Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2677 Don’t mess around! (3 updates)

But it turns out that because Ling Feng saved Duan Lingtian once before in Qianling Medicine Garden, Duan Lingtian owed him a favor.

So later, Duan Lingtian directly gave Ling Feng a summoning talisman. When he encountered a crisis, he could use this talisman to summon him once.

In this way, the previous favor can be considered returned.

"Look, isn't this a critical moment?"

Ling Feng pursed his lips and turned his gaze to the three powerful saint-level men who were waiting around.

Duan Lingtian's head darkened. This junior brother was so capable of causing trouble!

It happened that when he was teleported here, he happened to be tracking a strange beast from heaven and earth. That beast was very cunning, but he had a hard time catching up!

It's a good thing this time, let Ling Feng mess it up!

"Hey, that's fine..."

Duan Lingtian sighed lightly, who knew that he owed Ling Feng a favor before.

"That's the three, right?"

Duan Lingtian swung the long sword in his hand, pointed the sword's edge directly at the void in front of him, and said in a cold voice: "Okay, let's fight quickly, I have to go back to perform the mission!"

"Who are you?"

Xu Wuya's eyes were fixed on Duan Lingtian, and when he felt the powerful aura on Duan Lingtian's body, his expression suddenly became serious.

"Anyway, you are going to be dead soon, so I will let you be a sensible person."

Duan Lingtian swiped his sword and coldly spat out five words: "My name is Duan - Ling - Tian!"


As soon as he finished speaking, a sword cry erupted, and Xu Wuya, who was directly in front of him, before he could even react, his body had been split into two pieces!

"Damn, it's still so exaggerated."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, Ling Tian was really ridiculously strong this time.

If he hadn't expended so much energy to rescue those temple disciples, with his current strength, he would be able to deal with these saints.

However, there is probably still a big gap between him and Duan Lingtian in killing him instantly with one move.

After all, Duan Lingtian has practiced more than two hundred years more than him, but Ling Feng believes that in two hundred years, his strength will definitely be far superior to Duan Lingtian.

"Xu...Elder Xu!"

Xia Jian's pupils suddenly shrank, staring at Duan Lingtian, his eyelids suddenly twitched, "Duan...Senior Brother"

"Call me senior brother and I won't kill you?" A sneer appeared on Duan Lingtian's lips.

The more nervous Xia Jian became, the more he stuttered again, "Your... surname is Duan! You... you... you are Duan... Duan... Duan Lingtian!"

Duan Lingtian rolled his eyes, "You are wasting your time by stammering. My time is very precious!"

The next moment, Duan Lingtian flew out, slashing at Xia Jian in a sharp arc with the light blade in his hand.

Although Xia Jian stuttered, he was still a saint after all, and he was not like Xu Wuya who underestimated the enemy. He directly used his magic weapon to protect himself, but he blocked Duan Lingtian's sword.

On the other side, the young master of the golden scales had also reacted. The golden light flashed around his body, and a layer of fine scales suddenly covered his body, as if he were covered with dragon scales.

"It turns out that you are Duan Lingtian. I, my young master, have heard of your name for a long time. You massacred countless of our Zerg compatriots on the battlefield in the north. Today, my young master will smash your bones into ashes and cut your corpse into thousands of pieces!"

The golden-scaled young master roared, his hands turned into a pair of giant pincers, and stabbed Duan Lingtian fiercely.

Duan Lingtian turned around and struck the young master with golden scales with his sword. The terrifying burst of power was actually completely immune to his scale armor.

The remaining shock injuries were completely painless to Young Master Jin Lin.

"Duan Lingtian, today is the day you die!"

Young Master Jinlin laughed loudly, never expecting that not only would he be able to recapture the Nine-Romance Holy Spirit Flower today, but he would also be able to deal with Duan Lingtian, the Zerg enemy.

"Wearing a bastard shell, you think you are invincible, right?"

Duan Lingtian frowned slightly. Although his photochemical power was strong, what he was actually most afraid of was this kind of opponent with astonishing defensive power.

Especially since there is another Holy Lord assisting him, even he cannot take advantage of it too much.

"Senior Brother Duan, let me help you!"

Seeing that something was wrong, Ling Feng immediately flew into the sky and stood side by side with Duan Lingtian. He stared at Young Master Jinlin and said in a deep voice: "I'll stop this bastard first!"

"Don't mess around!"

Duan Lingtian's expression changed drastically. Now Ling Feng didn't have the spirit of the Five Elements to protect his body. With his cultivation level of only the first level of the Ninth Transformation Realm, he still dared to utter arrogant words and stop the Golden Scale Young Master on his behalf?

"I'm not messing around."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, and the next moment, a colorful light suddenly floated behind him.

"Colorful fighting spirit!"

Duan Lingtian's pupils suddenly shrank, what Ling Feng unleashed was actually a colorful fighting spirit!

"The bastard shell on your body can block Senior Brother Duan's sword. I wonder if it can resist my soul skills?"

Ling Feng smiled coldly, and the next moment, a divine light shone in the fighting spirit.

"Silver soul skill, mysterious curse shadow bite!"

In an instant, the armor-removing thorns, the bone-splitting thorns, and the blood-breaking thorns all came out at once, and the golden-scaled young master could be heard screaming in agony, with countless small pores all over his body oozing out droplets of blood.

This Mysterious Curse Shadow Bite was originally a silver soul skill, but with the increase of the colorful fighting spirits and Ling Feng's improvements, it has at least touched the threshold of a gold soul skill.

"I kill you!"

Young Master Jinlin went completely crazy and rushed towards Ling Feng like crazy. He actually completely targeted Ling Feng and no longer thought about cooperating with Xia Jian to deal with Duan Lingtian.

"Jin...Young Master Jinlin!"

Xia Jian was very happy, this Zerg is the Zerg, the Zerg head has no IQ at all!

"I really let this kid distract me!"

Duan Lingtian's expression changed slightly. He was naturally very familiar with the so-called soul skills.

Among all major regions, the warriors in the Southern Witch Region pay more attention to the cultivation of the soul.

After all, the more powerful witchcraft and forbidden spells need to be carried by powerful spiritual power.

In fact, soul skills are also one of the common methods used by warriors in the Southern Witch Region.

The Black Curse Shadow Bite that Ling Feng had just cast also made him secretly frightened. He thought that if he were to resist this move, he would probably be beaten into a very embarrassing situation.

"This boy is really not that simple!"

With a sigh, Duan Lingtian didn't waste any time. He took advantage of Ling Feng to distract Young Master Jinlin and quickly launched his killing move.

"Ah! My life is at stake!"

Not long after, Elder Xia Jian was heard screaming, and then he was killed by Duan Lingtian's sword.

"This last sentence was not stuttered."

Duan Lingtian smiled coldly, flashed his figure, and quickly went to support Ling Feng.

On Ling Feng's side, firstly, he deliberately hid his clumsiness and did not expose more trump cards. Secondly, he did consume too much physical energy. Under the pursuit of Young Master Jinlin, he could only rely on the Nine Nether Teleportation Technique to continue to fight. Escape.

Fortunately, Duan Lingtian quickly resolved the battle. With the two of them joining forces, the unlucky young master was quickly captured. However, because of his special status, he was temporarily spared. As a hostage, he could also be used as a hostage. The Zerg have some scruples and dare not invade the northern border again.

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