Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2674 Can’t afford it! (3 updates)

the other side.

Ling Feng was alone on the vast northern battlefield, searching for targets aimlessly.

However, over the past few days, he discovered a very strange thing, that is, there seemed to be fewer and fewer Zerg nearby.

Not only are there fewer Zerg species, but even the aura of the temple disciples has completely disappeared.

"That's not right. One month is still very early. Can everything be solved so quickly?"

Ling Feng was a little confused and secretly strange.

He was confused that day because the Zerg adopted a strategy of luring the enemy deep into the area, leading everyone into the death swamp bit by bit.

But when it comes to Ling Feng, the situation is different.

Wherever he passed, not a blade of grass grew!

And bait?

Before the bait was released, the entire nest of Zerg was eaten by him.

Therefore, he had no chance to be lured to the Death Swamp by those Zerg.

Fortunately, Elder Xia Jian thought his plan was so perfect.

Indeed, to a certain extent, his plan was perfect, but it was a pity that he encountered a wolf like Ling Feng.

"It's weird!"

Ling Feng frowned, feeling like he was being left alone. No matter whether it was the Zerg or the Temple of the Witch God, they wouldn't take him to play with them.

Can’t afford it?


Can’t afford it?

Ling Feng asked himself, is he quite normal?

At this moment, a figure flew in front of him, and Ling Feng's eyes lit up.

Oh dear, it’s been three days and I finally saw someone alive!

Ling Feng was gearing up for a while and was about to take action, but found something was wrong with the aura.

This is not the aura of the demon clan, but the human clan!

Just when Ling Feng was confused for a moment, the figure had already flown in front of him, and then, without missing a beat, he bumped into his arms.

The tentacles are soft.

Ling Feng was slightly startled, female?

He suddenly straightened the woman in front of him, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

Baili Yunxi?

The proud daughter of the Fire Witch Clan, and also the sister of Baili Lanxi?

Ling Feng was stunned for a moment. Because of Baili Lanxi, he didn't really want to have anything to do with this woman.

After all, at this moment, that unlucky guy from Baili Lanxi is probably still wandering around the underground world, and he may have already burped.

This woman's brother was "cheated" to death by him. After all, Ling Feng felt a little guilty when facing this woman.

But right now, this woman's situation is very bad!

His face was dark, and the skin on his body had begun to show signs of ulceration, and it was emitting an unpleasant smell.

These are all manifestations of severe poison in the body.

"There is indeed a problem!"

Ling Feng frowned. No wonder he couldn't find anyone in these days. It turned out that the disciples of the Witch God Temple had been tricked by someone!

Hey, this group of teammates really doesn’t make people worry!

Ling Feng sighed softly, and Baili Yunxi in his arms spit out a mouthful of black poisonous blood when he saw Ling Feng, and just shouted in a low voice: ""

Before he could finish his words, he fainted.

"Hey, hey!"

Ling Feng patted Baili Yunxi's cheek, but this woman had no reaction at all.


Ling Feng's forehead darkened, and he sighed softly, "That's all, good people will do it to the end..."

The next moment, with a flash of purple light, Ling Feng directly brought Baili Yunxi into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

"Xiaodie, Xiaodie, come to life!"

Ling Feng shouted a few words, and then saw a white figure flying over quickly with a pair of beautiful wings on its back.

Now Yu Xiaodie has completely grown into a young and beautiful girl. With a pair of butterfly wings on her back, she looks like a butterfly fairy.

After taking a look at Xiaodie, Ling Feng couldn't help but think of that woman Yu Junyao.

Speaking of which, Yu Xiaodie's name still followed her surname.

"Master, what's the matter?"

Yu Xiaodie blinked her beautiful big eyes and stared at Ling Feng.

"I haven't seen you for a while. You speak a lot more eloquently."

Ling Feng grinned, raised his hand and pinched Xiaodie's cheek. Looking back, this guy was just a thumb-sized silkworm before, but he never expected that he would grow into a pretty and cute girl.

There was no unnecessary emotion in Yu Xiaodie's big jewel-like eyes, but when she looked down at Baili Yunxi, she showed a hint of greed, "Hey, the poison in this person is so powerful."

"Detoxify her."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, and Yu Xiaodie immediately took action.

She stretched out a green-white finger and gently placed it on a wound on Baili Yunxi's back. Then, waves of rich black energy converged towards Xiaodie's fingertips.

In the blink of an eye, all the toxins in Baili Yunxi's body were eliminated.

After several evolutions, Xiaodie's ability to absorb toxins has become better and better.


Baili Yunxi coughed a few times and finally woke up leisurely.

After all, she is a saint-level powerhouse with strong recovery power. Once the toxin is removed and the saint's power is circulated, she will basically be fine.

"Did me?"

Baili Yunxi looked at Ling Feng and then around, "Where is this place? Also, she is..."

Suddenly, Baili Yunxi frowned, because Yu Xiaodie is actually a monster, and butterflies are also a type of insect, so they are naturally classified as insects.

"Don't repay kindness with hatred."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "Don't worry, she is not the Zerg from the northern battlefield, but my spiritual pet. Her name is Xiaodie. If she hadn't helped you absorb the toxins from your body, do you think you could still wake up?"

Baili Yunxi bit her lips, then looked at Xiaodie and nodded slightly to her, "Thank you..."

"Thank you? What does thank you mean?"

Xiaodie's big empty eyes were full of doubts.

Most of the things in her mind were instilled in her by Jianlu and Zifeng. What can these two guys hold back? Words like thank you are not in their lexicon at all.

"Haha, Xiaodie has just transformed, so she doesn't have much experience."

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and smiled lightly.

When Baili Yunxi saw Xiaodie's cute look, her hostility towards her disappeared.

"By the way, Miss Baili, how did you get poisoned, and what happened?"

Ling Feng did not forget about the business, although the life and death of others actually had nothing to do with him.

However, if he could rescue more temple disciples, he would be considered a great contributor to the Witch God Sect.

When he made the request again, he felt more confident.

Only then did Baili Yunxi recall what happened in the Death Swamp, and his face could not help but darken, "It was the Zerg tribe and a group of mysterious men in black. They set up an ambush to attack us. Now, all our disciples are trapped in the swamp." In the swamp of death!”

"It's another good thing done by Wanling Palace!"

Ling Feng snorted softly. It seemed that the people in Wanling Temple were not all fools. He had snatched the Nine-turn Holy Spirit Flower. They followed the clues and suspected the disciples of Wushen Temple, so they attacked these disciples.

It's a pity that the one they most wanted to catch, themselves, managed to escape.

So, should I save those disciples?

Ling Feng fell into hesitation. He had already obtained the Nine-turn Holy Spirit Flower. If he went back, wouldn't he be throwing himself into a trap?

But seeing so many people being harmed by him, but staying aloof from the matter, and doing nothing to save them, I'm afraid he will have an uneasy conscience.

Ling Feng clenched his fists. The moment he began to hesitate, he already had the answer in his heart.

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