's face. It was clear that a peerless treasure was born, but he failed to catch up and passed out in this ghost place?

"No, let's go to the Frozen Valley first!"

Changsun Xiang was unwilling to give up, gritted his teeth, stamped his feet, and decided to go back to see if there might be something else to gain.

However, when they arrived at the Frozen Valley, they were completely dumbfounded.

Is there any frozen valley here?

The snowy valley that has been frozen all year round has turned into a collapsed ruin!

Stretching for hundreds of miles, everything was reduced to ruins!

"Oh my God, what kind of treasure could be born to have such terrible destructive power!"

The more Zhang Sunxiang thought about it, the more heartbroken he became.

Did he actually miss that treasure like this?

At this moment, a large group of Zerg suddenly surrounded them. In addition, there were actually many people in black mixed in.

Although they were all covered with black veils, judging from their aura, they were not Zerg, but humans!

"You dare to come back? Hum, you're throwing yourself into a trap!"

Those Zerg and humans were all extremely angry and stared at Changsun Xiang and the others.

Obviously, they regarded Chang Sunxiang as Ling Feng's "associate".

After all, these people are all disciples of the Temple of the Witch God, and they are all the same!

Changsun Xiang's eyelids twitched slightly, and his face turned green with fright when he saw so many masters. He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, is there any misunderstanding between us?"

"Misunderstood the snake skin of Nima!"

Xu Wuya had been wronged by Young Master Jinlin before, and he had been holding back his anger for a long time. He immediately flew out and slapped him.

Changsun Xiang was not a vegetarian, so he immediately fought with Xu Wuya.

Within ten moves, there was a back and forth, but beyond ten moves, Changsun Xiang began to feel a little overwhelmed.

After all, the opponent is a veteran saint, and it is really difficult for him to deal with such a master with only Zhang Sunxiang.

"What are you still doing? Help!"

Changsun Xiang roared loudly, feeling despair in his heart. Now this battle may be more doomed than hopeless.

Only then did the other two temple disciples react and quickly joined the battle group.

"Just...let me come and accompany have fun..."

However, before they could support Chang Sun Xiang, they were stopped by the Stuttering Elder. Although the Stuttering Elder had a unclear speech, he had real materials under his command.

Not long after, both Zhang Sunxiang and two other temple disciples were captured alive.

"Tell me, where is the Nine-turn Holy Spirit Flower?"

Xu Wuya stepped on Chang Sun Xiang's chest, exerted force with his toes, and a burst of energy penetrated Chang Sun Xiang's chest. He heard a "click", and he didn't know how many of Chang Sun Xiang's ribs were broken.


Changsun Xiang suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood and said with a look of grief and anger: "I don't know! Even if you beat me to death, I don't know either!"

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Xu Wuya beat him violently, but Changsun Xiang still had the same attitude. Xu Wuya was so angry that he was trembling all over, and he wished he could kill Changsun Xiang directly with a palm.

"Xu...Elder Xu, this...this kid probably really doesn't...don't know."

Elder Stuttering glanced at Chang Sun Xiang. This guy had been beaten into a pig's head. I'm afraid not a single bone in his body was intact. If he really knew, he wouldn't be able to survive, just tell him.

"Humph, even if you don't know, you are still a disciple of the Witch God Temple, and we are all the same!"

The young master with golden scales looked cold and stern, and made a gesture of wiping his neck, "Since it's useless, kill him!"

As soon as these words came out, the two temple disciples were trembling with fear, "No... no, we don't want to die yet! Brother Changsun, think of a way, think of a way quickly!"

"Kill if you want!"

Changsun Xiang did have a bit of a man's temperament, and said bitterly: "Eighteen years later, another good man!"

"I'll make it happen for you!"

Xu Wuya suddenly raised his palm and hit Chang Sun Xiang hard on the forehead.

"no no……"

But it was the stuttering elder who stopped Xu Wuya and said with a smile: "Xu... Elder Xu, this... this kid is still... useful!"

After saying that, he leaned into Xu Wuya's ear and whispered a few words.

Xu Wuya's expression changed for a while, but he finally nodded, "Okay, that's it!"

In this way, Zhang Sunxiang was lucky enough to save a small life.

On the other side, Ling Feng got the Nine-Revolution Holy Spirit Flower and naturally left happily.

Now he has the Chaos Creation Fruit and the Nine-turn Holy Spirit Flower in his hands. As for the alchemy furnace, he also has treasures such as the Sun-Moon Universe Furnace.

In addition, Qian Yang Jiu Lian's techniques have also reached the point of perfection.

Next, it’s time to refine the Star Holy Spirit Pill!

Ling Feng even had the urge to make alchemy immediately, but he suppressed it.

After all, this is not a safe zone. Whether it is the Zerg, the Temple of All Souls, or even the disciples of the Temple of the Witch God, they may be destroyed and turned into their enemies at any time.

Just like Chang Sun Xiang, he took action against himself in order to seize the Nine-Revolution Holy Spirit Flower.

Once a peerless divine elixir like the Star Holy Spirit Pill is successfully refined, it will definitely cause strange phenomena in the world.

Therefore, you must find a relatively safe place so that you can make alchemy without any worries.

Whoosh whoosh!

At this moment, blood shadows flew towards him one after another. The corners of Ling Feng's mouth curled up, but it was his own blood shadow guards who returned.

When the Nine-Revolution Holy Spirit Flower was born, the powerful energy that exploded knocked all the Blood Shadow Guards away.

At the same time, a large number of Zerg and the followers of the Hall of All Spirits were also blown away.

As for those Zerg and All Souls Hall believers who were unlucky enough to encounter their Blood Shadow Guards again, they were all killed by their Blood Shadow Guards.

After these Blood Shadow Guards handed over all the demon elixirs of the Zerg and the spiritual rings of the Wanling Temple disciples to Ling Feng, they turned into a line of blood light, reintegrated into the center of Ling Feng's eyebrows, and disappeared.

"Be good..."

Picking up the heavy bag in his hand, Ling Feng curled up his lips. The Zerg demon pill inside must be worth a thousand points of merit!

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