Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2684 Do you recognize this formation? (1 update)

Staring at the statue of the witch clan, Ling Feng seemed to have entered an illusory time and space.

In the haziness, I seemed to see a figure, expanding infinitely in my mind.

"Is this the witch ancestor?"

Ling Feng made a "thump" sound in his heart, his face became solemn, and he knelt down on one knee towards the figure of the witch ancestor.

Since he has received the inheritance from the witch ancestor, he is the descendant of the witch ancestor and can be considered as his half disciple.

It is also appropriate to kneel down and worship him.

In front of his eyes, there was only endless darkness, nothingness, vastness and depth, as if he was in an endless void.

In Ling Feng's spiritual world, that figure filled the entire sea of ​​consciousness, so huge that it was indescribable.

Under his feet, he stepped on a six-pointed star that was constantly changing colors and forms. Sometimes it was as blazing as fire, sometimes as turbulent as the ocean tide, sometimes as violent as lightning, sometimes like a whistling wind...

He just stood in the void, stepping on the six-pointed star, as if he was integrated with the whole world.

"You can recognize this formation!"

The next moment, a vast sound sounded.

Ling Feng's eyes were dull. He looked at the six-pointed star at the feet of the witch ancestor and shook his head slightly.

Every time this magic circle is switched, it seems to have the power of top-level rules. It seems that it is easy to complete the switching of various forbidden spells.

With Ling Feng's current strength, although he could cast several forbidden spells at the same time, it was at best a matter of quantity, and each of the forbidden spells failed to reach its full potential.

The six-pointed star formation at the feet of the witch ancestor is like a forbidden curse engine, flowing continuously and endlessly.

This kind of power made Ling Feng feel very familiar.

Because that is the power of chaos!

"This formation is called Zhoutian Chaos!"

The ancestor Wu's eyes did not look at Ling Feng. It seemed that in his eyes, there was only the truth between heaven and earth.

"Is Zhou Tian in chaos..."

Ling Feng seemed to have a clear understanding in his heart.

"You take a good look."

For a moment, the figure of the witch ancestor soared in the void, and the colorful lights flashed up at the same moment. The mysterious mantras were like imprints, engraved on Ling Feng's spiritual sea, and would never be erased.

In an instant, Ling Feng felt that the power of his consciousness was being consumed rapidly, as if his entire body had been hollowed out in an instant.

This Zhoutian Chaos Formation is beyond the control of a saint-level warrior. It is a kind of power that is close to the Great Dao, and it is definitely not something that ordinary saints can understand.

As for Ling Feng, who was uniquely endowed with a colorful fighting spirit, he was barely able to accept the various evolutions of the Zhoutian Chaos Formation.

a long time!

A long time!

I saw Wu Ancestor pointing his left hand upwards, and the six-pointed star under his feet suddenly began to inspire circles of dazzling divine light.

The many forbidden spells of the twelve witch gods seem to have the power to create heaven and earth in the hands of the witch clan.

The next moment, what made Ling Feng even more stunned was that the mysterious witchcraft inscriptions condensed one by one and merged into one. Finally, they turned into a peerless sword that shook the heavens and crowned the world.

"This sword is called Zhoutian Chaos Sword!"

The Wu clan murmured softly, as if they didn't see Ling Feng's expression, and were just minding their own business, changing different techniques.

The Zhoutian Chaos Sword seemed to be alive, sometimes far away in the sky, and sometimes very close at hand.

Ling Feng was dumbfounded. Even a saint-level expert would never be able to react to this speed, right?

What are the consequences of not being able to react?

That’s an instant kill!

Kill the Holy Lord instantly!

Ling Feng's heart was beating fast. If he could master the Zhoutian Chaos Sword, wouldn't he have the power to kill the Holy Lord in an instant?

Not to mention, there is the Zhoutian Chaos Formation that can continuously switch various forbidden spells and various attribute powers in an instant!


The next moment, the sword light dissipated and turned into a series of inscriptions, returning to the feet of the witch ancestor, flowing quietly, and everything returned to peace.

The Witch Ancestor stood with his hands behind his back, as if he were a banished immortal.

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