Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2679 Merit points! (2 updates)

After a while, Luo Jie became General Luo, and then he led hundreds of saint-level elites to the Death Swamp.

They thought they were going to experience a bloody battle, but who knew that when they arrived, they didn't even see a single living Zerg.

Luo Jiecheng's expression was confused. He couldn't help but glance at the Brahma Wizard and secretly admired him.

The great wizard is the great wizard!

How awesome!

The old wizard of Brahma blushed, knowing that this guy had misunderstood, he just snorted and said in a deep voice: "What are you still waiting for? Take the young Zerg master back to the fortress!"

Luo Jiecheng was stunned at first, then nodded repeatedly: "Yes! Great wizard!"

Luo Jie suddenly murmured in his heart, he came with such a huge formation, but it turned out that it was just to escort a young Zerg leader...

"Since the young master of the Zerg race has been captured, this mission should be terminated early."

The Great Wizard of Brahma looked at everyone and said solemnly: "You follow me back to the fortress. As for your merit points, just double them each and sort them."

Merit points are not only the assessment data of this mission, but also something similar to sect contribution points.

Merit points can be exchanged for various treasures directly in the temple's treasure house. Therefore, doubling the merit points is naturally good news for everyone.

After a while, everyone returned to the fortress.

After returning to the fortress, the Great Wizard Brahma asked everyone to rest for a day and then judge the merit points early tomorrow morning.

After everyone had been fighting in the northern battlefield for more than half a month, they were naturally exhausted and needed a good rest.

Early the next morning.

After a night of repairs, everyone felt a lot more energetic. Early in the morning, they took their pockets full of demon pills to the certification office for certification.

Ling Feng naturally acted together with Zhang Haoran, Sima Junting and others.

As long as you bring the demon pill you obtained to the certification office for review, there will naturally be dedicated staff who will distribute the corresponding merit points based on the quantity and grade of the demon pill.

The number of merit points obtained by everyone will be used as the assessment for this mission.

The disciple who wins first place will also be qualified to enter the temple, and can make any request to the high priest.

The high priest, that is the existence closest to the Witch God!

Meeting the high priest is already a supreme honor.

"Brother Ling, your gains this time should be quite big, right?"

Sima Junting looked at Ling Feng with a smile. When he was in the Death Swamp, the demonic elixirs in the Zerg corpses had been taken away. No need to ask, Ling Feng must have taken them away.

This batch of demon elixirs alone may be able to firmly enter the top three.

Ling Feng shrugged and smiled without saying a word.

These Zerg were originally killed by their own Blood Shadow Guards and were their trophies.

It wasn't like he was killed by Duan Lingtian, so he directly collected the demon pill without any problems. It didn't count as breaking the rules.

Halfway down the road, he suddenly saw Baili Yunxi's figure. Seeing her weak look, Ling Feng couldn't help but shake his head. It seemed that her vitality was still damaged in order to return to the fortress as soon as possible to bring in reinforcements.

The woman obviously saw Ling Feng and wanted to step forward, but when she saw that there was someone else beside Ling Feng, she gritted her teeth again and looked like she was hesitant to speak.

In the end, he just nodded slightly to Ling Feng, then turned and left.

Ling Feng also nodded towards her, and when he came back to his senses, he found that both Zhang Haoran and Sima Junting were looking at him with ambiguous expressions.

"I'll wipe it, Brother Ling, you can do it!"

Sima Junting gave Ling Feng a thumbs up, "You can even handle that woman. You are truly a dragon among men!"

"A veteran, definitely a veteran!"

Zhang Haoran also screamed, "First it's Miss Tuoba, and now it's Junior Sister Baili. Junior Brother Ling, you can do it!"


Ling Feng's forehead went dark and he was too lazy to pay attention to these two boring guys.

Soon, Ling Feng and others arrived at the certification site, and many disciples were already lining up here.

The inspection site was very simple, basically just a huge table, plus a few reviewers. Of course, in order to ensure fairness and impartiality, the Brahma Grand Wizard was also present personally to ensure that everyone's merit points were without objection.

"Cao Yang, there are ninety-two demon pills below the saint level, eleven demon pills at the early stage of the saint level, and three demon pills at the great saint level. The equivalent of merit points is 502 points, and the merit points are doubled to one thousand. Zero Four!”

A disciple named Cao Yang took out all the Zerg demon pills that he killed on the northern battlefield. After counting them, it was confirmed that the final merit points obtained were one thousand and four.

This number is already quite large, and he can be considered to be in the middle of the group of disciples.

(PS: Note that this demon elixir below the Saint level only includes the Emperor realm. The Zerg demon elixir below the Emperor realm is not recorded. Otherwise, no one will gain thousands of merit points.)

"Disciple Cao Yang, do you have any objection to this result?"

The staff member glanced at Cao Yang and handed his disciple token to Cao Yang.

"no comment."

Cao Yang took the token and stepped aside.

"Okay, next one..."

The staff member nodded and motioned for the next disciple to come forward.

The whole process is not complicated.

Soon, one disciple after another came forward to verify. The more had about five or six thousand contribution points, while the less had only five or six hundred. The difference was not small.

However, this is also related to the strategy of some people. After all, the original planning time was one month, and now it has only been half a month.

Maybe some people haven't started to take action yet, but the mission ends early, and they are naturally dumbfounded.

But there is nothing we can do about it. Things on the battlefield are often like this, changing rapidly.


The staff member shouted in a low voice and saw a tall and burly man walking to the table and handing out a bulging bag.


The next moment, a lot of demon pills were poured out from the pocket, and it was like a river of pills. It took a long time to pour out the demon pills.

"It's Senior Brother Changsun!"

Everyone looked intently, but it turned out that the disciple being tested was none other than Zhang Sunxiang, the oldest and most powerful person in this mission.

The bag in his hand is also a space magic weapon, which can hold so many demon pills at will.

"Good guy, there are quite a few demon pills!"

"This is why Senior Brother Changsun is so defiant!"

The staff responsible for counting became very busy for a while, and it took a long time before the counting was finally completed.

"Three thousand six hundred and sixty-two demon pills at the first level of the holy level, one hundred and twelve demon pills at the early stage of the saint level, thirty-one demon pills at the great saint level! One-third of the demon pills at the saint level (Because we are a team of three, we share it equally)”

The staff shouted loudly with extremely shocked expressions on their faces.

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