Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2681 Is it easy? (1 update)

For a moment, pairs of eyes fell on Ling Feng.

There were doubts, surprises, and there were also some people who showed disdain and disdain.

Yes, under normal circumstances, how could a "weak" like Ling Feng, who was only at the first level of the Ninth Transformation Realm, kill so many strong Zerg warriors?

But if Duan Lingtian had been helping Ling Feng from the beginning, the situation would be different.

Of course they don't know that Ling Feng alone has sixty-four Asura Blood Shadow Guards, which is equivalent to carrying an elite regiment with him.

How could they compare to this monster spawning efficiency?

However, Ling Feng did not intend to explain these things.

No matter how fierce Chang Sunxiang screams, he is not the one who makes the final decision.

"Why, are you speechless after what I said?"

Changsun Xiang stared at Ling Feng coldly and cursed loudly: "You are just cheating, huh, your grades are not worth counting at all!"

Ling Feng shrugged and still did not speak. He just looked at the high platform and landed on the great wizard Brahma.

"That's right, it should be decided by the great wizard!"

Changsun Xiang bowed to the great wizard Brahma, then pointed at Ling Feng and said: "Great wizard, the disciples suspect that Ling Feng resorted to cheating to accumulate a high score of 300,000. This is not a fair competition at all, even if The disciple is convinced, and all the brothers and sisters present will never be convinced either!"

"Yes, I'm not convinced!"

"Yes, I don't accept it either!"

"He's definitely cheating!"

As soon as Zhang Sunxiang finished speaking, many disciples echoed loudly.

This is ten times higher than Chang Sun Xiang's result. Doesn't it mean that Ling Feng's strength is far stronger than Chang Sun Xiang?

How can this be!

The expression of the great wizard Brahma remained unchanged, he just stared at Ling Feng and said slowly: "Ling Feng, do you have anything to say?"

"If you think that Senior Brother Duan will assist the disciple in cheating, then the disciple has nothing to say."

Ling Feng shrugged and said calmly.


Everyone's expressions froze, yes, what kind of person is Duan Lingtian?

He is the great wizard of the Witch God Temple!

With his status, how could he knowingly break the law and help a disciple maliciously gain merit points?

Moreover, even if you want to do it, you won't do it in such an exaggerated way. Is this because you are afraid that people won't be able to see it?

"I believe that Senior Brother Duan will never be involved in such a thing!"

As Duan Lingtian's number one fan, Zhang Haoran immediately shouted loudly: "With Senior Brother Duan's character, how can he participate in such cheating?"

"that's true……"

"It seems reasonable. Who is Senior Brother Duan? He doesn't seem like someone who would do such a thing!"

Everyone was suspicious of Ling Feng's "cheating".

Could it be that he really didn't cheat?

"Hmph, regardless of whether it's Senior Brother Duan or not, he must have cheated!"

Changsun Xiang frowned when he saw that the direction of public opinion had changed.

He didn't dare to slander Duan Lingtian in public, but he just had to kill Ling Feng for cheating and make his grades count.

"Senior Brother Changsun insists that I cheated, is there any evidence?"

Ling Feng shrugged, still looking calm and calm.

"The evidence is that with your strength, it is impossible to kill so many strong Zerg warriors!"

Changsun Xiang said bitterly: "If you can prove that you have such strength, I, Changsun Xiang, will kneel down and kowtow to you in public and apologize!"

"Oh, oh, oh, I can't do it, I can't do it."

Ling Feng quickly waved his hand and said: "Senior Brother Changsun is a senior brother after all. How can you kneel and kowtow to a little junior brother like me? This is not allowed!"

"It's a joke, do you think you really have that kind of strength?"

Anger surged in Zhang Sunxiang's eyes, and a blade of darkness condensed in his hand, "If you can beat me, I will recognize your achievements!"


Ling Feng pursed his lips, looked at the great wizard Brahma, and said with a faint smile: "Great wizard, if Senior Brother Changsun admits it, will it be alright?"

Changsun Xiang's face froze. This Ling Feng was clearly trying to squeeze on him, saying that he couldn't make the decision.


The great wizard Brahma was secretly amused. This Ling Feng was really sharp-tongued and could drive Zhang Sunxiang crazy without saying a single curse word.

"Since it was Chang Sun Xiang who raised the objection, if you can convince him, the results will be counted."

The great wizard Brahma said slowly: "Not only Changsun Xiang, if there are other people who have different opinions, they can raise objections. As long as you can defeat them one by one, it doesn't matter."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows, and the great wizard Brahma's answer was simple and crude.

If anyone is dissatisfied, just convince him.

Ling Feng likes this answer!

"Did you hear that?"

Changsun Xiang swung the blade of darkness in his hand, "Beat me, and your results will count!"


Ling Feng sighed softly, showing a helpless expression.

In the eyes of others, Ling Feng had a headache having to deal with such a terrifying opponent like Chang Sunxiang.

However, Ling Feng was simply upset: I really don’t want to abuse food!

"There is no need for Senior Brother Zhangsun to take action personally to deal with him!"

A square-faced disciple who had been following Changsun Xiang sneered, "Brother, let me crush his false results!"

"That's fine!"

Changsun Xiang narrowed his eyes, his eyes full of disdain.

If Ling Feng couldn't defeat the thugs around him, he really wasn't qualified to take action.

Wouldn't this raise the other party's worth?

The square-faced disciple grinned, looked at Ling Feng, and raised his finger at him, "Take action, otherwise, you won't even have a chance to take action!"

However, the next moment!

A figure flashed past, and Ling Feng's figure and the square-faced disciple were seen passing by each other.


A crisp slap sounded, and then the square-faced disciple was seen covering his cheek, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and spitting out a row of teeth neatly.

This slap is really not light!

The whole audience was shocked. Although the square-faced disciple was far less powerful than Chang Sun Xiang, he was still Chang Sun Xiang's right-hand man, and among these disciples, he was ranked in the middle and upper reaches of his strength!

And in front of Ling Feng's slap, the square-faced disciple didn't even have time to react?

This speed is too fast!

"What's the matter with you? It's a waste of time!"

Ling Feng snorted, looked at Changsun Xiang, and said calmly: "Come on, let's fight quickly!"

Changsun Xiang's eyes narrowed and he no longer dared to underestimate Ling Feng. Instead, he stared at Ling Feng and said in a cold voice: "Good boy, you really have a few tricks up your sleeve. No wonder you can be appreciated by Senior Brother Duan, but..."

Before he finished speaking, Ling Feng's figure flew out.

Changsun Xiang's expression changed drastically. He didn't want to follow in the footsteps of the square-faced disciple, so he quickly pulled back his legs to avoid Ling Feng's slap in the face.

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