Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2680 I don’t accept it! (3 updates)


As soon as they heard about the Saint-level demon elixir, everyone suddenly took a breath of cold air.

"Be good, I even have a holy level demon pill!"

"It's amazing!"

"As expected of Senior Brother Changsun!"

"Senior Brother Zhangsun Niubi!"

The crowd became restless, and after calculations by the staff, it was finally determined that Zhang Sunxiang's final merit points were 10,915!

After doubling it again, it would be twenty-one thousand eight hundred and thirty!

This result is three times higher than the previous high of more than 7,000 contribution points!

Changsun Xiang showed a proud look on his face. He was also the one who realized the strange movements of the Zerg from the beginning, so he led two companions all the way towards the opposite direction of the Frozen Valley. As a result, the Zerg encountered along the way were not only numerous in number , and a strong one.

Therefore, it is quite normal for him to achieve this result.

"It seems that Senior Brother Changsun is undoubtedly the number one in this mission."

"I really envy Senior Brother Changsun that he can enter the temple!"

"Senior Brother Changsun, congratulations!"

All the disciples came forward to congratulate him, and it seemed that the person at the top of the list was Changsun Xiang.

Changsun Xiang's eyebrows were full of joy and he said: "Haha, you don't have to be envious. I'm just lucky. I was able to enter the temple first. If all the junior brothers work hard, you will have the opportunity sooner or later and you can enter the temple, hahaha!"

"Look at how proud he is!"

Among the crowd, Sima Junting felt unhappy for a while, "Isn't it just because I have practiced for several more decades? What's so great about it?"

Zhang Haoran snorted softly, "He is far behind Senior Brother Duan Lingtian back then. I don't know what to be proud of."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. With more than 20,000 merit points, does he think he is guaranteed to be the first?

It seems that he still hasn’t seen the world!

On the high platform, the Brahma Great Wizard also nodded slightly. It only took half a month to achieve such results. Even among previous operations, it was considered good.

However, the highlight of this mission is not Changsun Xiang.

The great wizard Brahma glanced at Ling Feng intentionally or unintentionally.

It can be said that this action was almost tailor-made for Ling Feng.

If he can't get first place, it means nothing.

"Heir of the witch ancestor, let me see if you are qualified to become the new generation of witch ancestor of my witch clan!"

The great wizard Brahma took a deep breath, endured his temper, and continued to observe.

One by one, the disciples tested the demon pills they obtained. However, after Chang Sun Xiang, the highest one only obtained more than 12,000 contribution points.

Compared with Changsun Xiang's results, it was almost twice as bad.


Zhang Haoran stepped forward and the score was four thousand six hundred and six hundred.

Then, Sima Junting stepped forward and his score was five thousand nine hundred and two.

Although these two people acted together as a team, Sima Junting's thunder witchcraft was obviously superior in killing the Zerg.


After the staff member finished speaking, Ling Feng finally stepped forward.


The eyes of the great wizard Brahma widened slightly, and he was very curious about what kind of achievements this boy could achieve.

The surrounding disciples all looked at Ling Feng.

Among them, Changsun Xiang was naturally included.

However, his eyes were a bit contemptuous.

Obviously, he didn't think that Ling Feng could shake his results.

"This junior brother is very lucky. He picked up a lot from senior brother Duan Lingtian, so his results should not be too bad."

"Yeah, but sometimes, luck is also part of strength!"

"makes sense."

Before Ling Feng showed off his demon pill, everyone had already started whispering.

"Tell me your name and take out your demon pill."

The staff member said calmly.

"Ling Feng."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, and the next moment, he took out a sack from the Naling Ring.

"Haha, it's actually a sack!"

Everyone burst into laughter, do you want to be so poor?

But then, Ling Feng took out the second sack.

Then, the third bite...

The fourth bite...

When Ling Feng took out the tenth sack, the smiles on everyone's faces froze.

Because they have realized that this matter is not simple!

Ten sacks, even if they contain the lowest level of demon pills, are still a lot.

However, this is far from over.

Twenty sacks!

Thirty sacks!

Forty sacks!

The whole audience was almost suffocated, and the sounds of swallowing could be heard endlessly.

Is this guy in the wholesale business of demon pills?

Even the staff were completely stunned.

This workload is definitely no less than Chang Sun Xiang’s, it’s even more than that!

However, this is not over yet!

The fiftieth sack!

The sixtieth sack!

In the end, Ling Feng actually threw out more than a hundred sacks, and then he grinned and said: "That's about it!"


The expression on the staff member's face stiffened.

The expressions of the disciples on the field were stiff.

There was also Chang Sun Xiang, whose eyes almost popped out.

With more than a hundred sacks of demon pills, you must have thrown away all the graves of the eighteen generations of Zerg ancestors!

Even the great wizard Brahma on the high platform could not help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

This kid is so cruel!


The staff member took deep breaths for more than a dozen times before finally speaking: "Junior brother, are you sure that these were obtained from the northern battlefield? If it is found that the demon pills that were previously hoarded were used, the results will be invalidated. "

"Of course they are all returned from the battlefield in the north."

Ling Feng nodded, "Don't worry, senior brother, I don't even bother to do that kind of deception."


The staff swallowed again, "Okay..."

He looked at the companions beside him and began to check hard.

for a long time……

for a long time……

Just a little longer...

Finally, the staff member said with a slight tremor in his voice: "Three..."

"Thirty thousand?"

Everyone was slightly stunned. Thirty thousand merit points had already surpassed Zhang Sunxiang's achievement.

"Three hundred and twenty thousand, six thousand seven hundred and thirty-six!"

The staff member took a deep breath and said: "After doubling all the demon elixir points, the final merit points are 326,736!"

"Three...three hundred thousand?"

Everyone was dumbfounded, and their eyes almost popped out.

Three hundred thousand!

This gap is too big!

The combined scores of everyone present couldn't stand up to Ling Feng!

"This is impossible!"

Changsun Xiang jumped up in anger, "There must be something wrong!"

"Are you doubting our professionalism?"

A staff member said solemnly: "Junior Brother Ling has more than 300 Great Saint-level demon pills alone. There are already 30,000 merit points here. Do you want to count them yourself?"

Changsun Xiang trembled all over, gritted his teeth and said: "Humph, cheating! This is just cheating!"

The next moment, he seemed to come to his senses and cursed loudly: "Yes, it must be Senior Brother Duan Lingtian who helped him cheat! That's right, how could he have accumulated so many merit points! His results are all fake! They are all cheating. Yes! I don’t accept it!”

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