Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2678 Reinforcements! (1 update)


Ling Feng clapped his hands, tied up the golden-scaled young master, and threw him aside.

Young Master Jinlin screamed in anger, but was kicked mercilessly by Ling Feng and passed out.

As for his shrimp soldiers and crab generals, they were naturally eliminated by Ling Feng's Blood Shadow Guards. As for the few who escaped, Ling Feng didn't care.

Let the Zerg know that their young master has been caught, this is Ling Feng's purpose.

"Okay, I'll clean up your mess here, I have to leave right away!"

Duan Lingtian rolled his eyes, and before Ling Feng could speak, he turned into a white light and fled away.

"It's really urgent..."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. He originally wanted to tell Duan Lingtian about the Nine-Rank Holy Spirit Flower, but since he was so impatient, let him forget it.

Anyway, his share is definitely indispensable for the final refinement of the Star Holy Spirit Pill.

As for Young Master Jinlin...

Ling Feng looked back at the fainted Young Master Jin Lin. This guy knew too much. Although he couldn't kill him, he still...

Ling Feng followed suit and erased part of this guy's memory. No one knew who stole the Nine-turn Holy Spirit Flower.

After doing all this, Ling Feng released the unconscious temple disciples.

These guys are all poisoned. If they were a step too late, even if they were rescued, they would probably become useless.

"Xiaodie, please detoxify them."

Ling Feng did not take advantage of the situation and directly asked Xiaodie to detoxify them, including Zhang Sunxiang and others.

Anyway, these guys have already erased some of their memories about the Nine-turn Holy Spirit Flower.

After a while, these temple disciples woke up one after another, only to find that they had escaped from the tiger's mouth.

The surrounding monsters and the mysterious killer in black all turned into corpses on the ground.

They glanced around and discovered that Ling Feng was sitting cross-legged and meditating not far away.

"All brothers and sisters, are you all awake?"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, with a hint of curvature at the corner of his mouth.

"Ling...Junior Brother Ling?"

Zhang Haoran's eyelids twitched and he recognized Ling Feng at a glance.

Sima Junting also had a look of disbelief. Although Ling Feng was not an ordinary person, how could he alone save so many of them alive?

How can this be?

"Brother Ling, did you save us?"

Sima Junting stared at Ling Feng closely, his eyes full of shock and disbelief.

The other temple disciples also looked at Ling Feng.

"Haha, of course it's not just me."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled, "After all, it was Senior Brother Duan Lingtian who saved everyone. I just helped everyone detoxify."

Ling Feng didn't bother to take credit, and he didn't expect these guys to give him anything in return.

"It turns out to be Senior Brother (elder) Duan!"

Everyone was relieved now. It would be reasonable if Duan Lingtian took action.

"Fortunately, Senior Brother Duan arrived!"

"Where's Senior Brother Duan? We must thank him properly!"

When these disciples heard that they were rescued by Duan Lingtian, they all thanked Duan Lingtian profusely. As for Ling Feng...

In their opinion, they were just assisting Duan Lingtian in doing some trivial things.

"It turns out that Senior Brother Duan took action."

Zhang Haoran had a look of surprise on his face. After all, he was Duan Lingtian's fanatical fan!

"But we still have to thank Brother Ling for detoxifying us."

Sima Junting walked up to Ling Feng and bowed to him.

The poison in them is very powerful. If they cannot detoxify, even if they are rescued, they will only save a dead person.

After Sima Junting said this, many disciples thanked Ling Feng, but there were still many who were not very grateful to Ling Feng.

Among them, Chang Sun Xiang is naturally the leader.

Because his memory was erased by Ling Feng, Changsun Xiang no longer remembers how terrifying Ling Feng's strength is.

In their opinion, Ling Feng was just lucky enough to get involved with Duan Lingtian.

How did they know that Duan Lingtian was "summoned" by Ling Feng, otherwise, how could he suddenly appear in this northern battlefield?

Ling Feng didn't care either. Everything he did was just to make his heart clear.

At this time, a figure in the distance came flying towards him, like a flash of lightning, and in the blink of an eye, it had already appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

The person who came was surprisingly the great wizard Brahma.

"It looks like reinforcements are coming."

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up. That woman Baili Yunxi really asked her to rush back to the fortress and move in to help the troops.

However, it was still a step too late, and he had already solved everything.


When the great wizard Brahma saw what was happening on the field, he was suddenly stunned.

"How is this going?"

The information obtained from Baili Yunxi should be that everyone was captured by the Zerg.

And now, why are there only Zerg corpses all over the ground?

"It was Senior Brother Duan Lingtian who took action and saved us."

Immediately, someone described what happened here, with just one word from you and one from me.

Of course, most of them talked about how Duan Lingtian eliminated those Zerg masters and those mysterious human killers.

As for Ling Feng, he only mentioned a few words here and there, probably just to cure them of the poison, that's all.

They spoke one sentence after another as if they had really seen it with their own eyes. Even Ling Feng, who had personally experienced it, could not help but sigh at these guys' imagination.

Ling Feng just shook his head and laughed secretly in his heart.

It seems that these guys still cannot accept the fact that a "weak" saved them.

After all, in their eyes, Ling Feng is just a new disciple, only the first level of the Nine Transformations Realm. How can he be compared with those Saint Venerables?

And Duan Lingtian is completely different.

"So that's it."

After listening to the story pieced together by these disciples, the Great Wizard Brahma nodded slightly, looked at Ling Feng, and asked in a deep voice: "Duan Lingtian should be performing a mission tens of thousands of miles away. Why did he suddenly appear here? And where are the others?"

"Brother Duan was in a hurry for his mission, so he left quickly after the battle. As for why he appeared here, it might be that he just happened to pass by, hehe..."

Ling Feng grinned, laughed, and prepared to fool it.

If these people knew that he could actually "summon" Duan Lingtian, what exactly was the relationship between him and Duan Lingtian?

If they dug deeper, the matter of the Chaos Creation Fruit would probably be revealed.

"Did he just happen to pass by?"

The Great Wizard Brahma frowned slightly, knowing that Ling Feng was not telling the truth, but he was too lazy to pursue it.

Anyway, the final result was still good.

Not only did they eliminate a large number of Zerg elites, but even the Zerg Young Master was captured.

In this way, the turmoil in the northern border naturally ended.

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