Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2673 How cheap! (2 updates)

"Not bad!"

Ling Feng touched his hairless chin and grinned. These demon pills were an unexpected surprise.

"There are still more than half a month left. As long as I, the Blood Shadow Guards, are released, it will be equivalent to a legion collecting demon pills for me. Hehe, who can compete with me?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled, and continued to move towards Yangquan Gorge.

Next, he only needs to survive this month and win the first place in this northern operation.

In the blink of an eye, ten days passed.

In the Yangquan Gorge area, the situation suddenly took a turn for the worse.

Logically speaking, with the support of a hundred temple disciples, after more than ten days of cleaning, the number of Zerg should have dropped sharply.

However, although the disciples worked hard to kill the Zerg in order to accumulate merit points, ten days later, the number of Zerg not only did not decrease, but more and more strong Zerg began to appear.

For example, in an ordinary Zerg camp, among a hundred ordinary Zerg, there could be about two or three Saint-level Zerg, but now, there are more than five, even ten.

Moreover, the actions of these Zerg races are becoming more and more intensive. They are no longer scattered and acting independently like they were at the beginning.

This looks more like the bait they throw out, leading the disciples of the Temple of the Witch God into their trap step by step.

This is not at all like the wisdom that Zerg should have.

However, their purpose has been achieved.

At this moment, all the temple disciples who were scattered in the northern battlefield and scattered throughout the Yangquan Gorge to exterminate the Zerg were all drawn into a huge quagmire.

Death swamp!

The name of this place is Death Swamp.

Like its name, the entire swamp is filled with the evil spirit of death.

Black smoke lingered over the swamp, with stench and rot. In the swamp, "Gugu" bubbled, and the deadly poisonous gas emitted from it could make ordinary warriors' whole bodies fester.

And when the temple disciples came here, they found more and more fellow disciples appearing around them, and finally realized that they might have entered a trap.

Those Zerg tribe actually want to trap them all in this swamp!

"Eh? Senior Brother Changsun?"

The temple disciples were surprised to find that in the center of the Death Swamp, there were three wooden stakes, and on the wooden stakes, three disciples were tied up.

The person in the middle is none other than Zhang Sunxiang!

"Isn't that Senior Brother Zhang Sunxiang and the others?"

A famous temple disciple showed a look of astonishment. With Chang Sun Xiang's strength, how could he be captured by the Zerg?

Moreover, he was actually hung here?

"No, we have to rescue Senior Brother Changsun!"

Several disciples who were also from the Dark Witch Clan frowned and flew over to rescue Zhang Sunxiang and others. However, before they could take action, huge creatures emerged from the mire directly through the water.

There are huge centipedes hidden underneath the entire death swamp.


The water splashed and the waves surged into the sky.

The highly corrosive venom splashed out.

Those present, who were all disciples of the temple, reacted very quickly and immediately used various witchcraft to fight against the giant centipedes hidden under the swamp.

However, they were able to avoid the giant centipede's sneak attack, but they still didn't expect that a killer who was clearly lurking in the dark would suddenly attack them secretly when they were fighting the giant centipede.


For a moment, screams came from all directions.

They never imagined that in addition to the Zerg, the enemies they faced would also include humans!

After a while, all the temple disciples were completely wiped out!

They are indeed not weak, but they still fell into the trap of the conspiracy and conspiracy of the Zerg and the elders of the Hall of All Souls.

After all, they are still too young.

"Elder Xia really has a clever plan, hahaha!"

Xu Wuya laughed loudly. He didn't expect that in just ten days, as Xia Jian said, he could catch all the temple disciples in one fell swoop.

The stuttering elder, Xia Jian, narrowed his eyes and sneered: "'s just a...little trick."

"Elder Xia doesn't need to be too modest."

Xu Wuya stroked his long beard and felt very good.

However, the roar of Young Master Jinlin was heard not far away, "No, not one!"

But it turned out that the Young Master Jinlin, along with several Zerg who had seen Ling Feng's Blood Shadow Guard, were identifying Ling Feng's figure among these disciples.

After all, the Blood Shadow Guards released by Ling Feng were all carved out of the same mold as himself and had the same face as him.

Therefore, if Ling Feng was also captured, they would naturally recognize him.

But they searched all over here, but couldn't find Ling Feng.

"how so?"

Xu Wuya frowned and glanced at Xia Jian.

"No... no rush."

Xia Jian sneered and said: "Just...even if you are not here now, sooner or will fall...into our trap."

At this moment, a roar came from not far away, "No, someone escaped!"


Xu Wuya shouted violently, flew out in an instant, and landed in front of the roaring Wanling Temple cultist. He grabbed his collar and said angrily: "What did you say?"


The believer was trembling all over, hesitating and hesitating for a long time, but he couldn't even fart.

Xu Wuya stared at the cultist and saw that the palm of his right hand seemed to be pierced by a steel needle, and there was a burning smell coming from it.

"what is going on?"

The disciple trembled all over and finally said: "Brother... I was obsessed with lust for a moment. I just wanted to take advantage of the woman. Unexpectedly, the woman pretended to be unconscious and suddenly launched a sneak attack when the disciple came forward. Then he used a... teleportation talisman!"


As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that Xu Wuya had already struck down the disciple's head with a palm, and the disciple's head suddenly exploded like a watermelon.

"Damn it!"

Xu Wuya's face was gloomy and terrifying, and he frowned and said, "If the news of this matter leaks out and the old guys from the Witch God Sect get involved, it might be difficult to deal with it."

"Xu...Elder Xu, there is no need to panic."

Elder Xia Jian smiled coldly, "Even...even if I can escape here, I...can't escape the poison that corrodes bones and corrodes the heart. this death swamp, the evil spirit here can still suppress the rotten bones a little." When the heart-corrosive poison attacks, if you escape... you will only... die faster!"


Only then did Xu Wuya realize that when their killers attacked those disciples, the daggers were poisoned with bone-corroding and heart-corroding poison!

Thinking of this, Xu Wuya couldn't help laughing out loud, "As expected of Elder Xia Jian, he is indeed quite mean!"

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