Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2682 The God of Darkness and Destruction! (2 updates)

"Senior brother, why are you running so fast? I'm just warming up."

Ling Feng grinned and actually started stretching on the spot.

The corner of Zhang Sunxiang's mouth twitched slightly, and then he became furious, "You are looking for death!"

Amidst the roar, Changsun Xiang actually cast a small forbidden spell!

Ling Feng sighed softly, the little forbidden curse was not enough.

The forbidden curse himself is not false, but the little forbidden curse is really better than his younger brother.

"Senior Brother Changsun is about to cast a small forbidden spell!"

"That's the Blade of Dark Destruction. Senior Brother Changsun actually summoned the legendary divine weapon!"

In the midst of everyone's discussion, a huge sickle-shaped scimitar, the so-called Blade of Dark Destruction, was seen suspended behind Chang Sun Xiang.

According to legend, this blade of destruction is the magic weapon of Diablo and is extremely powerful.

Although the blade of destruction summoned by Chang Sunxiang was just a shadow, the destructive power contained in it was indeed extremely real.

Almost everyone held their breath. Changsun Xiang used such a move as soon as he made his move. It seemed that the new disciple named Ling Feng was going to be unlucky.

Even if I don't die, I'm afraid I will have to lie in bed for more than half a year.

"It's a bit interesting, but only a little bit."

Ling Feng pursed his lips. Last time, Ling Feng asked Zifeng to directly deal with Zhang Sunxiang. This time, Ling Feng could only take a symbolic action.

"Summoning the Blade of Diablo Destruction is just a small forbidden spell. Today, I will show you what it means to summon the God of Diablo Destruction!"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, and the next moment, a violent force of darkness floated around him.


Everyone's eyelids were twitching wildly.

"Are you...are you kidding me? God of Darkness? Isn't that a forbidden curse?"

"How could he cast a forbidden spell?"

"That's not right. Didn't he come from the Mingguang Palace? Even if he knows the forbidden spell, it should be the forbidden spell of light, right?"

Everyone was dumbfounded. The power of darkness emanating from a disciple of the Mingguang Palace was actually much stronger than Chang Sunxiang, the genius of the Dark Witch Clan?

"Brother Zhang, what's going on?"

Sima Junting's eyes were full of shock and he couldn't help but look back at Zhang Haoran.

"Junior Brother Ling's physique is a complex body of eight elements."

Zhang Haoran swallowed hard, "So, he does have the power of darkness, but this... this..."

With Zhang Haoran's vision, it is naturally impossible to understand that a body with eight mixed elements can actually exert such pure dark power.

Among the crowd, Ye Wushang was so jealous that he exploded with jealousy. He was also called a rare genius of the dark wizard clan, but in front of Ling Feng's dark power, he felt ashamed.

"Summoning the God of Darkness and Destruction? This is indeed the forbidden spell of the Dark Witch God!"

On the high platform, a hint of excitement flashed in the eyes of the great wizard Brahma.

This forbidden spell has been lost for a long time, but Ling Feng can actually cast it. There is only one explanation for this. He is the descendant of the witch ancestor!


Changsun Xiang looked like he was crazy. He stared at Ling Feng and roared hysterically, "You said you can summon the God of Diablo, but can you really summon the God of Diablo? Who are you trying to scare? You..."

Before he finished speaking, behind Ling Feng, a huge phantom of the demon god floated up, more than twenty feet tall, exuding terrifying dark power.

Changsun Xiang was stunned, his whole body was completely stiff.

He just summoned Diablo's magical weapon, which contained a hint of the magic weapon's power.

But what Ling Feng summoned was the owner of that magical weapon!

Do we still need to fight?

Is there still capital left for this?

"Do you want to fight again?"

Ling Feng smiled jokingly, with a curve on his lips, "If this move continues, I can't guarantee whether you will survive."

Changsun Xiang trembled. Under the pressure of the Dark God of Destruction, the blade of destruction behind him had fallen apart and disintegrated on its own.

Within a radius of several hundred feet, all the power of darkness surged toward Ling Feng's body like crazy.

In his eyes, Ling Feng and the God of Dark Destruction had merged into one, turning into a god.

In fact, his legs have begun to bend slightly, and he is about to kneel down.


Changsun Xiang clenched his fist tightly, he was unwilling to give in, but he had to admit that he was not as good as Ling Feng.


On the high platform, the Brahma Great Wizard raised his hand slightly, and a powerful force of light burst out, and the God of Destruction behind Ling Feng also shrank back into his body.

"It's over, Changsun Xiang has been defeated."

The great wizard Brahma looked majestic and said calmly: "Ling Feng's results count. Okay, let's continue with the review."

Changsun Xiang was as dumb as a chicken, standing there in a daze.

When the results of all the disciples were finally registered, Ling Feng won the first place without any suspense.

Although Changsun Xiang ranked second, he was ten times behind Ling Feng's results!

"This concludes the northern support operation."

The Great Wizard of Brahma glanced at everyone and said slowly: "Within three days, everyone will leave to return to the Temple of the Witch God. Of course, there is no requirement for those who want to stay and experience. But..."

The eyes of the great wizard Brahma finally fell on Ling Feng, "The disciple who won the first place this time should go to the temple on his own within ten days. The high priest is waiting for you!"


Ling Feng bowed deeply to the Brahma Wizard and watched the Brahma Wizard leave.

"Congratulations, Junior Brother Ling!"

"Brother Ling, congratulations!"

People who had some friendship with Ling Feng came forward to congratulate him, while people who had no friendship with him also quickly came up to befriend him.

This is the reality. If Ling Feng can enter the temple and meet the high priest, he is destined to be the great wizard in the future.

His status is different from everyone present.

Three days later, Ling Feng returned to the Temple of the Witch God.

Of course, before that, Ling Feng returned to his own courtyard.

Although Ling Feng temporarily lived in Duan Lingtian's home at the beginning, after all, he still had Tuoba Yan with him, so it was not good to always be under someone else's roof.

There was no shortage of money anyway, so Ling Feng bought a villa near Duan Lingtian's villa as a temporary residence for him and Tuoba Yan.

"came back."

Seeing Ling Feng coming back, Tuoba Yan came up to him with a happy face.


Seeing Tuoba Yan's smiling face, Ling Feng's heart warmed slightly. Perhaps having someone waiting for him to come back at home was a small happiness.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng's eyes felt a little gentle.


Tuoba Yan's pretty face blushed slightly, she gritted her teeth and gave Ling Feng a look, "Why are you looking at me like this?"


Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the back of his head, and giggled a few times, "I went to the northern battlefield this time, but I encountered a lot of interesting things."


Tuoba Yan's beautiful eyes narrowed into crescent moons, and he chuckled: "You must have done some deception again."

"Tch, I'm that kind of person!"

Ling Feng's forehead darkened. Tuoba Yan definitely had some misunderstanding about him!

Just when Ling Feng was about to explain, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Dong dong dong!"

The knock on the door was slightly muffled. Ling Feng looked back and saw a familiar face.

"Ye Wushang?"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. He and Ye Wushang didn't have any friendship, right?

Speaking of which, it was just a friendship to beat him up, nothing more.

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